
How can I join the staff?

Staff applications are open at all times to Premium members; for non-Premiums, we will occasionally post in our news forums with them when we need people. If you feel you have something unique to offer the site in the meantime, contact a staff member.

What is a Reporter?

A Reporter is akin to a “site staff” member, but they are not limited to that role. There are three major types: News Reporters, Media Content Recorders, and Translators. News Reporters work hard to make sure our homepage is up-to-date with the latest Kingdom Hearts news and goings-on. Media Content Recorders provide us with the videos we offer for download. Translators support the news team by translating any foreign announcements or content about the series.

Where can I see a list of all the staff members?

Visit this page to familiarize yourself with our staff. Do note that our entire staff is not listed; only those who have submitted bios are.

What is a Sectional Moderator?

A Sectional Moderator possesses power in only a few areas of the forum. They can lock, move, and delete threads only within their assigned sections. While they lack power in other sections, if they ask you to do something or reprimand you, they are to be taken seriously, regardless of the forum.

What is an Administrator?

Administrators are the ‘head honchos’ of the site, if you will. They have all the powers of other usergroups and more. If you are experiencing major problems with the site in general, or really anything at all, they are the ones to go to.

What is a Premium member? How can I become one? What are the benefits?

The Premium usergroup is the sole usergroup you can enter without being considered a staff member. Accumulating 1000 posts will automatically add you to the group. Premium members are allotted a larger signature, a colored username, a custom usertitle, a secret section, unlimited name changes, and more.

What is a Super Moderator? How are they different from Sectional Moderators?

A Super Moderator is like a Sectional Moderator, but with more power. They have control of every section of the forum, they can ban members, and more. Staff members typically begin as Sectional Moderators and are later promoted to Super Moderators.

What is a Coder?

Coders are a specialized type of Moderator, with power only in the Code Vault. They keep it tidy and provide new codes & hacks to our forums.
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