WOW this one looks really good! It all dark and cool but you still see batman ;D it's amazing tbk ^^ and you made one with batman ;D Congrats to the person who have birthday ^^
T_T...*never got shiny heavenly Riku wallpaper* v1 all the way! I love it so much, as usual, great blending! There really ain't much to say other than the fact it's total awesome stuff =D However I don't like how the lightsource was handled at all in the other versions, it really just looks like a burn on the sig >_< Well I dunno, I have a really bad tendency to see things in different ways so. Great job as always! *backslap*
Sorry BK, I don't like it. V1 is too dark, not very good lighting. All the other versions, because of the lighting, look like floating heads. I hate the coloring of V3, and V4 has horrid contrast. Overall, it has potential, but I don't like it. You could have chosen a better stock. 6.5/10
What's not to like? IT'S BATMAN! GEEZ! XD I like the background and shading of the first one. Gives me that feeling of an actual 'Dark Knight'.
I have to agree with Cin on this one, BK. The lighting has to be toned down a lot. Horridly monotone, add some more colors.