It was my first mainstream contemporary musician concert i've been to. I really enjoyed seing him live even though he is not my favourite artist, and I think it was awesome to have as a first experience to look at other concerts I attend. Soooooo what do you guys think of John? And what was concert that you have been to do you use to measure other ones? :lolface: Sorry for the enthusiasm I am still riding my joy wave from the concert.
I'm not much of a John Mayer fan. His songs sound kind of the same-ish and a bit bland-ish to me. :/ But I'm glad you enjoyed your first concert. :'D The best concert I've ever been to was U2 back in September. (here's a video I took of one of the songs) That was my latest one, so I don't know how future ones are gonna compare to it. XD
Yeah I know what you mean by how he sounds kind of the same-ish and a bit bland-ish. That's why he isn't my number one favourite. U2 is a really good choice to go and see live! They would be so awesome.