Zhe Axelrific Family!! (Zhe One Zhe Only)

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Lulus_Moogle, Jul 26, 2007.


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  2. No! Keep it the same!! I like it the way it is.

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  1. {Vena_Sera}_ The Anti{Saint} King's Apprentice

    Jun 28, 2007
    As the Monster Under You Bed
    sure why not. nothing else to do.

    hey Guardian_soul let me follow you. walks behind him/her.
  2. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Ahahaha, I wanna see! -Excited-
  3. Namine4ever101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 27, 2007
    from arcantress's signature:
    98% of the internet population has a myspace account. it you are part of the 2% that can resist stupid fads, copy and paste this into your signature.
    W00h i would lik to point out i hav a myspace!w00h for fads!
  4. Arcantress King's Apprentice

    Sep 27, 2007
    Hmmm. Here?

    this is really long so... bear with me...

    She woke up to the rustling and bustling of another weary day of preparation. However, she noticed the tension in the air- the silence looming above their heads, threatening to slit their throats, like a murderer from a bad dream. Cautiously, she opened her eyes and sat up. Owen was at her side in a flash. “What is it?†She barely breathed in his ear. “Somebody’s decided to stumble upon our base. He’s about 30 yards out, but he’s not just exploring. We’re going to see what he wants.†He paused, as if waiting for something. He just looked at her. After moments of him staring at her, she asked irritably, “What?†“I said we’re going to see what he wants. ‘We’re’ as in us. Come on!†He grabbed her hand and pulled her up. She dusted off her armor, pulled her quiver over her shoulder, and grabbed her bow. “Ready,†she said, more brightly than she felt. He smiled gloriously at her. She smiled back. They set off down the hill.

    “So, what do you think he wants?†Owen shrugged. “Well, I’m not sure. But maybe… just maybe he only wants to see what we are doing. After all, he could be a nomad.†“Could,†she repeated, voice dripping with doubt. Why a nomad would come this close to what was obviously a battle station, she couldn’t imagine. Spies were not uncommon during times of warfare, and you had to be careful. They were within earshot now, so she didn’t put these fears into spoken words.

    Time seemed to slow down as they approached each other. While their footsteps closed the visible gap between them, tension, wariness, and curiosity closed the mental one. As he got closer, she could see more of his features. Slim, lanky body, with raven black hair that shaded his eyes in the front, but dipped down into a braid that went all the way down his back. His arms were slightly muscled underneath his royal-looking garments. His walk was casual, but he was walking fast now that he saw they were coming to speak with him.

    They finally reached each other, keeping a one-foot gap between the two groups. “Hello,†the young man said, speaking first. She saw now that his eyes were a golden brown, like warm honey. His voice was not quite deep, but confident, with obvious authority in it. She put him at 17, which was two years older than what she actually was. Owen and Gabriella bowed. “Hello,†they both said. Owen spoke next. “What are you doing around here?†He asked, trying to sound casual. “Oh, just wandering the neighborhood. I see there is a battle brewing,†he observed, nodding his head at them. Gabriella nodded. “Between Avery and Evelyn.†He nodded. “I’m sorry, where are my manners? My name is Alexander, but you may call me Alex.†Owen started immediately in. “I’m Owen, and this is Gabriella.†His eyes went to Gabriella, putting her under a stare that made her heart misbehave. “Gabriella… such a pretty name,†he said, putting her hand up to his lips. A deep red went from her cheeks to her neck, even touching the tips of her ears. He put her hand down, still holding her in his gaze. Owen was glaring at him, nostrils flaring. “I don’t currently belong to either side of this battle, but I would like to join. Seeing as though I found you first…†Alex said, then paused and looked around. Lowering his voice, he added, “Why don’t you take me back to your base, tell me the story behind this war?†Own nodded, and Gabriella was sure she could see the suspicion in his eyes. They turned and walked back to camp.

    They approached the General quietly, unsure of what his mood was. He was a stocky man, but firm and quite scary when he wanted to be. He was able to keep all the soldiers in line when he needed to. After all, why else would they not be running off at night, to spy on the other side, unauthorized?

    He was facing the sun, the breeze ruffling his hair a tad. He was gruff as he turned to them and said, “What d’ya want? This army’s not goin’ta assemble itself, doncha know.†They laughed brightly. “I believe Alexander here has something he’d like to ask you,†Owen said, pushing (slightly) Alex in front of him. Alex nearly stuttered as he spoke. “Well, these two came to meet me, and I learned of this battle from them. I was wondering if… if I could join,†he finished, looking boldly into the General’s eyes. Surprising them all, he answered, “Well there, young’in, seein’ as though we could use that sort of enthusiasticism, shore! They’ll outfit ya in some chain mail, give ya some real armor.†He gave Alex a slap on the back as they turned to walk away.

    “He isn’t that friendly to even us,†Gabriella said, clearly in awe. Alex shrugged. “Must be charisma,†he mused, giving her a sly wink. Gabriella laughed, but she didn’t mis the scowl Owen had on his face behind Alex’s back. He stuck out a foot, which Alex tripped over. “My apologies, Alexander… here, let me help you up…†Gabriella raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment on it. Best to let boys be boys….
  5. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    I also have a myspace.
  6. Arcantress King's Apprentice

    Sep 27, 2007
    Hmmm. Here?
    This is a scene from the beginning/middle of a small story i'm writing :)

    i got writers block from the beginning scence, so i wrote what i wanted to happen later in the book :)
  7. {Vena_Sera}_ The Anti{Saint} King's Apprentice

    Jun 28, 2007
    As the Monster Under You Bed
    ...::/Final_Falling\::... is on it all day but now he's grounded sucks for him. he going to make me one either that or my sister.
  8. yushe\sora Twilight Town Denizen

    Too many post *is being drownd by the number of post*
  9. {Vena_Sera}_ The Anti{Saint} King's Apprentice

    Jun 28, 2007
    As the Monster Under You Bed
    going to my story...
  10. Lulus_Moogle Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 2, 2007
    El hora de los emos
    Myspace is stupid. Enough said
  11. Arcantress King's Apprentice

    Sep 27, 2007
    Hmmm. Here?

    Thank god, someone agrees!
  12. {Vena_Sera}_ The Anti{Saint} King's Apprentice

    Jun 28, 2007
    As the Monster Under You Bed
    uh, hi this is my first time on the creativity corner but i have been trying to write a book but when i found out about this i was really happy. but here it is. oh yeah there is some langauge,violence,blood,and other stuff.


    One night under a creasent moon, a man sits ontop of the old cross upon the roof of the mezprit church. Thinking of the last three years, a war going to the end of the world. Pulling the earth into empty spiral. lives falling to hell and rising to heaven. Bayonets into chests, bullets into skull, blood covering the earth and bodies of the human race and other species.

    Muroku stood and jumped off landing in a crouching position. His right arm stinging with pain, hangs outside of his collar but with his elbow inside in the shirt. His sleeve hangs freely. Muroku runs in a rush towards the town. running in shock, a gun shoots whiles a plane drops troops over the town. the city being ambushed by an unknown army, muroku drops! laying in the streets that was covered in bullets before the end of the war. A man comes running with the photos of the shooters and the armies that ambushed the town.

    "Muroku, wake up, Muroku. HELP" a man said.

    "What? What the hell is going on?" responded muroku

    "Muroku! take the photos to Rin. These..will....help."

    Muroku stands and walk over to the man. He puts his hand over the wound, and looks back. Pulls out a pistol with three barrells, and shoots. the three bullets shatter a window shooting a man in the neck. muroku takes the photos and put in his ropes pocket.

    While he walkes, his phone rings. It's Rin. Muroku picks up his phone. "What do you need?" Muroku said.

    "These planes, their not from here. When Edge died, there was only buildings. But something survied." Rin said.

    "That can't be! We scanned the whole city! Nothing, are you sure it's from there?"


    "Classify it as top secret."

    "Okay. Wait! There is symbol on the side of the plane. It's a symbol known for the organization "Akatsuki"."

    "Don't let this get released on the news or life will be living hell"

    "Okay, get to town and kill the troops, bye"

    "Got it, bye"

    Rin stops and takes a deep breath. "We're gonna have a hard life, Nero."

    Nero stands and says "Just common sence. But, you need to get the troops out. Get the troops here, and muroku in Edge. Mezprit may die and not be able to be rebuilt. We were lucky. Trust me we won't survive!"

    Nero walked away and disappered into a life stream and returned to the planet.

    "Why? You're gone, we're being attacked, and this may be the end."

    Rin stands and gets down on his knees and talks to him self. "If this is the end? Let us all die, with tears in our eyes. Coming down to take us to the planet."


    The saying: If this is the end? Let us all die, with tears in our eyes. Coming down to take us to the planet, ran through Muroku's head. " Will this really happen? How did the Akatsuki clan survive?"

    "GET DOWN!!!" A voice shoutting from beyond Muroku presents.


    Muroku's mind runs freely and stops. His mind just goes blank. reacting to the yell, he runs with all his energy. " Let this end, with all fate in hand, let our death be unheard and others to understand." Muroku whispered and turned into a yell.

    Rin came with the troops. He commanded " Go run the enemy out of here, get medical help, and capture their aircrafts." Rin took out his phone and called Muroku. " Muroku!" Rin said

    "What?" Muroku said

    "Where are you?"

    "Outside of town square."

    "Okay, get in, run the enemy out, or kill if needed."

    "Got it, bye."


    Muroku ran in pulled out his gun and shot. One man killed by shot in the neck, others by explosion from the bullets that were shot into a barrell of oil.

    "There goes some of the men." said a mysterious voice

    "How? Only bullets hit the oil. how did it explode?" Another voice said.

    " The heat radiation from the bullets where able to be an artifical fire heat which lite the oil which blew killing our men. When a bullet is shot it is heated up and the gun powder inside the casing lights and pops and shoos the bullet out of the barrell."


    this is the end of chapter one. if there are any flaws or mistakes please notifie me. thankyou for reading
  13. Namine4ever101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 27, 2007
    lol cool! id add you but yea i lik dont kno you so yea...lol
  14. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    No it is not, myspace is important.
  15. Namine4ever101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 27, 2007
    lol i can see it now in the rules:NO TLAKING ABOUT MYSPACE!
    but i think its cool if you dont lik it oh well
    no one said u had too
  16. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007

    ...HAS SPOKEN! -Bows-

    @Arcantress - O.O; That story was AWESOME SO FAR!!! =D Fantastic, I love it! You didn't have any spelling or grammar problems that I noticed ^^;. As a side note, though, when someone else starts talking, you start a new paragraph. Otherwise -- Perfect =3!

    EDIT: -Le gasp- Look, another story! -Goes to read- XDD...
  17. {Vena_Sera}_ The Anti{Saint} King's Apprentice

    Jun 28, 2007
    As the Monster Under You Bed
    how much do you want to bet that i going to be on it fior one week, then think this sucks. amen

    i made one two years ago as a joke.
  18. Arcantress King's Apprentice

    Sep 27, 2007
    Hmmm. Here?

    Alllrighy.... that was...

    well... okay, *removes self from being a girlygirl who isn't interested in that type of writing*

    Aight! The writing was actually very good, i just don't like the storyline that much. But that's *just me*.

    Kyaa.... did not know that... *must go edit*
  19. Lulus_Moogle Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 2, 2007
    El hora de los emos
    I cracked up so hard when I read that stardust and I'm spoce to be writing my report and my mom was like "What?" and I was like "Funny thing in the story..?"
  20. Arcantress King's Apprentice

    Sep 27, 2007
    Hmmm. Here?
    weeellll.... my mom is going to get very mad at me if i stay on the computer all night tonight like i've been doing since i got my user activated....lol!

    So i'll see y'all later... prolly go read or HEY! Level up sora so i can beat the game before my BFF!

    See ya laters, taders!
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