Zhe Axelrific Family!! (Zhe One Zhe Only)

Discussion in 'Forum Families' started by Lulus_Moogle, Jul 26, 2007.


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  1. Stormwolf101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 23, 2007
    Andalasia. 8D
    Actually, I saw this myself.

    Well, I'm not going to start an argument as things like this can be settled more maturely. But I don't see why you wouldn't like me just for not getting on more often. I can't be on forums all day chatting when I have school, video projects, fan fiction, and chores to work with. There are times things are so busy, I don't even get any computer time until around midnight. Why you want to dislike me for that, I am unsure. But I can say I am a friendly member here and I've never done anything wrong to make anyone hate me...
  2. Namine4ever101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 27, 2007
    I dont hate you!! if that help -hehe-
    soo hmm now wat????/
  3. Stormwolf101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 23, 2007
    Andalasia. 8D

    Thanks, Namine. ^^ I have to go now though. Like I said, I have school. Need to get up early. Bye! <3
  4. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Umm...What just happened? O.O;...
  5. dandanrevolutionextreme Banned

    Feb 11, 2007
    under the sky so blue....
    its not that i hate you or dislike you, its that your not on all that often, so i dont know you all that well....
  6. Stormwolf101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 23, 2007
    Andalasia. 8D
    Nothing really. Just a small misunderstanding. I just wanted to get my point across that I've never had any logical reason for anyone to hate me, and wanted to explain to Dan why I can't be on as much as everyone else.

    Well, it's nice to hear you didn't actually mean your previous statement. As for not knowing me well, there really isn't much to know about me. ^^' But if you think I need to open up more and talk more often for you to feel you know me better, I will try to talk more. It's just that, as I had stated before, I've been rather busy so whatever amount of time I can spend on here is usually limited.
  7. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Oh, okay XDD. I see.

    [And as a side note, Dan: I would never save a message onto my computer to run off and...Er, 'tattle' on you to somebody else. IMO it'd be both rude to you and Stormy if I went off to her and said, "ZOMG, Dan said something about you in the forum family!" XDD That would cause arguments, rifts, and well...Trouble in general, which is the last thing I would want to cause. Instead I'd have you both work this out without me gossiping or whatever, since this obviously doesn't involve me X.x...And that's what you guys appear to be doing anyway, as whatever minute 'argument' this caused looks to be just about over. And if you notice, I mentioned nothing to either of you about the matter other than "What's going on?", mainly because I was genuinely lost and confused >.>;. I missed a couple pages while my grandparents were dragging me around town yesterday.]

    =3 Soo...Anything new? XDD
  8. Stormwolf101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 23, 2007
    Andalasia. 8D
    There was no real argument. ^^ I replied without trying to start an arugement or forum war. Just as you said, that's also the last thing I'd want. Forum wars cause nothing but trouble, so I try to avoid them whenever possible and never try to start any. Tattling is also something I wouldn't do. I'm not a gossip girl. xD People that gossip and say stuff behind others' backs are the people that really annoy me. Lots of girls like that in school. -_-''

    Anything new? Nope. Not really. ^^ Just working on some homework right now. Oh. I'm almost done my Wolf's Rain video to "Imperfection". It'll be the first video that I actually pushed myself to complete in quite some time. I really need to dump the habit of abandoning projects.

    EDIT: But how are you doing? Your last video was AWESOME! X3 It's in my favs. Your vidders make me so jealous of Vegas. xD *kicks WMM*
  9. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Yeah, I've met several girls like that as my school as well >.>;. Infact, this entire school I go to is made up of them, save for maybe two or three. All they do is gossip, it makes me sick D:. And this is private school, too, though in my experiences, private schools are often worse with gossip because you're in such a small community... You only have eachother to talk about =/. Which might be why I have no friends there; I talk to noone and about noone.

    Of course, gossip never helps when it comes full circle and bites you in the ***, causing you to lose all your friends XDD [I've seen it happen >.>;. I've also lost all of my friends because of someone gossiping about ME, but that's beside the point ^^;]. That aside...

    I'M SO EXCITED! Your preview was awesomeee. <33 I loved it, andand, don't worry, I abandon projects verrryy often. Ever seen my The Bird and The Worm video? I nearly abandoned that one x.x;. So maybe I HAVE cursed you XDD.
  10. Stormwolf101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 23, 2007
    Andalasia. 8D
    I know what you mean. I don't really talk to many people my age around here either. I only have one friend from my old school, who is a boy. I couldn't find at least one girl that wasn't evil and gossiping all the time. And the one girl that I thought was nice and that I believed would always be my best friend, ended up betraying me for her popular friends and completely writing me off her friend list to the point that she ignored me and did everything possible to drop me. And that was after six years of our close friendship.

    Yep, I saw that one. That one was awesome too! X3

    Hehe. Nah, you didn't curse me....I hope. 0_0'' But I've had this issue for a long time, even before I joined here. I think it all started after I got more movies to work with besides KH and Balto. I have so much available, I want to make videos to everything I have on my computer and I start multiple projects to multiple movies and shows that never get done. x'D Bad, Stormy.
  11. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Aaaack, your life sounds similar to mine in that regard. I've also had a friend who knew this girl who decided to drop her and become popular, so my friend gets treated like dirt by her now...Except when she doesn't have anyone else to hang out with. Then the girl treats her like gold. =/ It's kinda sad to watch, because my friend is slowly losing all of her other friends too, and she's completely miserable and I'm 800 miles away (and therefore powerless to do anything about it ><). Every day she tells me about how she cried because she missed me at school, and how she feels so left out from her friends. I really hate moving T.T. So even though this girl only pays any attention to her when everyone else is busy, my friend still hangs out with her, because all of her friends never call her or anything.

    XDD I know what you mean about wanting to make videos out of everything, I feel the same way...Well, I only work with KH [FOR NOW XDDD], but I mean, I want to make a video for EVERY SINGLE SONG I OWN X.X;. And then they started getting near impossible to finish once I got all picky and tried to make them perfect. Which never works, but me trying to do so makes them impossible to finish >.>;. I also have trouble picking up a project again after I close my editor, and I have no idea why o.O;. I still remember when I could complete a video in an hour or two and I wouldn't HAVE to close my editor, but those days are long gone now...
  12. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Whats up and did I miss anything?
  13. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    XD You missed me and Stormy talking about how much we hate gossip, along with AMVs.


    Which we still are, so no, you didn't miss much. BUTBUT! I got a new anime yesterday ~ Ghost in the Shell. It was marked 13+ on the box, but I'm beginning to think more and more they marked it wrong >.>;. It got very close to...Erm...XDD YOU KNOW in just the first episode. I mean, it didn't ACTUALLY, but it came close, and then everyone was killing eachother...The second one wasn't so close, but there was lots of killing, smoking, drinking, blood, and then they talked about...More...Yeah. And then I turned it off and played .Hack some more >.>;. Oh yes, and there was cursing in there too. I'm also not too fond of the English dub, but that's beside the point ^^;. I really should just stick to Naruto. Maybe it'll calm down after the first few episodes. >.>

    Oh yes, and upon looking it up on Wikipedia, I found it was on Adult Swim. So it probably shouldn't have been marked so low.

    It's nothing extaordinarily explicit, I'm just scared it'll get worse, and then my mom will walk in and ask me what the hell I've been watching D:.
  14. Stormwolf101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 23, 2007
    Andalasia. 8D
    I have a close friend that moved away. Really, really far. I know how you feel. I still keep in touch with her, using instant messanger though. However, I do miss seeing her in person. She was the only girl I ever knew that always stayed nice to me. Unlike my supposed 'best friend' who ended up not being the 'best' afterall. In fact, the nice friend that moved away is the one that got me into anime and Kingdom Hearts. ^^ All the more reason to miss her. I would have no clue about Wolf's Rain either, if it weren't for her telling me to watch it when it used to be on adultswim. Lots of good memories. It's sad, really. Why is it that the true friends are usually the ones to move away? *sniffs*
  15. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Ok well I have been making my amv on Vegas.
  16. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    I really don't know D:. Nobody has really liked me at school, I've always had some social issues, been isolated from the group...Well, one girl decided she wanted to be my friend as soon as she was about to move away =/. And even though this was in second grade, I can't help but wonder if it was just to make me upset when she left. I mean, of all times to decide to befriend somebody, right before you move is the worst.

    My friend who got me into KH (and anime, and videogames in general) is back in Colorado where I came from, along with the other friend I was telling you about. I only kept in contact with the closest of my friends, and that friend...Well, she was really nice to me, but after middle school started and we went to different schools, we didn't hang out much anymore D:. I wanted to call her reaaally bad before I moved, but I couldn't remember her phone number. I just remember a bunch of fours being in it, and just about all my friends' numbers have a lot of fours >.>;. So it didn't help too much.

    EDIT: Oh, how's Vegas going? =3
  17. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    So far I have been doing well.
    The only thing I am having trouble with is bezier masking.

    EDIT: Why are you guys talking in paragraphs?
  18. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    Which is the biggest pain in the world D:. I'm not very good at it (see how sloppy my masking is in this video), but I'm open to questions if you have any XDD.
  19. Stormwolf101 Moogle Assistant

    Jul 23, 2007
    Andalasia. 8D

    Nobody really liked me either. xD I've always been anti-social around my age group too. It's not that I hate people. It's just that, quite unfortunately, most of them these days are mean and rude; not very friendly at all. Even if a popular person tried to befriend me, I wouldn't want any part of it. I'd rather be the quiet girl with few but loyal friends, rather than the popular girl with numerous back-stabbing friends that spend most of their time picking the nice people apart and even talking about each other behind their backs. I've seen the popular group do that before. They act like they're all best friends, yet when one girl leaves to do something real quick, they all say mean things about her. It really is sick.
  20. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    That was a great video and how did you make the screen shake like in the 0:09.
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