Traditional Art Zexion =D

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Sexy Sheva, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. amythest Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 16, 2007
    on earth
    ya the lips are a little off.. OMFG! i love the hair! ^^ sexy zexy! XP
  2. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    You already read it, but Cin is right. When you draw you gotta take some chances, you have nothing to lose - instead you might gain something by trying different ways of doing things. But it's hard to do so since we can't be there to give advice during the progress of a drawing, so use your mindpower to try to loosen up.

    Right, that might not have made much sense atm, but keep drawing. References are good to use of course, but try to mix in things that can be learned with tutorials. There's a thread here with some nice ones that should help giving you an idea how the body works:

    OK, about your drawing:

    That's some very thick lineart... Are you using a colour pencil for them? It's not the best idea for something as small as this, I'd recommend that you use a regular pencil which is HB, mechanic pencil (they're extra thin) or a 2B one. It will look less smudgy because the lead is harder. Or simply use a ballpoint pen or marker pen.

    As mentioned, try to use more colours when you draw - you'd be surprised how many different colours there can be in a simple area. Examples are yellow, ochre, orange, red, blue/dark blue/purple, even green on the skin alone. It's something that you must train your eyes to spot. In the link I just posted here there is a tutorial under Traditional Tools that explains how you shade with colour pencils, I'd check it out. :3

    I won't say much about the anatomy, but be careful when you draw lips. It's easy to make the lines too strong for the upper and lower lip. In manga style you can choose to simplify parts of the body, just like you did with the nose by having it as a pointy triangle. Sometimes just drawing the line that separates the upper and lower lip is enough. But that's something you can experiment with to find your style of drawing.

    Keep drawing. :3
  3. rIkUsBlaD3_999 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 1, 2008
    Twilight Town
    when i draw manga i can do it, but i always have problems with the eyes. i just cant get em right!!