Zelidar: The Land of the Sky

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Pezz, Jul 17, 2009.

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  1. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    RP Setting

    Imagine a world of magic. A world of wonder. A world of good. A world of evil. A world where the laws of the physics can be Bended to one’s will, where mystical creatures walk the land, where the energy from life itself can become one's weapon. This is the world of Laifel.

    Note: This Rp is a spin off from my other RP, The World of Laifel. This one takes places on another continent. New creatures, new characters, new villains, and a new story.

    About This World​

    Laifel is a world that is vast in size. Featuring 8 different continents, This RP will take place on the Continent of Zelidar. Zelidar, the Land of the Sky. An isolated continent that literally floats in the sky. The land is broken into five different islands that are surrounded by an ocean of clouds.

    Life energy, called Lineve, is thick in this part of the world, especially beneath the ocean of clouds. This thick atmosphere of Lineve helps to keep the continent afloat. The humans, of this land, have long sought to harness Lineve and use it to power machines. It is because of this desire that the Lineve Project began.
    Zelidar is still under the creation stage. Feel free to help out.

    The Story

    Ten years ago, on the island of what is now known as Vizet Oi’zein, An organization of humans conducted an experiment on the world’s flows of Lineve. The goal of the experiment was to obtain additional knowledge about Lineve and its makeup. To do that, scientists created a device that would decompose a sample, from a flow of Lineve.

    The device was a success. It was able to successfully decompose Lineve. However, the humans didn’t anticipate that this would cause the flow, which the decomposed Lineve was connected to, to completely vanish.

    The loss, of that entire flow, resulted in major ramifications. The flows of Lineve became tangled all across Zelidar. The land of Zelidar began to experience all sorts of discord. Never ending storms brewed in the oceans of cloud. Certain animals lost their will to live and starved themselves to death. The island of Yeiwn turned into a wasteland that was no better than a desert. Much of the land to the north became cold and froze over. And all the people that lived, on the island of Vizet Oi’zein, died or vanished from the world. Those were some of the many effects caused from the loss of that single flow of Lineve. But the worst had yet to come.

    No longer than a month after the experiment took place, the land of Vizet Oi’zein began to slowly rot. The air became unnaturally thick and hot. Water became poison and burned the skin. Plants began to rot without even withering. Trees lost their leaves and became chaotically twisted. The ground turned to sludge and sinking pits began to form. The air was especially foul; it reeked of decay.

    Vizet Oi’zein had become a land of dangers and terrors. Very few traveled to the island after its transformation. Those that did, did so in groups. Many never returned from the god forsaken isle. Those that did, usually returned injured and alone. Their tales were that of horror. The animals of the land had become vicious and horribly mutated. Bizarre, dangerous plants had begun to grow in the rot. But the greatest terror that they spoke of was what they referred to as ‘The Shadows’.

    As the years went by it became apparent that Vizet Oi’zein was becoming increasingly more dangerous, and worse yet, The Rot was spreading into the surrounding oceans of cloud. But that wasn’t all, there was even more cause for concern. Every now and then, creatures, humans included, would begin to randomly freak out and start attacking anything in sight. The ever peaceful kingdom, of Belkin, had randomly declared war on their friendly neighboring country, Evieri. Strange monsters had begun to attack villages. People would go missing. Whispers began to spread of murderous ‘shadows’ that would appear, kill, and vanish. Everyone agreed that the land of Zelidar was in the middle of a crisis.

    Many beings of the land cursed the humans for their stupidity. They should have never meddled in what they did not fully understand. Fingers were pointed. Relationships were shattered. The world was dying and it was the humans’ fault.

    Amidst all the chaos a new danger was brewing. For not all the humans, on Vizet Oi’zein, had died. There were a few whose life energy was absorbed into the flows of Lineve, and after years of floating around in the Lineve flows, they were finally breaking free from their prison. Their bodies had been built anew, but inside they had changed. Some for the better, others for the worse…


    Read the rules before playing.
    1. No god powers
    2. Use proper grammar and spelling
    3. color code your character
    4. Killing other people's characters is allowed with their permission.
    5. Please only ages 15 and up
    6. Try to not use curse words. Words, like Damn, are fine.
    7. Romance is ok, but don't go into the "Ooo la la" stuff
    8. You cannot control other people's characters.
    9. Be sure to at least skim through all the information about this rp
    10. be courteous to others
    11. Crossbreeds cannot be half Insect, Shadow, Mutation, or Entity.
    12. Powers should make sense.
    13. PM me your characters before posting them. Only post them if I give you permission.
    14. Try to advance the story in a way that will allow others to join in. And please no "I knew it all along" BS please.
    15. I will give you two warnings if you constantly break the rules. The third warning will result in the death of your character and you will not be allowed to play in this RP again. If you continue to post after that, I will report you to an admin.
    16. Type "Pezz is the Greatest!" on your first post so I know you read the rules.
    17. Have fun!

    Creatures of the Land

    Humans- No need to describe them. We all know what humans are. Humans are allowed to have one of three powers. They can either use telekinesis, magic, or they can be a Shaper. For more info on these powers, view the section "Powers".

    Fairrels- Animals with human characteristics. Some appear more human than others. there are several different tribes. Fairrels are faster than humans, have quick reactions, and each tribe specializes in its own style of Martial Arts. Occasionally Fairrels use weapons. Their weapons almost always are without blades. Fairrels prefer to squat instead of sit. Some fairrels in Zelidar are also capable of using a little bit of magic. For more info on magic, view the section "Powers".

    Types of Fairrels

    • Cat Clan - The Cat Clan (CC) Prefer living in the trees. All of them have cat ears and some have tails. A few even have retractable claws and fur.

    Just like normal cats, the CC can leap great distances. They also have good night vision. The CC specializes in a martial arts that is similar to Taekwondo, which is known for its emphasis on kicking techniques. They are graceful in their movements and are very flexible. They are very agile and they excel in stalking.

    • Bat Clan - The Bat Clan (BC) is typically more active around night and twilight. All Bats have bat ears and bat wings. Their wings are always attached to their back. Depending on the Bat’s preference, a Bat will fold up their wings or wrap them around its chest, when its wings are not in use. Their feet look like normal human feet, so most BC members don’t sleep upside down. However, Bats have been known to sleep upside down by wrapping their legs around tree branches.

    Bats can obviously fly. They are not blind like normal bats, though their eyes are sensitive to light. Their sense of smell is decent. What they excel in is their hearing. By using their hearing they can sense where objects lie in the world around them. The BC Prefers eating small mammals, fruits, and fish. Their kind of martial arts is similar to Jujutsu, which places more emphasis on throwing, immobilizing and pinning, joint-locking, choking, and strangling techniques.

    • Insect Clan - The Insect Clan (IC) are vast in number. They are currently thriving in the island of Yeiwn. All Insects have antennae. The have no ears and they have a hard outer skin, which acts as an exoskeleton. Their eyes look like human eyes, however, unlike human eyes, they are built to mainly detect movement. Many insect have wings. All Insects dislike the cold.

    There are two types of Insects: Colonists and Individuals. Colonists infest and destroy. They are loyal to their queen and live mainly through instinct. The Queen, alone, is capable of intelligent thought. She is capable of sending her thoughts any of her workers. The IC have only a two colonies in Zelidar. One is in Teiwn, the other is in Rennal Woods. They are ruled by Queen Veniza and Queen Zenya, Respectively.

    Insects that fall within the category of Individuals are not part of giant colonies, but instead they live together in small groups. Individuals are capable of thinking for themselves. They tend to think of themselves as being above Colonists. There are less Individuals then there are Colonists.

    Insects can cling to nearly any surface. They are known to be tough to kill by conventional means. Most Insects are capable of flight. Insects are different from other fairrels in that they will occasionally use weapons with blades. They tend to coat their blades with a nonlethal poison. The poison causes the victim to be temporarily paralyzed. Insects use a mixed style of martial arts.

    Sylvans- An Intelligent race of creatures whose lifespan is typically twice as long as a human’s. Sylvans do not have eternal youth, however they never grow frail with old age. All Sylvans have long pointed ears.

    Sylvans are quite knowledgeable in science and they have the ability to manipulate aspects of physics. They call this ability, to manipulate physics, “Bendingâ€. The name of this ability comes from the fact that Sylvans can not defy the aspect they manipulate, they can only bend it. Each Sylvan is born with this ability, however, they can only manipulate single aspect. The aspect that a Sylvan can manipulate varies from Sylvan to Sylvan.
    Sylvans are responsible for inventing Air Ships, ships that fly by riding the flows of Lineve. They are also responsible for several other inventions. Most Sylvans hold a grudge against humans because of the accident ten years ago.

    For a more detailed explanation on bending, See the "Powers" section.

    Shadows- A creature that was never meant to exist. Their exact origin is unknown. It is believed that they were born because of the loss of the Lineve flow, but how they came to be and what they exactly are is unknown. What is known is that they are the shadow made living. Shadows have no defined shape, but they most commonly appear in the form of a biped. They have no facial features except for their eyes. Their eyes are slits and they glow red. Only a few claim to have heard a shadow speak. The say they speak with a raspy voice.

    Shadows are only dangerous when there is light out, after all, their bodies are made from the shadows, and shadows can not exist without a light source. Because of this, Shadows can not enter pitch black places without vanishing. If they do vanish, then it’s only until light returns to the place that they vanished. Shadows carry swords of shadow.

    At the moment, the Shadows exist only on Vizet Oi’zein. However, they seem to be trying to advance their territory, for they have occasionally been seen on the other islands for brief periods of time.

    Mutants- Horribly disfigured creatures. They were created because of the incident that happened ten years ago. They are vicious and strong. Most of them are on the island of Vizet Oi’zein, but a few have recently started to appear on the other islands.

    Entities- Normal humans that were absorbed into the Lineve flows ten years ago (All of them were on Vizet Oi’zein at the time). Many have recently managed to break free of the flows and are now walking the land of Zelidar once again.

    Entities are the main Heroes and Villains of this RP. They have each been given a power that has something to do with life. For each hero, there is an opposing villain. Opposing Entities have a sort of polar attraction to each other. As of right now, There are 12.

    Entity of Life
    – A being purely made of Life energy/Lineve. As his powers develop, he will become the ultimate Shaper. (Taken)

    Entity of Death – A being who has lost all his Life energy/Lineve. He has the power to sap the life right out of another being, making his touch death itself. He can use this power at will. His powers will develop as the Story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Growth – A being whose Life energy/Lineve has strengthened. Because of this, he has gained a close connection to living things, especially nature. He has the power to control plant life as he sees fit. As his powers develop, He will be able to give life to plants just by touching something. (Taken)

    Entity of Decay
    – A being whose Life energy/Lineve has weakened. Because of this, her outer appearance has slowly begun to decay. She has the power to cause things to rot just by touching them. Her powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Adaption
    – A being whose Life energy/Lineve Flows have become more flexible. Because of this, She can cause her body to adapt, or temporarily change, in situations where it would benefit her. For example, she can sprout wings if she needs to fly. Her powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Mutation – A being whose Life energy/Lineve Flows have become tangled. Because of this, He has become horribly mutated in appearance. He can cause his body to mutate, as he sees fit, in situations that where it would benefit him. For example, he can sprout a third arm, anywhere on his body, if necessary. His powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Regeneration – A being whose Life energy/Lineve Flows have become more fluent. Because of that she has enhanced regeneration. Her powers will develop as the story progresses.

    Entity of Pain – A being whose Life energy/Lineve Flows are in erratic. Because of that, she is in constant pain. Her body has learned to adapt to the pain so that she isn’t hindered by it. Normal, death dealing blows cannot kill her, due to her erratic Lineve Flows. As long as the vital parts of her brain remain unharmed, she cannot die. Her powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Sense – A being whose Life energy/Lineve has become one with his body. Because of this, all of his senses have become greatly enhanced. He is similar to the superhero Daredevil in this aspect, except he doesn’t have a radar like sense and he isn’t blind. His powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Awareness – A being whose Life energy/Lineve was left behind when she escaped the Lineve Flows. Because of this, she has lost all of her five senses, but in return she has been given a sort of enhanced awareness of the world around her. Her powers will develop as the story progresses. (Taken)

    Entity of Youth - A being whose Life energy/Lineve connected to the world's flows of Lineve. because of this, He is constantly absorbing life energy. He has eternal youth. Because Youth represents the pinnacle of person's strength, This entity has the power of strength. (Taken)

    Entity of Age - A being whose Life energy/Lineve is leaking back into the world's flows of Lineve. because of this, this entity is aging faster. This process will eventually lead to death, however, This entity can suck out another persons life force, in order to delay death.

    Each Villian Entity will have control over a different monster. For example, Mutation has control over mutants. If you are interested in being an entity, then PM me for more details on the Entity that you are interested in. Feel free to come up with a new type of Entity, but be sure to give it a counterpart. PM me any Entities that you make up. Some of the Entities were involved in the Lineve Project, some were not.

    Crossbreeds- Beings whose parents are of different races. Crossbreeds cannot be half Insect, Shadow, Mutation, or Entity. Crossbreeds can make for some of the most interesting characters.


    Magic - Uses the mana of the world. Using magic can be very tiring. Only a few humans and Fairrels have the power to use it. For most people, it takes years of practice to master. People who can use magic are called Mages.

    Shaping - A technique that uses an energy, similar to mana. The energy is that of life itself, and it is known as Lineve. All life forms need are born with Lineve flows inside them since it is the energy that gives life to creatures. The world is abundant with this energy. So, there is always excess Lineve that floats in the air.
    There are a few Humans that have the power to shape this energy and use it to fight. The most skilled humans will use it to create platforms, shields, weapons, etc. When Lineve is Shaped, it distorts the light, making it visible to the naked eye. Again it takes years to master and is very tiring. Using an excess amount, of this energy, at once can ultimately kill the user. People with the ability to shape are called Shapers.

    The first thing a Shaper is taught when learning how to shape is that it is important to conserve your energy. They are also taught the following:

    Lineve is the life force that flows throughout the world. When you Shape something, you are reaching out to the flows of Lineve and telling it to bend to your will. By doing so, you can create virtually any shape out of Lineve. This is the most common form of shaping and it is commonly used when shaping melee weapons.
    The longer you make the Lineve keep its shape, the more energy you waste.

    The more complex the shape is, the more energy it wastes. Also, you can not shape from too far a distance.
    There is another way to shape as well, it is known as Tearing. The purpose of this method is to have the Lineve maintain its form without you having to use any energy to do so. To do this you start with bending the Lineve to your will until you create a shape. Then you Tear the Lineve from it's flows so that it will keep it's shape. Once you do this, you can not longer shape that Lineve.

    This method is VERY dangerous. Tearing Lineve from its flows makes it unstable. Therefore, if an impact, with enough force, hits it, it will blow anything around it to pieces. It is never used for melee weapons. It also takes excessive energy to tear Lineve from its flows.

    Telekinesis - Not much to explain here, we should know what it is. Moving objects with the mind. Not as tiring as Magic or Shaping, but a prolonged overuse can cause bleeding form the ears and unconsciousness. Death can occur, but usually the user would fall unconscious before that happens. This is a very rare gift.

    Bending - Every Sylvan is capable of bending aspect of physics. For example, One Sylvan could have the ability to bend Gravity. The rules of Gravity, as everybody knows, is, 'What goes up must come down'. Well, If a Sylvan were to bend Gravity, what goes up will still go down, but at a slower or faster pace.

    By bending gravity, you get higher jumps, you can slow down your opponent and even yourself. Sylvans can grow tired from too much bending so it's important for them to not waste energy needlessly. A Gravity bending Sylvan, for instance, may make themselves jump great distances, but that requires them to constantly alter the gravity around them. A very tiring task indeed. He could also increase the gravity to crush an opponent just like that, but that means that the Sylvan would have to use excessive energy just to do so.

    Sylvans can only bend the rules of physics, they can't deify them. Other examples of what Sylvans can bend includes heat, time, space, and speed or acceleration.


    Galben- Sylvans’ homeland.
    Belkin- Inhabited by humans. Much of this Island became frozen over after the accident, this includes and entire lake. The people of Belkin are know for their skill at riding Drakes.
    Evieri- A friendly nation that is inhabited by humans. Evieri has suffered the least form the accident from 10 years ago.
    Teiwn- A once prosperous land, Teiwn has now become a nation of ruin.
    Vizet Oi’zein- Once a beautiful land, Now a land of danger and rot.
    Rennal Woods- A forest that has been colonized by Insects.
    Cella Forest- A forest that is inhabited by Bats.
    Gendou Woodlands- A forest that is inhabited by the Individual type of Insects.
    Jetail Forest- A forest that is inhabited by the Cats.

    The Happenings of the Land

    For the past ten years, the land of Evieri has been plagued by war with Belkin. Most of the battle happen on the north end of Evieri, so many soldiers have built quarters there. Early in the war, the king of Evieri was struck down. Following his death, the prince has taken his place as head general.

    With the King dead, the Queen of Evieri is now ruling the land. The war has recently been at a stalemate, which is while an assassin, by the name of Dike has been hired to kill the Evieri’s entire royal family.

    While the war with Belkin has been happening in the north, recently, Insect Queen Zenya has decided to attack nearby villages. Similar attacks have been happening all through Teiwn, but these are being carried out by Insect Queen Veniza. Teiwn has suffered greatly the last ten years and it is barely holding on.

    Meanwhile, the country of Galban has taken a dislike to humans because of the accident. Humans have been kidnapped and sold as slaves here. Not all Sylvans from Galban agree with this slavery, but most don’t really care.

    Finally, the Cats, living in Jetail Forest, are in an uproar. Their Princess went missing the day before their wedding. The Cats have blamed the Sylvans. They claim that the Sylvans have kidnapped her and sold her as a slave. Little do they know that really she ran away on her own accord. No longer does she want to be tied to the fate of royalty. This was a little less than a week ago. She is currently riding air ship heading to Bendier, which is located on Evieri.

    Character Layout

    PM me with your character layout. I'll look over it to make sure it works.

    Name (full)-
    Powers (if any)-
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)
    Weapon (if any)-
    Background (Go into detail! The more, the better!)-

    Note: Remember to color code your characters!


    Note: each character will have a link to the page with the post that explains who the character is except for those that were posted on this page.

    Callen Teir "Entity of Life" - Pezz (Post 1)
    Dezzier "Entity of Death" - Pezz (Post 1)

    Jack Smith - DeathKingApocalypse080808 (Post 2)
    Harvey Jones - DeathKingApocalypse080808 (Post 2)
    Captain jack Hartness - DeathKingApocalypse080808 (Post 189)
    Jason Young "Entity of Youth" - DeathKingApocalypse080808 (Post 337)

    Rhone Lunar - Lilbueno (Post 4)
    Peter "Ace" Murdock "Entity of Sense" - LilBueno (Post 4)
    Vyse Gigyas - LilBueno

    Yuki Toho "Entity of Pain" - Random Angel (Post 5)
    Amber Black - Random Angel (Post 5)
    Surren "Princess of Evieri" - Random Angel (Post 180)

    Haffen'dur (Haff) - Legion (Post 6)
    Envon The Sly, Prince of Evieri - Legion (Post 50)

    Kitsu Rose "Entity of Growth" - Dexnail (Post 7)
    Dike "The assassin" - Dexnail (Post 247)

    Angin Hissui - cstar7777 (Post 11)
    Nysta Teir "Entity of Decay" - cstar7777 (Post 13)
    Ea "Queen of Evieri" - cstar7777 (Post 234)

    Neoph Rampart "Entity of Mutation" - keybladewarrioroflegend (Post 17)

    Vanessa Vandettan "Entity of Awareness" - timexhasxgone (Post 27)

    Aerin Salria "Runaway Cat Clan Princess" - Princess_of_hearts (Post 51)

    Kumiko Joi Aikan
    - Shadow_Rocks (Post 56)

    Serena Maer
    - Clawtooth35 (Post 121)

    Characters that need taking

    These characters will play a crucial role in the game!

    Entity of Regeneration (Female)

    Entity of Age (Gender is the User's choice)

    Queen Veniza (Insect Queen of Teiwn)

    Queen Zenya (Insect Queen of Rennal Woods)

    The War General of Belkin

    Dike of the Assassin Society


    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Callen Teir
    Race- Human (Entity of Life)
    Powers- Shaper
    Age- 21
    Gender- Male
    Side- Good
    Weapon- Whatever he sees fit.
    Appearance- http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/N/Nekoflame/1119617600_icturesKyo.jpg
    Background- Born in Meodan, Callen never used to be a Shaper. He used to be a normal human being who was working on the Lineve Project with several others. When the accident happened, his life energy was absorbed into the Lineve flows and he vanished from the world for ten years. Only recently has he broken free from the Lineve Flows.
    Though he is free, something strange happened when he broke free. He lost certain memories of his past. He no longer remembers his time in the Lineve flows along with many of his friends and family members. He also has vague memories of the incident from 10 years ago.
    Because he was trapped in the Lineve flows for so long, Callen has become the Entity of Life. His body is actually made purely of Lineve. As his powers develop, he will become the ultimate Shaper.

    Username- Pezz
    Name (full)- Dezzier
    Race- Human (Entity of Death)
    Powers- Saps the life from living creatures just by touching them. Dezzier can give 'life' to the dead.
    Age- ???
    Gender- Male
    Side- Evil
    Weapon- Whatever he sees fit.
    Appearance- He wears a cloak similar to the Grim Reaper. His nose looks as though it’s been torn off, and his eyes are always bloodshot. He is bald, save a few strands of hair. His skin looks dry and withered. His voice has a raspy sound to it.
    Background- Little is known about Dezzier except that he was one of the leading scientists on the Lineve Project. He originally looked like a normal human, but then the accident happened and he was absorbed into the Lineve flows. He escaped the Lineve flows a few months ago looking the way he does now. His looks were caused because he escaped the flows with a body that no longer contained Lineve.
    Dezzier feels dead inside at all times. He has a burning hatred in his heart. He despises the living, especially Callen. He has a grudge against him and seeks to destroy him along with everything he holds dear.
    Dezzier was not his original name. He renamed himself when he broke free from the flows.

    Our Story Starts…

    With Callen wakening in the palace of Cornil. Cornil is the capital of the country of Evieri.

    Map of Zelidar


  2. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    Pezz is the Greatest! Whooooooooooooooo!

    Name (full)-Harvey Jones
    Powers (if any)- Majic, specializes in lightning
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)Good
    Weapon (if any)- 1 5 body katana, 1 2 body katana, and a greatsword( a huge sword)
    Background (Go into detail! The more, the better!)- Jack is his best friend, even though he is Sylvian. they have known each other for all of their life. They get harassed a lot. Jacob wants to find those responsible for what is happening and see their side of the story, to get the facts straight. Is very fast

    Name (full)- Jack Smith
    Powers (if any)- bending gravity
    Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral)Good
    Weapon (if any)- metal staff with special compartments for posionous dust and a recurve bow.
    Background (Go into detail! The more, the better!)-Harveys best friend. Believes all humans to be guilty except Harvey because he trusts him. Is very smart
  3. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: I've added additional information on bending, in the "Powers" Section. Hopefully this will clear up any questions.
  4. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Username- LilBueno
    Name- Rhone Lunar
    Race- Fairrel/Bat
    Powers- Elemental Magic.
    Age- 17
    Gender- Male
    Side- Neutral
    Weapon- Twin Boomerangs
    Background- Rhone grew up in Cella Forest until he was 7 years old. It was then that the Lineve incident occured. His parents were brutally killed by something that, unbeknownst to everyone, were Shadows. He believes the happenings from the experiment had something to do with their deaths and distrusts humans. He recently left the forest to see the rest of Zelidar. He's currently around Lake Lilvan.

    Username- LilBueno
    Name- Peter "Ace" Murdock
    Race- Human/Entity of Sense
    Powers- All of his senses are extremely enhanced. His vision is "telescopular" as well as "microscopular" (No, those aren't really words.)
    He can hear a great distance in a general area and can focus his hearing into one spot.
    His touch is so sensitive, he can feel changes in the atmosphere, what's on the other side of a wall, vibrations in the ground, etc.
    His smell is more acute than an animals.
    His taste is as sensitive as his touch.
    He was also an experienced telekinetic before the accident. His telekinises has greatly dimished in power.
    Age- 20
    Gender- Male
    Side- Good
    Weapon- none
    His pupils are always dilating, his ears have a tiny pointed tip.
    Background- A relatively young scientist. He was trapped within the flows of Lineve after accident. His quickly went insane in the flow but regained his sanity shortly before the current time. He claims to be even saner than before. Unlike Callen, his memory wasn't erased, but disturbed. He is still trapped in the flows of Lineve but is about to escape in the town of Zontan.

    Username- LilBueno
    Name- Vyse Gigyas
    Race- Sylvan
    Powers- Gravity Bending
    Age- 22
    Gender- Male
    Side- Neutral
    Weapon- Twin Scimitars
    Background- Vyse was born in Galban, like most Sylvans. As a child, his brother and he snuck into an Airship at the port town of Nutan. They ended up in Belkin and were discovered by the crew of the airship and were left behind by them. They ended up in the north in Cidal where the land was frozen and became sick. Vyse's brother died from his sickness but Vyse was taken in by an Air Pirate. He became part of the crew until eventually becoming the second mate. The ship suffered a crash a few years ago and the captain was among the few casualties, leaving Vyse as captain. While in Belkin, he came upon a Drake which he keeps. Over time, he started a rivalry with another pirate named Amber Black. His ship is named Arcadia.
    EDIT: Completely forgot about it
    Pezz is the greatest! next to me
  5. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Username- Random Angel
    Name- Yuki Toho
    Race- Entity
    Powers- She can cripple normal humans, and hopefully stronger beings, but the pain will be an illusion of the mind. Though, it should last a while.
    Age- 19
    Gender- Female
    Side- Evil
    Weapon- None
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Background- She was just starting a new life after moving out on her own when she was killed. Her killer was a stalker of sort who fell in love with her a few months before. But she didn't die alone. She took the stalker down with her. When she was on the verge of dying her life energy, Lineve, was absorbed into the world's Lineve flows. Upon returning years later she found herself in constant pain and wanted it to stop, but she didn't want to die again since she was in love with the world, and the idea of starting over.

    Username- Random Angel
    Name- Amber Black
    Race- Human
    Powers- Shaping
    Age- 20
    Gender- Female
    Side- Neutral
    Weapon- She can use shaped weapons, but perfers to use a personalized weapon, which is a piece of metal that can be attach on her left arm and folds out to be a blade and another slimlar machine on her right arm which is a gun, but it doesn't fold or anything.
    Appearance- http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e3..._steampunk.jpg
    Background- She was away with realtives when her parents died in the inccident. She only found out this when she returned home. She quickly left and was later found by a shaper while lost near the land of Evieri. The shaper offered to teach her in return she would have to help his crew on the ship he owned. She's become a decent shaper in the meantime and took over the crew when her master left one night without leaving anything but a letter. Everyone thinks he just wanted to go back to his daughter, who looked like Amber. Currently Amber is floating around with her crew, hunting down her rival to end their fued for good, any way possible. Little memory trouble, gets worse over time.

    I love you Pezz, you're the greatest XD
  6. Legion Twilight Town Denizen

    May 1, 2008
    in your mind
    Name (full)-Haffen'dur (Haff)
    Race-fairrel cat clan
    Age- 19
    Gender- male
    Side- Neutral
    Weapon - fire hardened ashwood staff
    Background - His family was a group of oddjobs. Each one of them specialized in a certain task. Spy, carpentry, smithing, hunting, healing, assasin. you name it , one of them could probably do it. Unfortunately, the only thing they couldn't do was stay alive. Over the years, the entire 'Dur clan was almost wiped from existance. Each one that fell was slain by one of the races. Being the oldest of the surviving three babes, Haffen'dur became a theif to support what was left of his family along with forfilling a sort of strange vengance. He wants to take from this world everything, just like the world took everything from him.
    Appearance- Coffee brown fur, deep scar over the bridge of his cat nose, icy blue eyes, and unsually large canines, even for one of his own kind. These are his pride and joy along with him being a pureblood.

    pezz is the greatest
  7. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    Username- Dexnail
    Name (full)- Kitsu Rose
    Race- Growth Entity
    Powers (if any)- flower fox tansformation cause he is the growth entity his power is closer to nature then any other so he is able turn into an animal that matches his entity but he lost his regular body in the process, controll and grow plants, and later able to easily heal plants
    Age- looks like 17 but is realy 22 havnt aged any because of hiding in the tree keeping himself young
    Gender- male
    Side- Neutral
    Weapon (if any)- claws and fangs also plants
    Appearance- http://nimblebun.deviantart.com/art/Wild-Flower-fox-74624591 this is his perminent form he achieved this when he sacraficed his body to repressent what he cared for more then his own body.
    humen appearance (he will get this really late in the rp)- http://a3gjiiajl.deviantart.com/art/Huli-jing-79767758 this is what he use to look like before he tranformed when nature is at peace and conflicts are gone he will turn back into an humen
    Background- Kitsu was traped like the others, as an young boy when he was an normal kid he loved nature. He would always be sad if he saw an plant dying or an animal in pain as time progressed he became an healer using herbs to heal animals. As time passed he felt closer to nature and he always felt nature was something he wanted to protect. One day he went to an field he saw an fox that was about to die and its blood was covering an dead flower. Kitsu tried to save both of them even though he knew it would make him callapse from exustion. Then when he was about to die from exustion Kitsu and the fox and the blood coverd dead flower all of them got absorbed into the Lineve flows. While he was getting traped he turned into an flower fox because both of the diffrent life energy went inside his body fuzing into one. When he got traped it destroyed the chance of getting his humen body back. Kitsu was the second to escape but he was scared of the changes that happend to nature. Kitsu found an old dying tree in the Jetail Forest he stayed in there sleeping hiding from the destruction and the dirt that corrupted nature. That was 3 weeks ago, ever since his hiding the tree became healthier and younger while Kitsu never got any older the cat ferrals often visits the tree always wondering why the tree is alive never aging and staying perfect. Now everyday he stays hidden inside the tree being in peace being one with nature avoiding the conflicts from the humens and the other creatures that happend around the world.

    Pezz is the greatest :)
  8. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: Denail, please fix your back story a bit. Entities used to be humans and they gained their powers from being absorbed into the Lineve flows. Also, he would have been absorbed as soon as the incident happened. One last thing, Death was the first to escape the flows.
  9. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    alright all the corrections are on my first post and i added what he looked like before he tranformed he will get the humen form back but it will be really late in the rp :)
  10. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: I'll be starting the rp either late today or tomorrow. We are still in need of someone taking the queen of Evieri. do you think your sister would be interested? The Queen will play a huge role, but I think that she may die late in the RP. The prince is in need of taking too.
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Username- Cstar7777
    Name- Angin Hissui
    Race- Human
    Powers- Telekinesis that she is still learning to use, her ear is scared from the inside from using it to much as a young child.
    Age- 19
    Gender- Female
    Side- Neutral
    Weapon - A longsword with a bird engraved into it.
    Background- Angin was always misunderstood and left alone as a child with only 2 friends who both were taken to Vizet Oi’zein with their parents and died. Within the years she found out about her gift of telekinesis and was happy to have it. without knowing about the consequence for using it was she damaged her left ear severely and didn't use it much after that. She some days regrets her past and wishes she could have changed it.
  12. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    Ooc: sorry for the short reply but pezz, I have to leave soon and I still need to cheack some of my other sites and I am not feeling the best, so when I get back on in the next couple of weeks or so, I am going to post my characters profiles...so here is something for me to try and reserve the colors and names for my characters but if you want, I can pm you some of the stats......
  13. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    here is another one.
    Username- Cstar7777
    Name (full)- Nysta Teir
    Race- Human(Entity of Decay)
    Powers- Causes things to decay from touch, also decaying human skins to make her body look normal for a short time.
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Side- Evil
    Weapon- A sword with a corpse engraved by the handle.
    Appearance- When her body looked normal: http://img3.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spi...16975_full.png
    when she is her true form now:http://www.dreamdawn.com/sh/img/fron...ombie_girl.jpg
    Background- Nysta is Callen's younger sister who worked along side him in the Lineve project. she got absorbed into the Lineve flows and she woke up instantly with a decayed body and decays everything she touches leaving her a person 'You don't want to be touched by.' she despises her older brother for not suffering from the incident as she is and is right hand to Dezzier and wants everyone to suffer the way she is.
  14. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: And so it begins.

    BIC: Callen awoke on the cold marble floor. He felt as though a stone brick had been thrown at his head and his body felt so weak that, if he didn't know better, then he would have suspected that he hadn't moved any of his muscles for years. Callen groaned as his eyes adjusted to the light.
    What happened? Where am I? Callen thought hard about the last thing he could remember. He was working, as one of the leading scientists on the Lineve Project. Everything seemed to be going fine until.... there was a flash of light.... and then.... and then....
    Callen struggled to remember what happened next, but he just couldn't remember. He knew something happened, but it was like there was a big hole in his memory.
    Callen attempted to stand on his feet. It took much of his energy just to do so. His eyes were finally starting to work again. He appeared to be in some sort of bed chamber, and judging by the fancy decor, this room probably belonged to some sort of noble. Again, Callen tried searching through his memories, all the while wondering how he got here, and more importantly, what he was doing here.
  15. DeathKingApocalypse080808 Destiny Islands Resident

    Harvey woke up, looking at his surrondings, looking for aanything out of the place. He didn't notice anything, so he allowed himself to yawn. He looked at the ground next to him. Jack wasn't there. WHat is he doing, is he going to attack me, probally, another one of his suprise attacks training, oh, i'm so scared. "Come on Jack, I know you're out there. This isn't funny" He said as he stood up and started walking around. He walked by a large tree and looked back, and noticedJack against it, a swordlodging his shoulder to it. "Jack" he yelled as he ran over.

    Fell right into my trap, Jack thought as he lifted his arm and focused a lot of gravity on a nearby tree. "Ha ha." he peled as he stood up and started running for the tree. The trees gravity pull allowed him to run faster and when he got to the tree, he stabbed a knife into the tree,and cut the gravity. He slashedthe knife through the tree, half of a circle way, lat go of the knife, and flew at Harvey.

    Harvey appeared as though he was still taking everything in, but he wasn't .at nthe last secon before Jack collided with him, he took out his 2 body katana, Jumped up, and cut Jacks cheek. He landed and sheathed his katana, noticing Jack crash into a tree. "Ha ha" he yelled at Jack, doubling over as a force pushed on him.
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Nysta opened her eyes after she smelled the smell of hay. She sat up in the bed and looked around and thought to herself as she looked out the window and saw a farm and thought to herself. This must be Teiwn. only Teiwn has this many farms. she started to move her arm when everything about the accident came back to her hand she grabbed her arm shaking and closed her eyes. what had happened? where was everyone?
    she thought to herself as she let her arm collapse onto the bed and she smelled in the air thinking about what had happened to her and everyone else.

    Angin walked around the village aimlessly once again. having no friends wasn't easy to live with but she was adapted to it already. She sat down on a near-bye wall and watched as the village children ran around playing games in the road, laughing and mingling amongst one another.​
  17. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Username- keybladewarrioroflegend
    Name (full)- Neoph Rampart
    Race- Entity (Entity of Mutation)
    Powers (if any)- N/A
    Age- 17
    Gender- Male
    Side- Evil
    Weapon- The End Of Oblivion
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Background- Orphaned at a very young age, Neoph struggled to survive on the street. about 10 years after he was orphaned, he became the Entity of Mutation. the powers this gave him the ability to survive. he blames mankind for his problems and wishes to kill them all.
  18. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: keybladewarrioroflegend, color code your character please.

    BIC: Callen roamed the room admiring the decorations. the feeling in his feet was returning to him. Fancy get up they have going on here, though I guess that's to be expected. I bet the bed feels like heaven. Callen thought while approaching the bed. Callen stopped less than halfway there. A young girl was asleep in the bed. He was in a girl's room?! And he awoke on the floor? Just what is going on here?
    Callen slowly backed away from the girl. He had to get out of here before someone saw him.
  19. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    OOC: okay. um... blue? if it isn't taken. lol xD
  20. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    OOC: Blue is taken. you can use blue and bold.
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