Zelda: Legend of the Twilight Princes: WII: AR Max: NTSC/UC

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by AzuraBalmung, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. AzuraBalmung Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 27, 2008
    Hey I was wondering if anyone had any Zeld TLotTP codes for the AR Max.
  2. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    I don't think people really use ARMAX for the Wii. I for one use the Homebrew Channel, although, that might be unavailable for you... what system menu type are you currently on? (I've never heard of an official Wii cheat system used, but I could be wrong)

    If you don't know, go to the Wii button in the bottom left hand corner of the Wii Menu, and select Wii Settings. Your system type will show in the top right hand corner. It should show something like 3.3E or something. This shows what update you are on. If this is 3.5E or above, or you got the recent March 09 update, then You can't get the HBC.

    If you're not interested, tell me. thing is, the only cheat system I know of on the Wii (that works) is the .

    Sorry I couldn;t be of more help
  3. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    I didn't know there was an AR Max for the Wii. I only knew of the Powersaves SD card, which was a waste of money since I could only use it if I deleted my saved files. Also, it's Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Not Zelda: Legend of the Twilight Princes.
  4. TheVader74 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 24, 2008
    United Kingdom
    I've never heard of this powersaves thing. Homebrew Channel is just basically using an ARMAX over the PC (to input codes to an SD Card) and the Wii. It's also completely free, which is a bonus. I agree that you shouldn't have to delete your saves for cheats though.
  5. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    Powersaves is basically just a SD card with saved games on it. But the saved games have cheats on them.
  6. AzuraBalmung Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 27, 2008
    I dont even have wifi for my wii its the oldest console edition so
    and yea if you go to codejunkies there site they have it on there you can order
    the thing you guys were talking about was intresting, ill look into it but, got any codes? lol