GAHH!!! My eyes! Someone turn off them lights!!! lol. Anyway, the colors are nice. Bright as it is, it fits with the color scheme and I see what you were going for. My only real complaint it the stock. I don't know about anyone else, but to me it looks a bit low quality. It may just be me, but I see it as a bit blurry. That's my only problem with it tho. Overall, well done.
It's not lq it's just the style that Street Fighter goes for. The whole Ink filter spam stuff. Personally I hate it but I can't change that haha. I will try to somehow work with the stock, next time I use SF art, to make it seem more HQ. Thanks for the CnC in any case ^_^
lol yeah. SF lives off of their ink filters... Anyway, it's no problem. Just do what you can with what you've got, and what you did is pretty enjoyable.
I like it. The light is pretty bright,but in a good way. The colours are really really nice,and it all flows really well :) Nice work :3
I think you should have chosen a better 'choice of stock' to begin with. Not only that, I think it needs to blend in more. Maybe gradient map; dark red? There is so much going on in the background, I just don't even.