Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds: Mark of the Knights

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Dec 16, 2010.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Now we activate Respect Synchro to bring Ancient Fairy Dragon to our side of the field." Luna had suspected he would tribute Ancient Fairy Dragon. Ancient Fairy Dragon appeared, though in chains.
  2. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Reglus appeared breifly and shattered Ancient Fairy Dragon's chains as she was freed. "Thank you, both of you." Her voice sounded as Shinji spoke. "Power Tool Dragon's effect activates, by sending Central Shield to negate it's destruction by Limiter Removal" he called out as Devack smiled.

    "Now this is truly a duel of a Signer...show me your potenial! I end my turn." He said as Shinji noticed Luna's hand on her deck and he placed his on hers. "Don't worry, I believe this turn, we'll win." He said to reassure her and looekd at Devack. "We draw!" He said, drawing with Luna as Leo watched and looked at the card. "I think I know what we need to do next, don't you argee Luna?" he asked her.
  3. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Yes, we draw Rocket Plider!" Luna said.
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Activate Ancient Fairy Dragon's effect! Once per turn, she can destory one field spell and we regain 1000 life points so, that means your Immortal will not longer be immune!" Shinji called as out Ancient fairy glowed and Closed Forest shattered as their lifepoinst increased by 1000, making it 1200.

    "Power Tool Dragon's effect activates, You choose a card from three choices and then we add it to our hand!" Shinji said as Devack spoke. "The right card." he said as Shinji smiled. "The right card to win this duel, First we'll equip Rocket Pilder to Power Tool Dragon then Pain to Power to Ancient Fairy Dragon! Power Tool Dragon, attack Cusillu!" Shinji commanded as it did so, causing the two of them to lose 800 life points, making it 400 as winds blown by them.

    "You two shall accept the God's punishment!" Devack cried otu as Shinji smiled. "Did we forget to mention Rocket Pilder's abiilty? Power Tool Dragon cannot be destoryed in battle but here's the real reason, Cusillu will lose attack points, reducing it's attack power down to 800 then Pain to Power activates, Ancient Fairy Dragon's power is raised by 800, meaning as soon as she attacks, you lose this duel!" Shinji stated as Devack's eyes widened.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Ancient Fairy Dragon, attack Cusillu!" Luna shouted, at her Signer Dragon.
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Devack watched as Ancient Fairy Dragon used Eternal Sunshine on the Immortal and it soon flickers and vanished as Devack was thrown back and Leo smiled as he turned over and sat up. "You did it Luna, Shinji!" He said as Devack immediately rebound, hood removed and pitch black eyes as the Monkey geoglyph vanished as Devack crawled towards them dust pouring out of him and Shinji immediately stood on front of Luna despite a few scratches from the real damage.

    "Roman...I beg you for forgiveness, I lost!" Devack cried out as he reached out towards Shinji who stood there with a calm look that shown some pity. "The Dark Signers shall fall and remember this, the Knights are here to ensure that happens." He said as Devack crumbled away.


    Torunka and the other spirits were freed as he informed them about what has happened.


    "You guys did great!" Trudge said as he and Yusei approached them, but Ancient Fairy Dragon and Regulus remained. "Huh, is the duel still going?" he asked as Ancient Fairy Dragon spoke. "It already ended." She said in a soft voice as Trudge fainted and Yusei had to chuckle at that.

    "The spirits are freed as well, so do not worry Luna, and I would like to express my gratitude to you, your brother and Shinji." She said as Shinji smiled and Yusei spoke. "We would like your support in defeating the Dark Signers, will you aid us?" Yusei asked as Ancient Fairy nodded. "Of course we will." She answered. "Farewell for now." She said as Regulus and ANcient Fairy took card forms and appeared in Luna's hand.

    Shinji looked at the control unit. "I suppose we activate this and continue on?" He asked and Yusei nodded.
  7. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Luna activated the control and ran out.
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "It's...going into the ground!?" SHinji said in surprise as it soon left no trace it was ever thre as Trudge awoke. "I must of been dreaming.." He said as Yusei looked on. "Three more to go!" He said in confidence as Shinji nodded.


    Within the dakr lair, Roman noticed a candle go out, signalling Devack's end. "You'll pay Signers." He said and took a hold of the candle stand and walked to a cell where someone famialr was held, it was Greiger who they saved from being executed by Sector Security. "It's time for your execution." He said as Greiger followed him to the Ener-D Reactor in which underneath was a pool of swirling energy in rainbow color.

    "These are doors to the Netherworld, you must remember when you tried to kill Goodwin, it's true, he destoryed your village and your family so hate him with all your soul and heart!" He said as Greiger remembered that time and fell through a trapdoor as a spider shot out some web and hung him as Roman called down. "In order to kill Goodwin, you must go through Yusei Fudo whose one of his lapdogs!" He said as fountain shot out, covering Greiger.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Angel sighed, "Mina, we have to find the Lizard tower!"
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Mina nodded and kept on driving.


    Trudge climbed into the car as Leo took front seat again, leaving Luan and Shinji in the bakc as Yusei started his Runner up as they headed for the tower belonging to the Giant

    Shinji breathed a bit as he put his duel disk back on since when he travelled to the Spirit World, it was left behind. "Guess even the Spirit World knows of the Knights." He thought to himself, from what Regulus said, they were used in a war, so him questioning right away meant something bad occured.

    "What did you think of the Spirit World? Did you protect Luna throughout it all? Hey, don't tell me you and Luna got closer!" Leo said as Shinji looked at him. "Slow down Leo, one question at a time instead of blurting out so many at once." He said and rubbed his hair, "Guess it's only natural Leo would wonder what we did in that period of time since we only just met hours ago." He thought and looked at Luna briefly and then to Leo.

    "Okay, first answer, I thought it was actually very peaceful and quiet if it wasn't threatened, second answer, I did protect her from start to finish and if you are wondering how, all I did was carry her after we been seen by monkey soliders." He said as Leo blinked. "There really was monkey soliders, trust me, I don't think bribing them with a banana with do any good and your last answer, that depends entirely on your sister but you are always her younger brother who'd protect her." he said to him as Trudge looked in the mirror as they drove.

    "Just how old are you again Shinji?" He asked and Shinji relaxed in his seat. "Seventeen." He answered and Trudge spoke again. "You sound alot more older then that age."


    Crow was riding through the deserted streets after he hid in a fridge to escape the black fog.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Luna smiled. "I forgot to thank you for protecting me in the Spirit World, Shinji."
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Shinji smiled. "I always keep my promises, even if people tell me there are some you can't keep." He said as Leo looked at them. "Then you and Luna are...together?" Leo asked and Shinji's head immediately turned to Leo. "What gave you that idea!?" He asked in surprise.

    Trudge quickly held his breath to stop laughing at this predicament.


    Crow arrived at Daedalus Bridge as he saw the children. "Crow's here!" once said he got off his runner and they ran to him but vanished before him, just as illusions.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Leo, I can't believe you!" Luna shouted at her brother. "Shinji and I aren't together! That's insane!"
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "You two were alone so anything could of happened!" Leo said and Shinji faceplamed himself mentally. "I forgot I was like this when I was younger and made early conclusions without looking into it properly, Oh Azure Knight, you had to throw this at me didn't you?" He mentally cursed the equal to the Crimsion Dragon and looked at Leo. "Leo, all of us met like, hours ago, so I'm going to explain the facts so you don't make it any worse."

    Trudge listened as Yusei rode along.

    "Number one, I don't know about everyone here except about their titles, the only two people I mostly spent time with is Angel or Carson since we're a group just like Yusei and the other Signers." He said as Leo nodded. "Number two, when we were in the Spirit World, we focused on the mission your sister was given by those who live there so me and her didn't exactly talk about each other's lives."

    Shinji looked at leo in the eyes now. "And thirdly, I'm older than her, I do not know her age but I'd guess she's roughly 10-11 years of age, but I'm sure Luna will grow into a fine young lady, that much I am certain about." he said.

    "You said that she'll grow into a fine young lady, does that mean you plan on hitting on her?" he asked straight away as SHinji sighed. "Brother's sure are protective and hasty." He thought and looked at him. "Leo, I wouldn't hit on Luna because I made a rule to myself, I never force myself upon women and treat them with respect, if we did date, I'd treat as someone precious to me and wouldn't use her in any bad way, besides." Leo's eyes were serious now...which is something new. "I'd have to deal with a annoying brother as well." He said jokingly.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Hey, Shinji, there's something I've been wondering." Luna asked. "What exactly are the Knights? Regulus said they were used in a war."
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Leo was about to comment until he heard Luna's question and shut up which was a relief for Shinji to listen to for now.

    "The Knights huh, well, you know there's three of them, my White Knight, Angel's Moon Princess and Carson's Sun King, now, this person told us of the history of them, Duel Spirits and the forces of Darkness waged a war that threatened to destory the world, the duel spirits were beaten back to almost certain defeat but they decided to make a comeback through a very dark magic." He explained and pulled out his card. "They created the Three Knights who held the soul of a infant by sacrifice, this way, the soul is always pure and quickly adapts to any situation but they needed a outside force to breathe life into these Knights, so, the Azure Knight comes forth...After the war was over, they decided to seal them within ancient ruins that were buried, hoping to be forgotten with time."

    Leo spoke. "Wait, so, your saying the Duel Spirits sealed them away, but why?" He asked and Shinji looked at him. "These monsters were created during a savage war and the only purpose was to fight, if someone had one of these and used them for evil deeds, imagine the discord and destruction they'd cause, that's why Regulus became so wary and concerned." Shinji explained.
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Luna was quiet and nodded at Shinji's explanation. "But help us now?" she asked.
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "The card isn't determined by it's history, it depends on who uses it, that and the seal broke when the Signers had all gathered, my Wizel was unearthed and in card form and put up as a prize in my city and I won and without knowledge or preperation, I became a Knight Duelist, I only met Carson and Angel about one month later and then, we've been transported to you guys while the Azure Knight." He tapped his head. "Gave us images of what happened during the war and a quick briefing of what the Signers accomplished, I accepted my role rather quickly and I'm sort of a leader since if I recall, Angel held hers for only three days while Carson had his for two weeks." he said to her.

    "Then...after the Dark Signer thing is done, what would you three do?" He asked and Shinji leant back in his seat. "Who knows? I never asked myself that question before and I'm sure Angel and Carson haven't either." He said honestly.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Angel seemed very nice when we met. Was she always like that?" Luna asked.
  20. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Shinji had to laugh a bit. "Always, she's kind of the mother of the group, she always wants to help others before her own needs, but I don't know what she thought when she became a Knight Duelist and or if she accepted the role, Carson is sort of the excited version of your brother here." He said and Leo was offended. "Hey!"

    "But beyond that, I don't know about their families or backgrounds." Shinji said as Leo asked a question. "What about you?" He asked as Shinji's expression changed completely. "My family? They went far away when I became 15 years of age." He said a bit solemnly. "On holiday like our parents?" Leo asked and Shinji spoke. "Kind of, they won't return...for a long time." He said and Leo grinned. "Oh, so they work in different countries or something!"

    Trudge and Yusei realised what Shinji was talking about, but also, SHinji was hiding the fact.
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