Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds: Mark of the Knights

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Dec 16, 2010.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Then it's my turn again, I draw." Roman stated as he drawn hsi next card. "Tell me boy, your not a Signer yet you willingly thrown yourself into this duel between a Signer and a Dark Signer, what is your Mark on your arm?" He asked him and Shinji looked at him. "Because I chose to Roman, Yusei's a friend and friends help each other in their times of need." Shinji smiled at Yusei and looked at Roman. "And as for my Mark, I am one of Knight Duelists, that's all you need to know."

    "...Shinji." Yusei said and Roman smirked. "So interesting! I activate Underground Arachnid's abilty to equip your Aquamarine, go!" Roman called out as webs shot out as Shinji watched his Aquamarine being taken and Roman smiled. "Attack Gem-Knight Garnet!" Roman called out as Yusei cried out. "Shinji!" He said as Shield smiled. "Activate facedown card! Gem Enhance!"
    "Here's how it works, I can tribute one Gem-Knight on my field and revive a monster from it, so bye Garnet and hello Sapphire!" He said as Gem-Knight Garnet was sent to the graveyard and in it's place, Sapphire appeared in a blue coloring, indicating it was in Defense Mode as Underground Arachnid destoryed it.

    "Odd, why didn't you use it on Aquamarine? You could of returned my Arachnid if you could." Roman said and Shinji pointed at Roman's facedown card. "That is what worried me, besides, you could of easily tuned for it again if it were possible." He pointed out as Roman looked at him. "I end my turn." Yusei drawn his next card and looked at it.

    "I Summon the Tuner Monster, Road Synchron in Attack Mode!" Yusei called out
    "Next I activate the spell card One for One, I discard my Quillbolt Hedgehog for my Tuningware!"
    (Discarded for One for One)
    (Special Summonned)

    "Next I shall revive my hedgehog frm my Graveyard since there's a Tuner on the field, now I shall increase Tuningware's Level up by 1 due it's effect! I'll tune Level 4 Road Synchron with level 2 Quillbolt Hedgehog and level 2 Tuningware! Clustering hopes will evoke a new horizon. Become the path its light shines upon. Synchro Summon! Dash onward, Road Warrior!"

    "Now my Tuningware's effect activates, when used as Synchro Material, I get to draw one card! Now go Road Warrior! Lighting Claw!" He called out as Road Warrior swiped at Underground Arachnid but remained on the field. "What?" Yusei asked as Roman laughed. "I used your Shield I absorbed earlier to take the attack and since you attacked, my Spider Web switches Road Warrior to Defense Mode and on my next turn, my monster will take Road Warrior as it's own!"

    "Not before you take 600 points of damage since Arachnid was in attack mode! I activate Road Warrior's ability, once per turn, I can special summon a Level 2 or lower monster from my deck and I choose, Turbo Booster!" Yusei called out.

    "Turbo Booster's effect activates! I can tribute this guy to destory a monster that battled with one of mine, so go!" Yusei called as he thought to himself. "This is for you Rally!" as Turbo Booster lauched itself at Underground Arachnid, destorying it and Gem-Knight Aquamarine equipped to it. "Sadly, Aquamarine's effect doesn't activate when used as a Equip Card." Shinji said and placed it in his graveyard. "Then I chain Alter of the Bound Deity!"

    "This trap card allows me to place 1 Earthbound Immortal Counter on each of my standby phases for each face-up Defense Position monster on the field. If there are 4 or more Earthbound Immortal Counters on this card, I can send it to the Graveyard to Special Summon 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster from my Deck!" ROman said calmly.

    "Win Yusei!" a child's voice was heard and Shinji and Yusei turned their heads to see two of the three children that escaped. "Oh no, if Roman summons his Earthbound Immortal now, they'll be sacrficed!" Yusei said worringly and SHinji nodded in argeement. "And Akiza can't get to them because of the geoglyph..." He said and looked at Yusei. "Then we'll have to win before he summons it with that card." Shinji suggested and Yusei nodded.


    Roman's LP: 3400
    Hand: 3

    Monster Field:

    Altar of the Bound Deity
    Spider Web (Field Spell)

    Underground Arachnid

    Yusei's Hand: 3

    Monster Field:
    Road Warrior


    Road Synchron
    Turbo Booster
    Shield Wing (After UG used it as a shield)
    One for One

    Removed from Play:
    Quillbolt Hedgehog

    Shinji's Hand: 2

    Monster Field:


    Gem-Knight Aquamarine
    Gem-Knight Sapphire
    Gem-Knight Garnet
    Gem-Knight Tourmaline
    Gem-Knight Enhance
    Gem-Knight Fusion

    Yusei and SHinji's LP - 1600
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Angel and Akiza watched from where they were standing. Angel wondered if Shinji would bring out his Knight card.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Trudge and Martha kept running through the streets, heading for the Spider Geoglyph.


    "Since you ended Roman, I'll go next!" Shinji drawn his next card with a hand of three. "I activate my Gem-Knight Fusion in my graveyard, I can remove a Gem-Knight from my graveyard and add it to my hand, so I'll remove my Aquamarine!" He removed the said card and placed it in his pocket and he added the spell card in his hand.

    "Then I'll play it to fuse a Tourmaline and Garnet in my hand to Fusion Summon my Gem-Knight Topaz in attack mode!"

    He said as he placed the three cards in the graveyard and summoned out his Fusion Monster. "And next I'll play my last card, Pot of Avarice! I add 5 monsters in my graveyard to my deck, shuffle and draw two and I have exactly 5 monsters in my graveyard."

    He said as he added his two Tourmalines, two Garnets and a Sapphire as they were added to ssi deck and he watched it shuffle automatically and drawn two cards from it and smiled.

    "It's here! I summon the Tuner Monster, Wisel's Ark!" He called out as he slammed the card on the disk as a gauntlet appeared from one of the old suits of armor used in old days. "I never heard or seen that card." Roman stated as Yusei watched as Shinji pointed up at the sky. "I'll tune my Level 6 Gem-Knight Topaz with Level 2 Wisel's Ark!" He called out as lights sparked and began the Tuning procress as Gem-Knight Topaz leapt into the two circles as 6 stars were shown.

    "O' Wisel, White Warrior, wielder of the ancient sword, grant me your power!" Shinji began to chant as the tuning procress was complete and Shinji brought his hand down as light blasted down in the field in front of him. "Synchro Summon! Wisel the White Knight!" Shinji called out as Wisel stood there being about the same height as Road Warrior.

    Roman was surprised. "So...that's your ace monster." Roman said as Yusei stared at it. "Whoa...so this is what it really looks like."

    "I attack your life points directly Roman! Wisel, attack with Talion!" Shinji called out as Wisel's blade glowed in form of a majestic sword and swiped down upon Roman, inflicting 2500 damage to his life points as Shinji set a card facedown.
    "I'll end my turn there and Spider Web activates, switching Wisel to defense mode." Shinji called as he turned the card as Wisel brought it's shield up.
    [​IMG] (Effect)

    "My turn!" Roman called out as Altar of the Bound Deity obtained two counters thanks to Wisel and Road Warrior in defense mode.

    "I summon out my Ground Spider in Defense mode and one facedown, your turn Fudo."

    Roman declared as Yusei looked at the field. "Thanks to Shinji, Roman's life points are now 900, if we can lessen the counters, we'll win!" he thought and drawn his card. "I activate Road Warriors effect and special summon my Speed Warrior!" Yusei calls out as he pulled out the card.

    Roman smiled. "I activate Ground Spider's effect and witch your Speed Warrior to defense mode." Roman said as Speed Warrior knelt down.

    "I activate my Advance Draw spell! I tribute my Road Warrior and I get to draw two more cards!"

    Yusei stated as he sent Road Warrior to graveyard and drawn two. "I Special Summon my Turret Warrior from my hand by using Speed Warrior and my Turret Warrior has 2100 ATK so attack Ground Spider!"

    He declared as it was destoryed but then Spider web forces his monster into defense mode. "I set this card and finish there."

    Yusei said as he started to think. "That'll leave Roman with just 3 counters." as Roman drawn a card as the Altar had three counters.


    Martha and Trudge soon reached an abandoned building and looekd from the view but the woman spotted the two children. "What are they doing there?" Trudge asked and Martha's eyes widened. "If what Yusei said is true..." She trailed off and yelled. "Yusei, stop fooling around!" He cried out as Yusei heard her and turned to look briefly as he nodded.

    "You can try and delay all you want but on my field, I will summon my Earthbound Immortal now!" Roman declared as Yusei's eyes widened. "Impossible!" He said in remark as Roman pressed a button on his Duel Disk. "I activate my facedown trap, Offerings to the Bound Deity! I pay half my life points to place 2 Earthbound Counters on my card!"

    Roman stated his 900 lifepoints decreased by 450. "I'll send this card to the graveyard and Special Summon my Earthbound Immortal! come forth! Uru!" Roman cried out as the shrine explodes and a heart was beating in the sky as it began to suck in the black fog.

    "The black fog contains the souls of the Satelitte residents which I'm using to summon Uru!" He called out as Yusi ilooked to the two children who began to turn into a purple light as Yusei was becoming worried until Shinji heard something. "A Runner?" he thought as Jack was driving up a ramp and landed near the two bosy before covering them as a red bubble protected them and Yusei sighed in relief as he turned back and soon Uru came into being and it's size was nothing compared to the buildings, if he had to guess, he'd bet the others could see it from where they hid.

    Roman's LP - 900
    Roman's Hand - 4

    Monster Field
    Earthbound Immortal Uru

    Spider Web (Field)

    Ground Spider
    Offerings to the Bound Deity
    Altar of the Bound Deity
    Underground Arachnid
    Dark Tuner Dark Cocoon
    Dark Spider

    Yusei & Shinji's Shared LP - 1600
    Yusei's Hand - 5

    Monster Field
    Turret Warrior

    Facedown spell/trap

    Advance Draw
    Road Warrior
    Speed Warrior
    Road Synchron
    Turbo Booster
    Shield Wing (After UG used it as a shield)
    One for One

    Quillbolt Hedgehog

    Shinji's Hand - 2

    Monster Field
    Wisel the White Warrior

    1 Facedown S/T

    Wisel's Ark
    Gem-Knight Topaz
    Pot of Avarice
    Gem-Knight Enhance
    Gem-Knight Fusion
  4. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    As Takeshi was about a mile away from the site of the giant Spider mark, he noticed something that looked like a giant spider emerge on the horizon. But it didn't appear to be any spider he had ever seen before. "What is... THAT?!" he exclaimed in shock. He lowered his head and thought to himself, Remember, keep a level head, and stay focused. He gripped the sword on his back and continued towards the giant spider.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Whoa, that's a Earthbound Immortal?!" Angel looked in shock and hoped they were alright.
  6. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Yuudai watched the current Duel. He gazed upon Roman's Earthbound Immortal and said: So that's one of the Earthbound Immortals I've heard so much about...But you can do this Yusei! I know you can! Me and all of your friends are here supporting you all the way!
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Blister stood on a nearby rooftop with the others namely Luna, Lleo, Mina and Carson "Whoa...." Was all he said.


    "Crush that Earthbound Immortal Yusei!" Jack called out within the bubble as Roman laughed. "My Earthbound stands above all! Like like ultimate energy, Ener-D! But it is amusing I'm duelling Professor Fudo's son." He said and Yusei's eyes widened. "You know about my father Roman!?" he asked and Roman looked at him.

    "Myself, Rex Goodwin and Dr. Fudo were all scientists experimenting with the Ener-D reactor but your father ordered the project to be cancelled due the dangers that the negative rotations were causing but our sponsors and New Domino didn't argee with that so I was put in charge of the project after your father, but soon, Zero Reverse took place." Roman explained as Yusei looked at him.

    "Did you activate Zero Reverse?!" Yusei cried out and Roman shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows?" He simply responded. Yusei started to lose his patience. "I demand to know now Roman!" He stated as Roman looked at him. "You won't have time to learn because Uru attacks your life points directly!" ROman cried otu as Uru fired a web at Yusei and Shinji, if it connected, they'd lose.

    "Reveal Iron Resolve! I pay half of our life points to negate the attack and end the Battle Phase!"

    Yusei cried out as he flipped his facedown as the effect took place and Roman placed a card facedown. "I'll set one facedown, I end it there."

    Shinji drawn his next card and stared at the Immortal. "Wisel can't defeat that by itself and Roman's facedown might destory it."


    The building Trudge and Martha were in shook but they heard a child's scream as they ran up a floor to save him but during the incident, Martha fell into the purple flames and had her soul swallowed by Uru.


    Yusei watched the whole thing and glared at Roman. "I'll never forgive for you this!" He cried out, Martha was like a mother to him as Shinji stared at his hand. "Then Yusei, I'll make sure you get your chance, I activate Swords of Revealing Light, thanks to this, you can't attack for three turns, I end my turn!"

    Roman drawn his next card and stared at it, thank to Swords, he couldn't attack directly either and nothign was useful in his hand. "I'll end my turn, show em what you're going to do Fudo." He stated as Yusei drawn his card.

    "I summon out the Tuner Monster Junk Synchron and use it's abilty to bring back Turbo Booster in Defense mode, Next I'll tune my level 3 Junk Synchron with Level 5 Turret Warrior! Clustering wishes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!" Yusei cried out as his ace monster appeared on the field in attack mode.

    "Hah, your Dragon only has 2500 Attack, he's too weak!" Roman stated and Yusei nodded. "True but my target isn't Uru! I swore I'll defeat you Roman and that's exactly what I'll do, Stardust Dragon! Attack Roman directly with Shooting Sonic!" He cried out and Shinji's eyes widened. "Of course! if Uru's the only monster on the field, you cannot battle it but you can attack directly!" Shinji realised, he was stupid for not figuring it out sooner.

    "I reveal my facedown card, Spider Egg! I negate your attack and special summon three Spider Tokens!"

    He stated as Yusei cursed himself. "I'll place a face down and end my turn but all that's left now is to defeat you."

    Yusei said as Roman laughed and became covered in a purple light.

    "What!?" Shinji said as Roman wasn't there anymore but a boy with long hair and wearing a hat as Yusei's eyes widened. "Rally!" He cried out as he started to run for him but Roman's laugh was heard again as he stood on one of the webs. "How ironic that you were duelling one of your friends you wanted to save." He said and Yusei cursed in his thoughts. "Let Rally go Roman! He's not your puppet!" Yusei stated loudly as Roman laughed. "His will is free, he can duel to win or lose, but surrendering isn't an option to the boy."

    Rally's eyes returned to normal as he took notice of his surroundings and saw Yusei. "Yusei...everyone's disappeared...and the loser of this duel will disappear forever...it's the Dark Signer's fault." Rally said in a emotional tone as Rally drawn his card as he was in Roman's place.

    "Stop Rally!" Yusei said as Roman laughed. "That's it, duel so you can survive!" Roman cried out as rally pointed at uru. "I activate Uru's effect, once per turn, I can tribute one of my monsters and gain control of one of yours and I select Turbo Booster, now I summon out the Tuner monster, Turbo Rocket!" Rally called out

    Yusei's eyes widened, he knew what he was planning to do. "Don't Rally! Just end your turn!" He said as Rally spoke. "I tune Level 2 Turbo Rocket with Level 1 Turbo Booster to Synchro Summon Turbo Cannon!" Rally stated. "Turbo Cannon allows me to destory 1 monster and the controller takes damage equal to half it's ATK, and I choose...Uru!" Rally cried out

    Shinji's eyes widened. "He's going to lose the duel on purpose!" He said as he realised it as Turbo Cannon activated it's effect, dealing 1500 damage to Rally when it destoryed Uru as Yusei ran for him, the holographic projections vanishing as he held him in his arms.

    "Why Rally!?" Yusei asked him as Rally smiled a bit. "Protect Satellite yusei, your...our only hope..." Rally managed to say before he crumbled into dust and Yusei's eyes widened as Shinji placed a hand on his shoulder as everyone else arrived. "That was an interesting show...but this is where the battle of the Signers and Dark Signers begins!" Roman called out as other Dark Signers stood behind him.

    An yellow coated Dark Signer spoke. "This is where the stars of fate will decide the battles." He stated as Kalin laughed manaically. "Are you still afraid of the Immortals Yusei!? There's still plenty of fear in you!"

    Yusei stood up as he glared at the Dark Signers. "I'm afraid all right...afraid of how much I want to defeat you and your dark decks!" Yusei stated.

    Roman/Rally LP - 900
    Roman/Rally Hand - 5

    Monster Field
    Earthbound Immortal Uru
    Turbo Cannon
    2 Spider Tokens (1 Token sacfrificed for Uru's effect)

    Spider Web (Field)

    Turbo Rocket
    Ground Spider
    Offerings to the Bound Deity
    Altar of the Bound Deity
    Underground Arachnid
    Dark Tuner Dark Cocoon
    Dark Spider

    Yusei & Shinji's Shared LP - 800 (Iron Resolve halved LP)
    Yusei's Hand - 5

    Monster Field
    Stardust Dragon

    Facedown spell/trap

    Junk Synchron
    Turret Warrior
    Advance Draw
    Road Warrior
    Speed Warrior
    Road Synchron
    Turbo Booster
    Shield Wing (After UG used it as a shield)
    One for One

    Quillbolt Hedgehog

    Shinji's Hand - 2

    Monster Field
    Wisel the White Warrior

    1 Facedown S/T
    Swords of Revealing Light (2 Turns)

    Wisel's Ark
    Gem-Knight Topaz
    Pot of Avarice
    Gem-Knight Enhance
    Gem-Knight Fusion

    End Result:
    Yusei & Shinji win by Rally using Turbo Cannon's effect to destory Uru, thus losing the Duel.
  8. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    "Way to go Yusei & Shinji!"
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "I thought I heard Yusei's heart break when they did the final attack." Angel said softly, Akiza looked at her and looked at Yusei and Shinji.
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    The yellow coated Dark SIgner held up a card to show, it was Ancient Fairy Dragon. "Is this the card you've searched for little girl?" He asked her and could tell from the look in Luna's eyes. "I shall not run or hide from you, My name is Devack and I bear the birthmark of the Monkey." He stated before rolling his sleeve up.

    The green robed Dark Signer Misty stared at Akiza intently with Kalin eyed Yusei, the orange robed Dark Signer covered her face as she eyed Jack.

    "We shall now leave and meet our fated opponents at the destined place!" Roman called out, cueing the Dark Signers to turn and leave.

    "Hold it right there!" Yusei called out and ran after them as did Jack and Shinji ran after the two. "No need to hurry Fudo, we'll all meet at the respective stages." ROman's voice came from the fog as Jack managed to catch up with the orange robed Dark Signer and pulled on the hood. "I knew it...it was you Carly...but what happened?" jack asked as Carly pulled her hood up. "If you wish to know, come and find out later." She answered before runnign away but shredding some tears

    Everyone regrouped at the orphanage as the boys were upset Martha was gone as Jack slammed his fists on the table. "It's not your fault!" He said out loud as Yusei nodded. "Agreed, it's the Dark Signer's fault for not only taking Martha but everyone else, if we beat them, everyone will come back!" He said as the children nodded and left as Jack spoke. "Do you really believe that?"

    "I admit I don't know but I want to believe it's true." Yusei said in honesty as Trudge seized him. "Why do you say such hopeless lies Yusei!?" he asked as Shinji stood from the doorway with everyone else being in the same room. "Because he wants to make sure the children here have hope and also to resolve himself, so, we all should believe in it." He answered as Jack stared at him. "But you only have a duty!" Jack accursed suddenly and Shinji closed his eyes.

    "We all have a duty Jack, but all of us came here of our own free will and desire to protect everyone, all of our futures on riding on these duels right now." Shinji said calmly.

    "Just what are the Dark Signers refering to by saying they would meet them at the four 'stars of destiny'?" Blistered asked aloud as Mina took out a map and spread it on the table. "I believe they were refering to the four control units of the Original Ener-D reactor, each have been codenamed after a Nazca line." She asnwered as Leo noticed something.

    "Wait, where's the giant spider?" Leo asked as Shinji thought about it. "Roman's the leader so I'd bet he's at the Original reactor himself but he wants us all to defeat the four Dark Signers first." He said as Yusei nodded. "The Signer's cards were originally used to seal the control units but Director Goodwin was given them by Dr. Fudo." Mina explained.

    "Then how did the Signers come to have the cards themselves?" Blister pointed out and Mina spoke. "Director Goodwin said he released the cards to the public in hopes teh cards find themselves to their respective Signer, he used Sector Security to track who owned them and so the cards fell into Jack's, Akiza's and Yusei's hands and he had to make sure they were duelists to prepare them for this battle."

    "Then have we been dancing in Goodwin's palm the whole time?" Jack wondered and Mina spoke again. "you four are the only ones who can stop the Dark SIgners and save the future." Mina stated as Trudge looked at the map. "Then should we all go together?" He asked aloud

    "It'll be a waste of time going to them one by one, our only chance is to go at all four at the same time." Jack insisted as Yusei nodded. "Yeah." He agreed and looked at the map. "I'll go for the Giant unit, Kalin's waiting for me there." Yusei stated and jack pointed at the Hummingbird. "Then I'll take this one."

    "Then Luna's going to the Monkey to get Ancient Fairy Dragon back, then I'm going with her!" Leo said in a quick response. "Then that leaves Akiza with the Lizard unit." Yusei said and looked at Shinji. "What about you guys?"

    Shinji crossed his arms. "I'm going with the twins, the Dark Signers can make battle damage real so it's probably best one of us goes along with them," He answered and Yusei looked at Angel and Carson. "What about you two?" He asked and Shinji spoke. "I suggest Carson looks around Satellite and see if there's anymore survivors around so that way, the people can be brought away from all the respective battles." SHinji suggested
  11. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Takeshi was watching and listening from the shadows. Finally, he spoke up, saying, "If none of you mind, I want to fight, as well."
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Jack turned his head. "Who are you? A spy!?" He asked, preparing himself to fight and Shinji outstrenched his arm to stop Jack. "I highly doubt it Jack, if he were a spy for the Dark Signers then what would be the point of them asking us to head for the control units." Shinji reasoned and looked at Yusei. "If he wants to duel the Dark Signers and is determined to put an end to this, then let him."

    "...Okay, but he has to go with someone." Yusei said in response.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "I'll go with him, Shinji." Angel walked up to them and smiled. "If that's alright."
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Shinji nodded at Angel. "All right, but who will you go with to duel one of the Dark Signers?" Shinji asked her, he was confident in Carson and Angel's duelling skills, the Knights chose them for a reason.

    Yusei looked at Shinji. "Maybe she can go with Akiza along with this guy?" Yuiie suggested as SHinji thought about it. "Well, I'm sure the Dark Signer against Akiza would have no problem to duel against her, the best I could possibly imagine is she accepts a Tag Duel with one of them, but that's up to Akiza if she wants them to come along." Shinji said and looked at the psychic Duelist.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Angel looked at her, Akiza sighed and nodded, smiling. "I'll go, too." Angel smiled and hugged her.
  16. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Takeshi shrugged, saying, "I'll go where I'm needed."
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "What's our transport?" SHinji asked and Trudge smiled. "We have two cars." He said and Shinji nodded. "Then let's get started!" SHinji said with confidence as soon, Yusei and Jack were in their runners, Trudge was driving a Security car with Leo in front, Luna and Shinji in the back, Mina took a hold of the other Security car with Akiza up front and Angel and Takeshi behind.

    "We'll survive on our own strengths!" Jack called out as Yusei spoke. "We're all friends, our bonds won't be broken easily, even when we're apart, here we go!" Yusei said as he revved his Runner

    "Good luck, everyone!" Jack shouted as he and Yusei went off in their directions and the cars as well


    Jack rode his runner, deep in thought abotu Carly and wondering how she became a Dark Signer.


    Trudge was driving the car through an errie area as crows stared at them with red eyes as Leo was shaking a bit.
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Angel hoped they wouldn't be too late to find the tower.


    Luna sighed and saw Kuribon appear. "Kuribon, what's wrong?" She asked.
  19. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Don't scare me like that Luna!" Leo exclaimed when he heard her voice and Shinji looked at him. "Relax, you got me and Trudge here." SHinji said but he did notice Luna's words. "But I'm protecting Luna!" Leo said as he put his Duel Disk on.

    "He's very energentic." Trudge noted.
  20. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "I'm hearing a voice." Luna said. "I've always been hearing it. But it's gotten louder since we came here........"
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