Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds: Mark of the Knights

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Dec 16, 2010.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    We shall start now, I edited the first post to Three Knights since no-one else seems to want to join for the last two Knights, Aerith, I still need your deck list PMed to me.


    Yusei stared at the three who claimed to have the Mark of the Knights and spoke. "What do you mean, the Mark of the Knights?" He asked as the question seemed to be on everyone else's mind as the brown haired male who spoke before looked back.

    "Exactly what we just said, It's similar to the Crimsion Dragon's Mark which makes you a Signer but instead, we are given a tattoo similar to their weapons." He said before ulling up his right sleeve to reveal a blue sword-like tattoo on it as he pulled it down.

    "I never heard of these...Knights." Goodwin pointed out as the same male pulled the sleeve down. "Of course you wouldn't, the Knight cards have been sealed away for ages, waiting for their rightful bearer to take them." He said before hearing Jack. "Then, show us the proof of these cards!"

    The boy sighed, he figured this would happen but it was to build trust between the them. "Go ahead guys." He said as he reached into a deck box attached to his belt behind him and opened it as he pulled out a card, showing it to the group. "I hold Wizel, The White Knight." he stated as Yusei closed looked at the card where he stood. "It looks real enough."
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "I hold Rutimus, the Moon Princess." The girl said, holding her card and revealing a blue arrow shaped tattoo on her right arm. She smiled and asked, "So, now do you believe us, everyone?" Akiza just stared in surprise at all this, the girl smiled. "How rude of us, we were never properly introduced. I am Angel."
  3. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    "Me Carson!I hold Adolmaea the Sun King!"He said excited,then proceeded to show them the card ,pulls up his black leather jacket to reveal a brown lance shaped sword "Cool ,huh?"
  4. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "I'm Shinji, it's a pleasure to meet you all." Shinji replied as Goodwin looked at him. "So, you're here to aid us?" Yusei asked as Shinji nodded and walked towards him, holding out a hand. "It's what we're here to do, but we did come by our own free will, so, I hope we'll get along well." He said with a smile as Yusei shook hands with Shinji.

    "Any help against these Dark Signers would be great, but they have their Earthbound Immortals." Yusei said as he remembered his past duel with Kalin. "We've been told by Anicent Knight about this so we're sort of up to speed on that subject, you haven't introduced yourselves I should add."

    Yusei looked at him. "I'm Yusei Fudo but everyone calls me Yusei." He smiled as Jack kept his arms crossed. "I'm the one and only Jack Atlas!" He proclaimed as Shinji heard another person. "I'm Leo, Luna's brother! Let's duel sometime!" He said with some excitement.

    Shinji had to chuckle at Leo's attitute within his mind and looked to notice a female with green hair and red shirt under her white jacket, that girl must be Luna.
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "My name is Akiza." Akiza introduced herself, Luna bowed. "You might have guessed, but I'm Luna, Leo's sister." Angel smiled and nodded. "So, then, shall we be going, Shinji, Carson?"
  6. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    "Ready when you are!"He said eager to leave.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Goodwin closed his eyes. "Very well, the Signers could do with assistance, you may leave by the helipad where someone will help fly you to the Satellite, I shall not warn you to be careful but I shall say good luck." He answered as Yusei nodded. "Then let's go." He said as everyoen was following and soon arrived at the helipad.

    "What are you doing here!?" A man with big eyebrows stood there with a blue haired woman as Yusei was surprised. "Trudge? Your flying us?" he asked and he nodded. "Goodwin asked me to, I don't understand what he wants you to do, i'm just doing my job." he stated as Shinji looked at the blue haired girl. "And who is this?"

    "Mina, she was my assistant when I was the King, but we should hurry, I want to take these Dark Signers on!" Jack said and entered the ship as everyone was following inside and Shinji noticed two Duel Runners. "These are..." he begun to say.

    "Mine and Jack's Runners." Yusei responded as the craft took off with everone on board as Shinji bent down to inspect them.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Wow, I heard the rumors, but this is the real deal." Angel examined them.
  9. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    Carson continued to lean on the wall "Its not that big a deal." he said fighting the urge to touch one.
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Leo looked at them. "You never seen Runners before?" He asked them as Shinji stood up. "I have, but the Anicent Knight brought me here without it, if I'm lucky, it'll transport it to Satellite."

    Jack looked at him. "You're a Turbo Duelist as well?" He asked him as Shinji nodded. "Well, so far I have one, I never asked Carson and Angel about Duel Runners or if they had one, the subject never came up." Shinji said thoughtfully.

    Leo looked out the window as they passed the black mist. "Hey...we're above Satellite!" He said as Yusei walked to the front. "Trudge, take us to Martha's place, that's probably a good place as any to land." He said as Trudge just flown it tot he destination as the door opened and jack and yusei pushing their Runners out as Martha and another man stood there.

    "Well, you're back Yusei, did you do what needed to be done?" the man asked and Yusei nodded. "Yeah, everyone's together now Blister." He said as Blister noticed the new group but decided to not inquire. "Yusei, Crow, Rally and the others aren't around anywhere." Martha said as Yusei was surprised. "...What about the kids?" He asked and matha smiled. "Fine, but you better us what we should do."

    Yusei nodded and began to tell Martha everything. "So that's why you shouldn't get caught one of those lines, the Earthbound Immortals somehow use people as sacrifices to be summoned." Yusei said to her inside the house, Jack was playing with the kids as Shinji leant against the wall, listening. "So it's probably a good idea to not let anyone out of the house that doesn't have a Mark, the Signers can protect anyone who touches them at the time to create a sphere to protect them." He said as Yusei nodded.

    "What about you guys?" He asked Shinji and he smiled. "We can do the same thing, like I said, our marks are similar to yours so it's not surprising they have the same effect." He answered

    Martha smiled. "Well, you did save that girl Akiza but are you still afraid of Kalin?" She asked Yusei who nodded. "I am but I have got many friends now." He said as Martha smiled. "Stay the night and join su for dinner with the kids." She suggested.
  11. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    Carson was standing next to jack watching him play with the kids.
  12. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    OOC: Uh, where would the people who aren't knights come in? ^^"
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Angel let some of the girls braid her hair, Luna smiled as she and Akiza watched her.
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Martha called the children. "Dinner time!" she calle dout as peopel gathered around the table which had enough room as stew was being served. "Who made this?" SHinji had to ask and Martha smiled. "Trudge did." She answered and Trudge soon was getting weird stares from people in surprise.

    "What?" he asked and Shinji looked at him. "I guess appearances aren't everything." He just stated. "What do you mean by that!?" He asked but Yusei looked at the children and knew they were going to be happy. "Once the Dark Signers are beaten, a bridge will connect Satellite and New Domino." He said as the children cheered.

    A sudden lighting bolt struck outside as the glass shattered, revealing someone outside. "Sorry to interupt such a happy moment but I'm Roman." He said as he shown his birthmark, being that of the Spider. "And I shall have a duel!" He said as Yusei knew that mark from his vision against Jack and was fearing what it meant.

    "I, Jack Atlas will duel you!" He said but Yusei stopped him. "No Jack, we need everyone to get to safety, I'll duel him." He said as he faced him. "I'll duel you Roman!" he called out as Shinji stepped foward. "Then I'm joining in too." He said as Yusei looked at him. "But Shinji...!"

    "No buts Yusei, eventually the others have to duel and we're here to aid you, Roman, I suggest a handicap." he said and Roman was interested. "Go on." He answered as Shinji spoke. "Me and Yusei will share lifepoints but have a seperate field and you always get the second turn, the lifepoints will be 4000." He said as Roman thought about it. "Very well."
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Angel hoped that Shinji would be careful during the duel, and held her arm. Akiza and Luna stood next to her, hoping the same for Yusei.
  16. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Takeshi was wandering around the streets of Satellite. He had heard rumors of a mysterious group of people called Dark Signers. He doesn't believe the rumors are true, but it is part of his training to always be on guard. Takeshi stopped at a nearby alleyway and looked up at the night sky. Even if these so-called "Dark Signers" exist, and I were to try and fight them, where would I even begin to look for them? he thought to himself.
  17. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yusei exited out of the house followed by Shinji as Yusei spoke. "Let's duel elsewhere." He said as he led Roman to an abandoned street and the duel disks activated as geographic lines began to take form soon in a spider as Shinji took note that Akiza followed them.


    Martha heard that three boys aren't with the kids and ran out as Trudge followed quickly in pursuit of the woman


    "Let's duel!" All three men called out as Yusei's Tail mark glowed and Shinji's mark shone in a blue color.

    "I'll go first!" Yusei called out as he drawn a card. "I summon Shield Wing in Defense Mode and end my turn!" he called out.

    "Then I'll go." Roman said and drew a card from his deck. "I acivate the Field Spell, Spider Web!"

    "Next I'll Special Summon the Dark Tuner, Spider Cocoon, I can only special summon this level 5 card if my opponent has a monster!"

    Roman then took out another card. "Now I'll normal summon Dark Spider and use it's effect to increse my Cocoon's level by 2, making it Level 7!"


    "When the shadows are devoured by even darker shadows, the curtain pulls back and reveals a world without light! Come forth, Underground Arachnid!"" Roman called out as he took a card from his Extra Deck and placed the card down.

    "I equip your Shield Wing to my monster and attack you directly!" He said as Yusei and Shinji were hit as they got back up. "I set one facedown card."

    "Then I'll take over this duel!" Shinji called out and drawn a card. "I activate Gem-Knight Fusion! I can send from my hand or field fusion material monsters to summon out one of my monsters!" [​IMG] "So I fuse Gem-Knight Sapphire and my Gem-Knight Tourmaline to fusion summon, Gem-Knight Aquamarine in Defense Mode!"
    [​IMG] + [​IMG] = [​IMG]

    "If he attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, select and return 1 card your opponent controls to their owner's hand." He said as he looked at hsi hand, I shall also Normal Summon my Gem-Knight Garnet in Attack Mode!" He called out

    "And lastly one facedown."

    Roman's Hand: 2
    Spell and Trap

    Yusei's Hand: 5

    Shinji's Hand: 2

    Roman's LP: 4000
    Yusei & Shinji's - 1600
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Akiza held her arm as the duel went on, Angel watched and cheered for Shinji.
  19. KH2man13 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 15, 2009
    Takeshi, still looking up at the sky, noticed something a little odd; a LOT odd, actually. There was a huge purple spider shaped mark in the sky. Could that be... he began to think, before finishing his thought under his breath. "a Dark Signer?" He began to take off in the direction of the giant spider mark.
  20. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    Carson was falling asleep on a lawn chair when he looked at the sky and noticed a purple spider "Whoa!"He said as he fell backwards of the chair "Owww"He got up and ran towards the sign in the sky.
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