Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds: Mark of the Knights

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Dec 16, 2010.

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  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yusie checked his hand "I can attack Roman directly since his Immortal is the only card on the field!" He thought and took out a card. "I summon Speed Warrior and when he's sucessfulyl summoned I double his ATK up to 1800! Attack Roman directly!" he declared.

    "Yes Yusei's going to win!" Trudge said as Roman smiled. "Too naive Fudo, I activate my trap, Roar of the Earthbound which destorys your puny warrior and you get damage from half it's ATK and I count 900!"
    Roman countered as Yusei's lifepoints decreased to 3100.

    "I set one card and end my turn." Yusei announced.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Luna hoped that Yusei's card would work.
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Roman drawn hsi card. "How long can you withstand Uru's attacks Fudo? Attack directly!" Roman declared as Yusei revealed his facedown. "Spirit Force activate! I negate the damage and special summon a monster with 1500 def or less!" Yusei declared

    "You're at teh end Fudo, reveal Counter Trap, Earthboudn Wave, I negate and destory any Spells or Traps you use!" Roman declared.

    Yuseis' eyes widened as he braced hismelf and lost 3000 life points, having only 100 left. "Not good..." SHinji said udner hsi breath. "Soon, you'll join your father Yusei Fudo." He said and Yusei forced himself back up. "I refuse to lose this duel Roman!" Yusei cried out.
  4. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Luna didn't believe that Yusei would lose and shouted, "Beat him, Yusei!"
  5. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yusei drawn his card and reveals it to Roman due to Destiny Activator as it was Zero Gardna. "You take 50 life points of damage aad Destiny Activator is sent to the graveyard! Your end is coming closer Fudo!" Roman said as Yusei looked at him. "My life points aren't gone Roman so I summon Zero Gardna in Defense Mode and one facedown card!" Yusei declared.

  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Luna smiled and sighed, still hoping Yusei would win.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "I'm surprised you still have the will to fight despite the situation, your will is exactly like your father's, I cna't believe after 17 years, fate has tied me to you." Roman said as Yusei stared at him. "I don't share any fate with you Roman!" He said as Roman stared back.

    "Your life points are almost gone and your soul shall disappear into the Ener-D's light, as respect to you, I shall tell you a story about your father 17 years ago...he was head of quantam physics and discovered the Planetary Particle which he named Yusei, he given that name to you because the Yusei particle bonds other particles together a she wished you would be the same, This energy was created in his theory a non-polluting energy mechanism was built called the Ener-D Reactor, myself and my brother, Rex were researchers to your father and we were so impressed and talk about the possible solutions like a child, he homestly believed it could benefit the future." Roman started to say and Shinji listened.

    "But something unexpected happened." He said and Roman just nodded. "A tremor occured and the computer shown abnormal figures, at the time, we didn't think that this reactor woudl cause a huge incident, your father decided to shut down the reasearch, claiming the Ener-D was connected to the city and causing abnomal things within it, I was shocked as all of our research would be goe but Dr Fudo said the lives of the citizens is more important than research, I was disappointed so I decided to research about these diasters and foudn them happening at a similar time, the Nazca Lines, I heard abouy a battle 5000 years ago taking place there and so, I travelled there and was approached by a man from Yliaster who said this research must continue, even if Dr Fudo was removed as he said there are things the Ener-D could do that no-one would imagine as I was selected to eb a genius as I held the Dragon Head of the Crimsion Dragon." He said

    "What?!" Yusei asked shocked.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Luna gasped in surprise, "What happened after that?!
  9. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    Carson gasped in shock.
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "I returned to New Domino and inspected the Ener-D reactor and a flash of darkness struck me as I saw visions of the Immortals, the Crimsion Dragon, the reactor was built to revive them from the 5000 year old battle." Roman began to say


    Crow found Goodwin. "Hey, aren't you that director?" He asked and Goodwin looked at a picture. "My brother Roman was a true genius...but he took on a unbearable burden at the same time."


    "Dr Fudo said he was goign to stop the research by any means nessescary, even if the agents say to stop him but eh was removed from the project and successor was in charge, it was me as Dr Fudo couldn't see what the Reactor can do for us so I decide dto fill in his shoes, however he built four control units just in case and the keys were the cards of the Signers, he escaped with three but left one behind after being wounded by an agent, the young girl's Dragon, my brother found me and I removed the arm bearing my Mark and preserved it in a container to give to him as I ordered him to find the Signers since I had two gods battle within me but I chose the path of darkness as he left with my arm and I pressed the self-destruction button, forcing the reactor to explode and cause Zero Reverse, the doors to the Netherworld begun to open at that time and I was reborn, as a Dark Signer."


    Crow walked with Goodwin. "Then Yusei's and jack's parents alogn with everyoen else was wiped out during Zero Reverse and even the Legendary man couldn't stop the city that was divided in two." Crow said as Goodwin spoke. "Do you know of this man's idenity?" He asked as Crow shook he head. "No but we in Satellite were aspired to become like him." he said as Goodwin stopped. "Then pass a messege to Yusei, if he defeats my brother Roman, tell him to meet me back at the mansion." Rex said as he was ina elevator and went leaving Crow behind.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Luna was frozen in shock, loosening her grip on Shinji's hand.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "You're trying to act like a God Roman, how many mroe lives must you take before your satisfied!" Yusei accursed him as Roman looked at him. "Fate's in the hands of the Gods when I realized it and I chose the darkness within my heart myself but no need to worry, the world shall be reborn soon." Roman said SHinji spoke loud.

    "What good is a reborn world with just darkness!?" He asked as Roman drawn his card. "You shall see soon enough! Uru! Attack Yusei Fudo directly!" Roman commanded as Yusei quickly reacted. "Activate Zero gardna's effect, I tribute this monster to reduce the battle damage I take to zero!" Yusei declared as Roman was impressed as he placed a facedown card. "I'll end my turn."

    "I draw and set two cards facedown as I end my turn!" Yusei said as Leo was worried. "No monsters! Yusei will be finished in this turn!"

    Trudge looked at the fied. "Yusei must be relying on those two cards, so don't give up just yet." Trudge said

    Shinji looked at Luna to make sure she was all right.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Yusei........." Luna said, softly.
  14. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    "What if he destroys those two cards?Yusei will be a goner...",Carson said nervously
  15. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "That depends on Roman's next move might be, if Yusei's lucky, it might be something that turns to his favour." Shinji said as Roman drawn his card. "I activate the Spell, Earthbound Whirlwind, this card destorys all Spells and Traps on your field!"

    "Just what I was waiting for! Activate Trap Card! Starlight Road, I negate your card's effect and Special Summon my Stardust Dragon!" Yusie delcared as teh effects took place as Stardust appeared above him.

    "he summoned his Dragon! Now Yusei won't lose!" Leo cheered as Roman stared at Yusei. "Despite his arrival, it's too late foe you Fudo!" ROman said and Yusei responded. "It's never too alte, reveal Trap Card, Shooting Star! This allows me to detsory one card on the field if I have Stardust Dragon so I select Spider Web!"

    "It is too late Fudo, I activate my own trap card, Anti-Emptyness! I can negate the activation of your trap and destory it at the cost of Uru's ATK being zero as I end my turn!" Roman declared Uru's ATK returned to 3000
  16. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "You can do it, Yusei!" Luna shouted.
  17. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    "I'm not so sure he can,things don't look to good for him...what happens if Yusei loses?"
  18. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "I draw and activate Battle Waltz! Thsi card allows me to select Stardust Dragon and create a copy except for it's effect and I attack directly with My Waltz Token Roman!"

    "Did you forget my Roar of the Earthbound!? I Destory your Waltz Token and dela halve the damage to you!" Roman said as Yusei reacted. "I activate Stardust Dragon's effect, by tributing him, I cna negate your Roar of the Earthboudn and destory it!" Yusei said as teh attack connected but Roman revealed a Trap card. "Activate Brilliant Shine Art! I can switch your attack to my Immortal but do not worry, you shall be gone with only 50 life poinst left as we written a glorious page in hsitory!" He said as Waltz Stardust connected with Uru.

    "Yusei!" Leo and Trudge cried out but Yusei stood still, no damage was taken. "What!? How!?" ROman asked as Yusei spoke. "When a Waltz Token is destoryed, me and you can't take battle damage from it but I activate my token's second effect, I reduce yoru monsters ATk equal to my Waltz Token and that is 2500 leaving Uru with 500 ATK!" Yusei said.

    "I don't care about fate and because of my fate, there have been many victims, have you forgoteen what happened to the peopel who survive dand what they went through!? If my father hadn’t had his experiments, the incident 17 years ago would never have occurred. The experiment took the lives of both Crow and Jack’s parents and it ruined everyone’s lives... if it had never happened, everyone would have had loving parents and a happy life!" Yusei shouted and looked down.

    "Why they look at me as a friend, why they don’t bear any bad feelings towards me and support me? What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to tell them that I'm sorry!? I dare you to give me an answer Roman!" Yusei declared as Crow's voice was heard.

    "I'll give your answer! I didn’t know that you had been shouldering those feelings and that your sorry but that even though I'm your friend, I had never noticed, but I never thought that my life was ruined because of Yusei or his father. That’s why you doesn’t have to feel responsible and if there was any fate for me, it was only meeting you, Jack and many other friends, so continue this duel Yusei to win the duel for our sake too!" Crow said aloud.

    "I will continue this! Roman, what shines my light isn't the Ener-D but the bonds I've made with everyone who supports me and this card is my final hope! Activate Trap card! Stardust Flash!"

    If I tributed Stardust Dragon by ti's effect, I can Special Summon Stardust Dragon from my graveyard! Battle! Stardust Dragon, attack Uru with Shooting Sonic!" Yusei declared as Uru was destoryed and the rest of Roman's life points, gone.
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Luna wasn't sure how to react, she wanted to conragtulate Yusei, but the story of his father and how Roman became a Dark Signer was still on her mind.
  20. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    "I stand corrected,nice job Yusei!"
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