You've saved my life. <3

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by LARiA, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Amaury ‎- You flee from bees, and never before have I identified so strongly, your entomophobia is mutual. I would like you to know.

    AMRES - Amres. An American resident. I'm an American resident, too.

    axel91 ‎- My best friend is head over heels for Axel. I thought you should know.

    Britishism ‎- I know you not very well but, I think, we should sit over a cup of tea (and crumpets) sometime. I've visited England, your place of birth. Crumpets are delicious. Yes. I think I could get along well with any Britishman, 'specially any Englishman.

    Charonus Rex ‎- Charmander was my starter Pokemon in the very first Pokemon game I played, and he remained a fan favorite. I avidly believe that Charizard should be a legendary pokemon. The lizard-dragon-thing deserves the title.

    Droid4Productions ‎- Is it odd that I thought of KroboProductions? I always thought his YouTube Poops a step above WalrusGuy's. How courageous he was, taunting SonicDude3 so openly.

    eggplantluver23 - Now I will be strikingly honest in that I have never liked eggplants, picked them out my food whenever the order was screwed. But I think, I will grow to love them, no thanks to you. And hey, you were featured in Courage the Cowardly Dog. How can I continue to grudge against these eggs? These plants?

    ‎finalform32 - You created the (in)famous Last Person To Post III. I would be a fool to doubt your (un)trustiness.

    ‎hyuge-of-the-twilight ‎- Your profile picture. A tingling jutting well through my bosom. I am almost aroused.

    Janime6 ‎- You like anime. I like anime. Omg we have so much in common! Both of us in the anime clubs at school, I bet.

    JapAnimeFanatic ‎- Again. With the Anime. Btw, Japanese subs are the preffered style of watching. Japan over America anyday!

    Jayn‎- You are severely lacking in empathy and I, my Jayn, admire you for the witch that you are. How bold are how daring, having us at it! Making us do this and that, and all of these wacky things! Respect the witch else she will curse your face with a bout of achne. 'Tis not pretty.

    Jump Heart ‎- Your profile picture accurately depicts my ever-creeping sense of imminent loneliness. Stranger of whom I don't know, you have my immediate sympathies.

    Kayate‎- Not once have I replied to your contant income of visitor messages, asking me how I am doing and whatnot... I should say, they are welcome. And that I am truly a selfish being for remaining unresponsive. And that you, K, are selfless...

    KingdomCrownXlll‎- I am 13 as well. Nearing 13, but still...

    KIRA94000- Yagami Light was my favorite character of Death Note. He had intent whilst, the others didn't, at least he had a meaning of some sort. The others were noticeably lacking in that department, in want, in will. Meanwhile he had his set. With his death I weeped, with L and the others I sat poker-faced.

    Kisala - Toy Story 3 wasn't deep, wasn't philosical, anything but. Wholeheartedly I agree. I mean, how do they propose to get something deep across with toys? I entered the theater with high hopes of watching something lighthearted, and I departed disappointed. Why, why must we dramatize needlessly...

    Lea - You've two posts, 275 visits, and a beautiful name. A beautiful girl. The lass should post more often.

    Lesumax- Guess who made WAFFLES!?!?! I am a devoted supporter of Invader Zim too. They should definitely continue the series. ALSO, Zim x Dib 4EVA

    libregkd- You an affiliate of Inglip? Inflip summoned. IT HAS BEGUN.

    Loxare‎- From the profoundest pits of my pitiless pith I thank you for entertaining Makaze in his rounds of checkers. A game of which I haven't the talent nor the time for. He's a boy with a low-attention span. To entertain him, this is a gift you have...

    Makaze‎- What to say, what to say... you are the love of my life, of course I love, and I found you rather daring in your posting of yourself, the photo, very daring indeed. Glaring at us coldly. You boss, ain't no doubt about it Noctis was quite right.

    Misty- I've had a longstanding and withstanding rivalry with you, perhaps unrequited, in our... our age. I would have wished to have been the only 12 yr old of the forum! I brush this off, and I claim you an equal. To you I bow.

    mis_notalent ‎- You shan't self-deprecate so overtly, and you overdo it. How could I possibly chide you for something of which I do so often? We self-deprecators, need to grow a pair and stop whining.

    Nekoki - The majority of your threads dealing with teen awkwardness or puppy love, what's not to like? We've all gone through the stage at some point. I hope you find your girl.

    Rhiscx‎ - As well, you narrow your focus down to something more specific... the majority of your time spent at the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Arena. Can't say I recall you posting anywhere else, and, any fan of Yugi is a friend of mine. I had a fairy deck back in the day. Yourself? We should get to know each other, more, on a more intimate level...

    Rienzel‎ - Creative, witty, with your threads such as, guess the user below you. As witty as What?, that's what. At the least, as witty as the what, that what, himself. And I'll let you in on a little secret, I too have attempted alchemy by moronically clapping my hands and drawing insignias on the floor. An embarrassing secret.

    Saximaphone‎- You think me a younger sister and I find your warm embrace touching. Your caring, touching. You are touching me. You are touching me, appropriately.

    Smurfasaurus ‎- I hadn't even heard of Smurfs before meeting you, and by the flick of an eye I knew. I had to watch the movie.

    supersonic14- Where to start. I love Sonic. You love Sonic. I, literally, wanted to marry Sonic as a child. The blue hedgie was mine, and mine alone. Bug off, Amy.

    Te Deum - You, a bear! I quite like the furry brutes. Me, a mouse. In this we share, a mutual animalistic personification...

    terra254‎- 2, 5, 4, my favorite numbers.

    The Genius Sex Poet - As with the bear I feel close to you, oh so close, acknowledging our ancesty... the rats and the mice, have been at it for years, but can't we toss aside our differences and live alongside the other peacefully? After all, we are so similar, so very similar in bloodline...

    TitanTX‎- You dabble in signature requests. Your contributions have not gone unrecognized.

    tummer‎- You alerted us to the upcoming Paranormal Activity III, a movie of which I have yet to watch, but, of which I must soon. I must soon watch. If you are likeminded as I think then, you must love to scare yourself, deliberately, rile yourself up. I am queasy and I take pleasure in queasing myself with these horrifying horror films...

    Twilight_Nobody13 - I'm a nobody. You're a nobody. Yeah. Your profile picture is of Lightning. A favorite RPG character of mine is Cloud. They, like, parallel each other. We're parallels, you and I.

    Ventus PSP Aqua - Videogames are a hobby of mine, a hobby of which we share. We should play each other sometime, eh? Gaming is certainly not my forte but I try.

    ~Ryan~ - We idealistic cynics are a pain in the rear end.

    You'll never know how much you all mean to me. I don't know what I would do without you. You've saved my life. <3
  2. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    Yeah, I've been wondering about the mice thing. Mak messaged me about it on MSN lol.

    So like, we used to be rats or something?

    That would be ****ing badass.
  3. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    I knew i wasn't the only one.
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Oh, my.

    LARiA, this is just the sweetest thing.
    I didn't think you the type to do something like this, but...Wow.
    Thanks so much for the lovely compliments.

    We'll always be here for you. <33

  5. Loxare Hollow Bastion Committee

    Feb 6, 2009
    Flower Field
    Wow LARiA, that's really nice of you to say! I'm so glad to have known you.

  6. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.
  7. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Sorry. I'm too much a cynic to trust you words. But I can hope, I can dream, I can idealize about the could-have-beens, the possibilities, the notion of our beautiful friendship...
    A beautiful friendship at its highest point of perfection.
  8. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
  9. Lesumax Moogle Assistant

    Nov 5, 2011
    O.O Devoted supporter of Invader Zim, continue the series, Zim x Dib had me at waffles. I think we should talk more. :D
  10. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    Wow .
  11. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    Wow!! I'm actually surprised I'm on this list. I don't know what else to say........

    I actually stared the arena with a fairly deck. I'm a sucker or angels. I've posted in the Creativity Corner and Help with Life, but nothing major or forum changing.

    But if you wish to speak with me more, feel free to stop by and VM me. This has really my day. I think I can work today with a smile.
  12. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Oh god this is too good

    Laria you poor thing :'D
  13. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Why thank yeh kindly. In terms of "puppy love" and finding "my" girl, I just think I'm too immature for that sort of relationship. I found her, but I'm not ready. As for teen awkwardness...whaaaa? Oh yeah. That thread. How could I have forgotten?
  14. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    Wow I didn't expect me to be in this list ^~^

    Thanks!! xD
    So when's your birthday?