No, I don't I really don't Not anymore that fucking game get out before it's too late I need to uninstall that
I just I can't I don't understand Why is Kha'Zix in mid why is Elise one of the top 3 tOP LANERS WHAT IS THIS LIFE That and holy shit if one more guy cusses at me in Spanish because I overextended I might actually light someone's house on fire
I tried league, it sucked DX I'm not into the strategy games like that. That, coupled with the fact I could never win DX I'm more of an RPG kind of gal guy. So IGG is the place for me XD
I love how when you do a screenshot of your computer, everyone looks at all the tabs and not the thing they're supposed to look at.
A time for eagles I fully expect and in fact plan for this every time Hence the porn tabs I pull up just for the occasion (In reality I keep my porn in a separate window so I don't accidentally close an important tab when I'm finishing up)