I thought this was going to mention the Gamecube controller easily seen in a part of Pain and Gain, which is supposed to take place during the 1990's.
They also had Taco Bell boxes with logos that are from this decade. Btw, what did you think of the movie?
I actually enjoyed it overall. While the serious bits felt awkward, the more numerous funny bits were really funny to me, and I loved Dwayne Johnson's performance especially. The film just kinda suffers a bit of personality disorder, but that's what's bound to happen with such a peculiar real life story...which still amazes me.
Yeah, same here. I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed it. I really loved Dwayne Johnson's character in this. Also, the script is really good; so many quotable lines. There is some controversy with the film surrounding the real victim, who wrote the book the movie is based on. All I have to say to that is, it was still a good movie. I didn't care much if it stuck true to what actually happened; I was there to be entertained by some story. If a lot of it is just fiction, then whatever. Still, this is Florida we're talking about.