Your top ten greatest games.

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DigitalAtlas, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. reiss10 Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 19, 2008
    inside toon link and roxas
    1.super smash bros brawl
    2.animal crossing WW
    3.super mario 64
    4.metal gear solid 2:sons of libertay
    5.super paper mario
    6.pokemon expolers of time
    7.pokemon diamond
    8.pokemon blue rescue team
    9 pokemon ranger
    10 age of empiers 3
  2. Repliku Chaser

    1. DMC 3 - I just loved this game. It's so epic and was an apology for DMC 2 that doesn't exist in my mind. I'm still waiting to play DMC4. :/
    2. Final Fantasy VI - I <3 this game and not enough people know about it to talk of it often enough.
    3. Kingdom Hearts II - I enjoy all of the games so far but this one to me I had more fun with.
    4. Resident Evil III - I liked all the RE games really for the plot and just killing zombie fun.
    5. Metal Gear Solid 4 - All of the games in the series but because it's most recent it's freshest in my mind.
    6. Chrono Trigger - It's a classic that I have played quite a few times. I also liked CC but can only say which one I like more.
    7. LoZ - Ocarina of Time - This game was my favorite Zelda game though I do <3 the others.
    8. Rockband - There's nothing like jamming to rock music and actually seeing if you do well or not.
    9. GTA Vice City - Haven't played the newest one yet but any GTA game is great as the ultimate stress reliever.
    10. Star Wars KOTOR II - Both games were great but KOTOR II had more things to do and was a great storyline.

    This list was so hard to make because there are such other awesome games I couldn't fit in like Call of Duty 4, Mario 3 (yes that old thing), Assassin's Creed, Mortal Kombat 2, FF VII, Soul Caliber, Sonic Pinball, greh... I can think of so many games now and they don't make the list!
  3. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    1. Final Fantasy 12 - It is seriously one most favourite game ever. Loved the story line. It also had some simalarities to FF9 which made me love it even more.

    2. Final Fantasy 9 - My 2nd fave FF game. Loved the characters and the weapons.
    3. Final Fantasy 7 - How can any FF fan say this isn't an epic game? It's awesome.
    4. Kingdom Hearts II - Bit obvious XD
    5. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - *sigh* Even though this is an old game I really appreciated it.
    6. Donkey Kong 64 - ... Don't ask. It was the first game that I ever played in my entire life.
    7. Pokemon Stadium 2 - The most epic pokemon game out there in the world XDD
    8. Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer - Spyro pwns all of u
    9. Ratchet&Clank 3 - fear teh quack-o-ray!!! >: D
    10. Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven - Has a good amount of blood in it so I don't ever get bored of my other favourite games XD
  4. reiss10 Destiny Islands Resident

    Aug 19, 2008
    inside toon link and roxas
    mine is changed now
    1 super smash bros brawl
    2 animal crossing gc
    3 super mario 64
    4 the legend of zelda the phantom hourglass
    5 animal crossing ww
    6 athens 2004
    7 the sims superstar
    8 mario party 8
    9 super paper mario
    10 wii play
  5. Cherry Pie Pwns Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 10, 2008
    In your mind
    Why are we doing lists upside down? Anyway, here's my list.

    10. Chrono Cross- Yeah, an old PS1 game. But it was my first RPG so I have to put it on my list.

    9. Harvest Moon- The freaking most addicting and stupidest game in the world. So much so that it's actually fun. Also, my first game for the PS2.

    8. Guitar Hero- I like the music on it, even though I suck at the actual game.

    7. Elite Beat Agents- Shut up! It's like DS DDR for me!

    6. Final Fantasy VII- It's a classic, although I still disagree with those who label it as the "Best game ever."

    5. Dance Dance Revolution- Anyone who doesn't love DDR should be shot.

    4. Final Fantasy X- My second game for the PS2. I liked the battle system in this one because you didn't have to choose just three characters. That and up to that point, it had the best cutscene graphics I'd ever seen

    3. .Hack- I loved the anime, so of course I love this game. The whole storyline just keeps you thinking.

    2. Kingdom Hearts- What is there to say? This is a KH fourm. You know why I
    like it.

    1. Xenosaga (all of them)- I love that game. Even though the storyline is a bit confusing. GO BURN VICTIM OF FIRST DIVISION! Sorry, inside joke.
  6. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    Mine are so epic your eyeballs will pop out :P

    10) Guitar hero III

    9) Final Fantasy VIII

    8) Ratchet: Deadlocked

    7) Jak 2

    6) Pokemon Crystal Version :P

    5) Super Mario Bros. 3

    4) Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    3) Kingdom Hearts II

    2) Super Smash Bros. (original classic version)

    1) Final Fantasy VII (DUH!!!)
  7. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    1. Kingdom Hearts Final Mix 2
    2. Star Wars The Force Unleashed
    3. Halo 3
    4. Star Wars Renegade Squad
    5. Lost Planet
    6. Kingdom Hearts 2
    7. Rock Band
    8.Crisis Core
    9. Final Fantasy 7
    10. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  8. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    Final Fantasy is probably my favorite game- EVER!
  9. LoneWolf Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2008
    Google Earth
    1. KH2 Final Mix
    2. Final Fantasy XII
    3. Final Fantasy IV
    4. Sonic Adventure 2
    5. Sonic Adventure
    6. Rayman 2: The Great Escape
    7. Ecco the Dolphin Defender of the Future
    8. Eragon
    9. KH
    10. Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings

    Yes, my games are OLD! lol
  10. Birth By Sleep 13 Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 21, 2008
    Somewhere on this planet
    10: Rock Band (music is so my thing)
    9: ArTonelico (one of my favs)
    8: Devil May Cry ( awesome)
    7: Metal Gear Solid ( Has the best graphics)
    6: Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness ( Can't fid the right word)
    5: SSX 3 (once again Awesome)
    4: Dance Factory (so my thing)
    3: umm..Guitar Hero
    2: Sing star
    1: Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memeories (one the best games i've ever play in my lifetime)
  11. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Someone didn't read the rules tutut D:
  12. micketymike Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 26, 2007
    I'd tell you but then youed never leave me alone
    in no real order
    10) super smash bros brawl

    9) legend of zelda phantom hourglass

    8) Ratchet: Deadlocked

    7) legend of zelda wind waker

    6) legend of zelda orichine of time

    5) legend of zelda twilight princess

    4) sonic adventure dx

    3) the internet

    2) knigdom hearts

    1) kingdom hearts two
  13. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    In no order

    1: KHII - obvious reasons

    2: Phoenix Wright - OBJECTION! It's funny, unique, and the characters are unforgettable!

    3: Super Mario World - probably my first game ever!

    4: Pokemon Crystal - Kanto and Johto pokemon FTW!!!

    5: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle - It got me hooked on to the Sonic series. The chao are soooo adorable too!

    6: Super Smash Bros. Brawl/Melee - ...if you don't like this game, I will Falcon Punch you.

    7: Tales of Symphonia - First RPG game that really taught me that I was a RPG fan and how to be a fangirl (Kratos <3)

    8: Final Fantasy X - My first FF game

    9: Persona 3 - I'm so hooked on it. xD And it's also one of those not very well-known good RPGs.

    10: Tetris - Such a simple concept, yet so addicting!
  14. T3F Chaser

    Mar 16, 2008
    Yes, I have classics in my list, can you blame me?

    10. Tetris (who doesn't love it?)
    9. Tekken 5
    8.Jak II
    7.SOULBLADE! who remembers that old thing?
    6. Super Smash bros Brawl!
    5. Final Fantasy 12
    4. Final Fantasy 7
    3. Crash Team Racing
    2. Spyro the Dragon
    1. Kingdom Hearts 2
  15. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains

    My Top Ten Greatest Games are:

    1. DragonBall Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3
    2. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
    3. Kingdom Hearts 2
    4. Superman Returns
    5. Shining Force: Resurrection Of Dark Dragon
    6. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
    7. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3
    8. Spider-Man: Friend Or Foe
    9. Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy
    10. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
  16. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    10. Medal of Honor series: Come on...this one is a classic. What's NOT to like about it? European Assault was the best in the series in my opinion.
    9. Star Wars Episode III: This game was very fun. End of story.
    8. Splinter Cell Chaos Theory: Special agent Bob and Secret agent Steve, two of the finest official unofficial Splinter Cells(XPlay joke)...Yeah. I do a lot of stupid things in coop and it's so fun!
    7. Ratchet and Clank...All of them: Why? Big guns+platforming+awesome humor=Badass game. It's addicting.
    6. Megaman Zero series: Zero...why do you have to keep dying? Honestly! Still, he's one of the most badass characters of all time. Too bad it was only on the GBA...I would've put it higher on the list if it was on the Playstation where we could see badassery at its best.
    5. Prince of Persia series/Beyond Good and Evil/Assassin's Creed: Can't decide...They're all too good.
    4. Kingdom Hearts BBS(not out yet but it WILL be epic and win...I think)
    3. Megaman X series: Megaman X=Best 2D platformer I've played.
    2. Secret of Mana: Freaking amazing game. One of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of playing. I loved the plot. It may be on the SNES but some of the best games EVER are on it. PLAY IT NAO.
    1. Crisis Core: Zack Fair. All I've gotta say.
  17. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Dude, nothing wrong with classics! =D Classics FTW!
  18. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    No particular order; not in the mood to think hard enough to accurately place them either.

    - Super Smash Bros Melee - To date, my 'most played game' ever.
    - Shadow Hearts: Covenant - Favourite RPG series.
    - Call of Duty 4 - To date, my 'most played FPS'.
    - Super Mario Bros. 3 (I can list this separately from SSBM, right? <.<)
    - Final Fantasy XI - invested 2 solid years into this game
    - Guitar Hero 3 - Yay, guitars. Not sure why I liked this more than Rock Band.
    - Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers - Good oldie.
    - Killer Instinct - Loved the combo system in this game.
    - Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+ - Great bonus material.
    - Tetris - Fitting blocks together is fun.
  19. Phoenix Wright- Moogle Assistant

    Sep 27, 2008
    1. Phoenix Wright series (I'm officialy obsessed with it xD)
    2. Final Fantasy X (Best. Game. In. The. FF. Series. Period.)
    3. Super Smash Bros Brawl (So much better than Melee : D)
    4. Pokemon Diamond (...Best Pokemon game I played so far...)
    5. Mario Kart: Double Dash! (...)
    6. Mario Kart DS (.......)
    7. Kingdom Hearts 2 (Well then, I didn't like Kingdom Hearts then, why exactly am I here?)
    8. Mario Party 4 (...It's the most fun in the Mario Party series)
    9. Kingdom Hearts (As explained in KH2)
    10. Super Mario 3 (Woo, classic Nintendo 8D)
  20. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    huh, i didn't notice this topic until now, but anyways, here is my list (don't feel like ordering them, it's not in any particular order)

    1. Tales of Destiny Director's Cut ----VERY epic gameplay, too bad it never made it out of Japan though, has 4 Player RPG action
    2. Metal Gear Solid series---- good game, seems to be the only genre type of it's kind, the only one i didn't like was MGS2
    3. Devil May Cry (the original only)---- i only liked the original game, the 2nd game was a joke and the 3rd one was pretty mediocre and repetitive but still playable
    4. Megaman X3 ----one of my favorite games of all time, you have to play it, it's avialable in Megaman X Collection for PS2
    5. Xenogears ----EPIC RPG, the game that got me into RPGs and Square Soft
    6. Final Fantasy 7---EPIC RPG, i think i replayed this game like 6 times when i was like 10 years old
    7. Kingdom Hearts (series)----i liked all the games but i disliked the original KH2 but KH2FM+ is MUCH improved but the reason i dislike KH2 is i thought it was a LITTLE too childish. the first game was REALLY GOOD. the best game however is COM, the battle system and story is the best out of the 3 games.
    8. Tales of the Abyss----GREAT game, multiplayer RPG action, very fun
    9. Soul Calibur 2 ----good fighting game, not that many characters but all of them are well developed and a very deep and balanced fighting game
    10. Marvel vs. Capcom 2----one of the most competitive games in my opinion, i would spend hours playing it with others but the only thing i disliked about it was that it was a little too easy to be cheap at times