Your top ten greatest games.

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DigitalAtlas, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    1) SSBM-just cuz SSBB isn't out yet
    2) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess-...
    3) Kingdom Hearts 2-must I explain...
    4) Tales of Symphonia-it's great, nuff' said
    5) DDR!-just cuz...
    6) Halo 3-yea...

    That's all I can think of rite now...
  2. sora_i_can_do_this Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 2, 2008
    10 Goldeneye
    9 Donkey Kong Country 2
    8 Perfect dark
    7 Smash Bros. Brawl
    6 Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
    5 The Orange Box
    4 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    3 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    2 Kingdom Hearts II
    1 Super Mario RPG

    Honorable mentions:

    Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
    katamari damacy
    star fox 64
    the sims 2
    guitar hero

    worst games i played:

    star fox adventures (ruined the series!)
    goldeneye: rouge agent
  3. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P
    well, I don't know what order to put them in but here ya go:

    1. Kingdom hearts 2
    2. Odin Sphere
    3. Final Fantasy Xll
    4. Tales of the Abyss
    5. Guitar Hero 3
    6. Shaman King: Power of Spirit
    7. Sims 2
    8. Singstar
    9. Monopoly (lol XD)
    10. Dance Dance Revolution :3
  4. KnightReaper Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 4, 2008
    10. Counter-Strike: Source
    -I have logged into this game for almost 300 hours over my time owning this game.

    9. Portal
    -Brought a new interface in puzzle games.

    8. Quake
    -Incredible gameplay and awesome multiplayer.

    7. Super Mario Bros. 3
    -What can I say about this game that hasn't already been said?

    6. Gears Of War
    -Awesome third person angle and tight controls.

    5. Sonic The Hedgehog(Genesis)
    -It was a fast side-scroller that kept me on my feet.

    4. Call Of Duty 2: Big Red One
    -My favorite out of them all because they focused on only one person this time.

    3. Star Wars: Republic Commando
    -Being an elite clone in the Star Wars universe got my blood rushing the instant I heard about it.

    2. Starfox 64
    -Gives each character their own personality and makes it enjoyable.

    1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl(Japanese Version)
    -Best out of them all and with the new add-ons to it, I couldn't wait for the March 9 release date.
  5. Hexin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 8, 2006
    Miami, FL
    I agree with Knight Reaper!! :D

    1.Super smash bros. Brawl (Wii)
    2. Kingdom Hearts series (PS2)
    3. Shadow of Colosuss (PS2)
    4..Hack//G.U series (PS2)
    5. Dynasty Warriors 5 (PS2)
    6. Metal Gear Solid Series (PS2, Gamecube)
    7. Pokemon Snap Shot (N64)
    8. Pokemon Diamond (DS)
    9. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
    10. Donkey Kong Country (Super Nintendo)

  6. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    10: Pokemon Red and Blue,brings back some great memories when the craze first began.
    9:Super Mario Brother's,oldest game boy game I ever played,never could beat the 2nd to last world either xD
    8:Star Wars Battlefront
    7:Star Wars Battlefront 2
    6: Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic
    4:.Hack G.U vol 1
    3:.Hack G.U vol 2.
    2.Halo 2
    1. World of Warcraft
  7. oldman106 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nov 12, 2007
    10 - Star Wars Original Trilogy(DS) Tons of glitches and it sucked..

    9 - none..

    8 - THAW (PS2) it was okay.. but kinda.. not so good..

    7 - The Sipmson Games (ps3) okay..

    6 - Animal Crossing Wild World(DS) it was okay.. but doesn;t deserve top 5..

    5 - THPG(PS3) ehh.. It deserves top 5 |*.*|

    4 - RuneScape(PC) It was really good.. for a while..

    3 - FFX(ps2) it was good..

    2 - Kh2(ps2) I still play it today!

    1 - RaC:FToD(ps3) I was THE BEST GAME EVER!
  8. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    10. Ty Tasmanian Tiger
    9.Klonoa 2
    8.Devil May Cry
    7.Sly Cooper and the Thievious Raccoonus
    6.Ratchet & Clank:Tools of Destruction
    5.Sly 2
    4.Sonic Hedgehog 2
    3.Rayman 2:Revolution
    2.Sly 3
    1.Kingdom Hearts
  9. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    The only games I've played are KH2, Sims 1&2 (PC), and a few versions of tetris (various Nintendo platforms). Oh and I played like two rounds of DDR on a friend's X-BOX 360.

    So I guess I'll put them in the order I like them (from least to greatest)

    Sims 2
  10. Sora-Riku Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 19, 2007
    My Country =D

    1:Kingdom Hearts2
    2:Call of duty 4
    3:Gears of war
    4:Kingdom hearts 1
    5:halo 3
    6:Sims 2
    7:SUper Mario =D
    8:Grand Theft Auto: san andreas
    9:Smackdown Vs Raw 2008
    (The dreaded)
    10:Pokemon Gold

    Thats my list!
  11. Skylight_Defect Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 16, 2008
    10. DDR
    9. Sims 2
    8. Final Fantasy XII
    7. Super Mario World
    6. Assassin's Creed
    5. Grand Theft Auto IV
    4. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
    3. Super Smash Brothers Brawl
    2. Final Fantasy VII
    1. Kingdom Hearts (Series)
  12. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    There are so many good games out there. I can't really decide what I would pick.
  13. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    10. Halo 3 - ...what? I enjoyed it...
    9. Ninja Gaiden - Quite a bad-ass action game, though the combat seriously overwhelms all over aspects of the game.
    8. Rock Band - Simply the best music game out there. An absolute blast when you have 4 people playing, and the setlist keeps growing every week.
    7. Resident Evil 4 - A really fun and cool action game, with its share of both epic and creepy scenes.
    6. Bioshock - This game just seeps in originality. The whole hell under-the-sea really gets you mind thinking if this could really happen, and the story is just amazing. My only gripes are its shortness and lack of replay-ability.
    5. Devil May Cry 3 - Quite a stylish game with really cool scenes and fun gameplay. Dante is undeniably the coolest demon slayer I've seen, and Nero and Vergil ain't too shabby either, but 3 is still my favorite.
    4. Final Fantasy VIII - A great RPG with (for the most part) really cool stories and deep gameplay, as well as memorable characters and scenes. My favorite installment is still VIII, being the first RPG I played and all.
    3. Half-Life 2 - Easily the best FPS I've had the joy of playing. The story's pretty mysterious and creepy-ish, and the Gravity Gun and DOG are simply win.
    2. Kingdom Hearts II - Just a really fun and addicting fantasy game, and who doesn't love seeing Final Fantasy and Disney crossed-over in such perfect harmony.
    1. Metal Gear Solid - This series is just too epic and mind-blowing for any gamer to pass up. The story may confuse you at first, but the stealth gameplay is just so addicting, it's worth losing sanity to beat the games.
  14. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    This was necro-bumped why?
  15. Lulus_Moogle Twilight Town Denizen

    Jul 2, 2007
    El hora de los emos
    10.Kingdom Hearts 2 - not as good as the first D=
    9.The Sims 2 - just not as good as the orignal
    8.The Sims - just plane fun =D
    7.Final Fantasy Chystal Chronicals Ring of Fates - wonderful plot line and very fun ^^
    6.Super Smash bros - i don't even own it I just love it!
    5.Mario Party 4 - my old neighbors and I use to play it every day so it brings back good old memories =D
    4.Kingdom Hearts 1 - just amazing
    3. The World Ends With You - LOVE the fighting style and plot - characters could be better
    2. Final Fantasy VII (the oringal) - amazing plot, fighting style, and characters - i personaly think square couldv'e done better - then again I'm an idiot
    1. Final Fantasy X - I loved the plot, the fighting style, the characters, everything - it's done sooo well i just can't describe how much i love it =D
  16. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    1. Halo 3-Xbox Live!

    2. Rock Band-Music is one of my fav. things evah!

    3. Bioshock-What's life without a bit of creativity?

    4. Call of Duty 4-Love war games.

    5. KH 2-Crossovers, lul wut?

    6. Wii Sports-Tennis and sports, what else is not to like?

    7. Oblivion-Mid-evil magical RPG. Thats awesome.

    8. Naruto: Rise of a Ninja-BIG MAP!

    9. Viva Pinata!-Its creative.

    10. Gears of War-Blood and Gore ftw.
  17. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Does it matter? =/
  18. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    You're asking me to choose out of all the wonderful games I have played? You are evil. Thus I will only list 3.

    1. Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars

    2. Metal Gear Solid 3

    3. I Wanna be the Guy
  19. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    10. Pokemon: Red- <<, it's a great game. Old pokemon ftw.
    9. Super Mario ( I forgot the rest of the name D: )- The plot is hillarious and you fight with a water gun.
    8. Final Fantasy VIII- I like the characters and the plot, but the fighting style was weird.
    7. Final Fantasy X-2- It's a nice game, but not as great as FFX.
    6. Final Fantasy VI- Good plot, not so nice graphics, but it's a great game.
    5. Final Fantasy IX- Love the music, the fighting style, and the characters.
    4. Guitar Hero- Playing on the guitar is fun =D
    3. Kingdom Hearts 2- Totally better than the first one.
    2. Sonic Heroes- I have no idea why I love this game.
    1. Final Fantasy X- The characters, the plot, and the fighting style is awesome.
  20. LeonX480 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 29, 2007
    In a House
    10. Dragonball Z Budokai 3(PS2) - The best of the Budokai series
    9. Yu Yu Hakusho Dark Tornament(PS2) - The nice and decent fighting game.
    8. LoZ: Ocarina of Time(N64) - Te best Zelda game, with the best storyline & gameplay
    7. Final Fantasy VII(PSX) - Who doesnt love this game.
    6. Tomba(PSX) - Nice Anime Scenes, funny looking character, an all time Favorite.
    5. Soul Caliber II(GC) - Nice selection of Character's, nice graphics, and Link's playable.
    4. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle(GC) - Who doesnt like this game.
    3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl(Wii) - Do I have to say anything.
    2. DMC4(Com) - Music, Graphic, Characters, Story. Whats not to love about this game.
    1. Kingdom Hearts Series(PS2) - The best series for Ps2.