Your top ten greatest games.

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DigitalAtlas, Feb 18, 2008.

  1. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Today, someone on XBL asked me what was my top ten, I instantly laughed and said I don't know. But then I got thinking, so now I have results and not only want to post mine, see what is in everyone else's top ten is.... Also I want to up my post count.

    There is only one rule to this, that is you can only use one game from a series. So you can't go 1. KH1 2. KHCoM. They are part of the same franchise which disobeys the one rule.

    My Top ten:

    10. God Of War- Perfectly bloodly.It was fun, challenging, and just made me love the PS2.
    9. Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal- Ohh come on, it's ratchet and clank. It was the same ratchet and clank we all love but perfected with gameplay, not so much challaenge though, it was easy. Still fun though.
    8. BLACK- This game because it was the first real modern warfare game, plus brought down the cliche of FPS games. It was stealthy. Everything was about cover when you got into a fire fight, and all and all jsut great.
    7. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory- I'm really into stealth games, this is the second best out there, nuff said.
    6. Devil May Cry 3: Special Ediition- It was fun, hard as hell, great story, and playing as Vergil mixed up the gameplay more than Nero could ever hope to do.
    5. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker- It was perfect for Zelda. Great plot, long, better action than any Zelda (reaction commands=win), it was the perfect Zelda game.
    4. Super Mario Bros. 3- It's. Super.Mario.Bros.3. No need to explain, kthxbai.
    3. Gears of War(WTF?!? New game beat SMB3?!?!?)- It was intense. This game has more action than any other game on the market. It was always difficult, even on easy, though insane mode made me want to suicide, it was still awesome. For what this game lacks though, number 2 makes up for by far.
    2. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes- Plot. And this game takes it to an extreme. With peopel betraying you left and right, great humor, and fun action and stealth, this game takes number 2 in my heart of gaming.
    1. Jak II- Perfect mix of plot, gameplay, action, cutscenes. The game was overall breath-taking. It was full of great plot twists, great characters, great level design that not only made hte new sci-fi but also stuck to the original places such as temples and jungles, great voice acting, this game has it all including over 140 hours of my life.

    This will probably die quick, but I had to make it for lulz. I know it's already been made, but I wanted to revive it without necro-bumping and getting teh flamed.
  2. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  3. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
  4. xeno Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2008
    I guess this is a rough list....a very rough list

    1.Chrono Cross (Trigger, Cross, and Radical Dreamers: Le Tresor Interdit are the others, but anyway Cross is as perfect as a game can get in my opinion)

    2.Xenogears(almost everything in it is perfect)

    3.Final Fantasy VII( the first REAL RPG I have ever played and typically this game is still one of my favorites)

    4.Suikoden 1 (this is another of the first REAL RPG's I have ever played and again it too is still in the top ten to to its character evolution, story and amount of characters, over all its very impressive even now...)

    5.Metal Gear Solid 3:Subsistence (short, fun, funny, amazing, contains mystery, and bonuses what more is there?)

    6.Jak 3 (it may be unneeded, but its still one of the more fun games out there, and far too glitchy to leave alone for normal gameplay)

    7.Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (its Mario, and "friends" in another adventure, but this one in my opinion is the best one)

    8.Tomb Raider Legend (also very glitchy but also has a fantastic story, that still leaves me hanging even after the game has finished)

    9.Megaman ZX: (in hard mode it is by far the hardest game I have ever played or I could just be bad at it ...
    (far more difficult then Super Mario bros.: the lost levels)and one of the best in terms of story and characters.)

    10.Koudelka (I have yet to beat it but it keeps shocking me over and over is one of the best)
  5. Sacae Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 17, 2008
    Emptiness of my mind
    10. Dark Cloud 2
    9. Breath of Fire; Dragon Quarter
    8. Fable
    7. Legend of Zelda; OoT
    6. Mass Effect
    5. Assasin's Creed
    4. FF; VI
    3. Star Ocean; Till the end of time
    2. James Bond: Golden Eye
    1. Dreamfall

    says my gut. That was what came to mind as my top ten, in that order, but I dont quite know why. I'll expalin once I think more.
  6. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    1. Kingdom Hearts (franchise) - Love the soundtrack, and love the humor of the game. Yeah the humor is KINDA tacky but it's a great game, both to listen to and to play, and the fighting is fun in the PS2 games. CoM kinda sucked. . . .

    2. Megaman Zero - Ugh, MMZ. Such a good game. Played this one since the DAY it came out. :'D MMZ was always my fav MM character and this game just propelled the franchise for me. I think this, along with MMX and MMBN, was the reason the franchise boosted the way it did around the turn of the century. =)

    3. Sly Cooper 2 & 3 - I didn't really like the opener for this one. 2 & 3 were great games though. Required you to use stealth in a funny kind of way, and you could really run around in this one. Maps were big and extras were pretty satisfying. Definitely worth playing a few times through imo.

    4. Ratchet and Clank - These were great; gave platformer a whole new meaning for me (along with Sly).

    5. DDR (Ultramix, Maxx, Extreme, Supernova) - I grew up over the years with this one, and it was a great way to both burn fat AND have fun! /fail ... But seriously, had some great techno music in it.

    6. BLACK - Probably one of the more appealing FPSs for me. Was the first one that I ever bought at the time (my brother would buy all the others) and it was really good. I never could beat it though, the last stage (or I think it was) was really hard. Damn enemies just don't stop comin'. ):

    7. Super Smash Bros. Melee - Got it when it first came out, of course. Was the first time I ever really got into 4 player fighting games (reason being because it was so new and awesome. Games like Tekken are too... realistic. *hand*).

    8. Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Great story and lengthy game. Always something to do in this one, and the graphics were good too.

    9. Pokemon Red & Blue - Who doesn't love dem Pokemanz?

    10. Animal Crossing - When life is in the dumps, play with animals! :'D
  7. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    10. Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock
    9. Chaos Legion
    8. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords-
    7. Tenchu: Wrath Of Heaven
    6. Soul Calibur 3
    5. Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale In Mexico
    4. Halo 2
    3. Resident Evil 4
    2. Final Fantasy 7: Dirge of Cerberus
    1. SSX 3
  8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Mine are:

    1.Kingdom Hearts 2

    2.Kingdom Hearts 1

    3.Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2

    4.Superman Returns

    5.Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

    6.Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2

    7.Shining Force

    8.Shining Force 2

    9.Shining Force: Resurrection Of The Dark Dragon

    10.Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
  9. KeyBlade chosen one Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 13, 2007
    Why shoud i tell YOU
    10- Super Mario Bros 1 2 3-Classic games and the best sellng ones.

    9-Kingdom Hearts-Best ps2 game of all time

    8- Paper Mario series-Like them all but thr N64 is the best

    7-Mario Party-The N64 ones are the best

    6-EarthBound-my favorite SNES game

    5-Super Metroid-My favorite Metroid game

    4-Pokemon gameboy series-Like them all,great adventures in them

    3- Zelda Twilight Princess-My Favorite Wii

    2-Super Mario 64/Sunshine/Galexy-Don't know which is best,There all great

    1-Zelda Ocarina of Time-A great game with a great story.It had good grafics for its time and is named the best N64 of 1999 and The Best Zelda game Of all time.
  10. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    10 LoZ - I like all of em and i rly cant pick one :(

    9 Dead Rising - Super awsome zombie game set in *GASP!* the mall

    8 Animal Crossing wild world - Cuz its awsome and online

    7 Mario Galaxy - One of the best games ive played but im not a super Mario fan

    6 Mother 2/Earthbound - This is a very fun game to play and u should try it

    5 Final Fantasy XII- Im just a RPG nerd who loves his Final Fantasy

    4 Sly 3- I dont rly know why i just like this game

    3 MGS3 - well duh thats a given <_<

    2 Kingdom Hearts (Series) - Some of the best damn games ive ever played :3

    1 Smash Bros - Cuz i love crossovers and Nintendo so its a win-win situation
  11. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Personally I would say that was debatable. There is such a big difference between the gameplay styles of Nero and Dante.

    Now for my Top 10..Oh...need to think about it.

    10.) Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - I dunno. I've always been a fan of the series, even after it went all ghetto. I picked this one because it's the one I've played the most.

    9.) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - I have a few Zelda games, some for the GBA and then I had the Wind Waker. I've always liked the games, it wasn't until Twilight Princess when i realised how great the series is.

    8.) Tekken 3 - The Tekken game I've played the most. Was the first fighting game I played and is one of the best.

    7.) Devil May Cry 3: A return back to form. Some don't like it because of the difficulty, but I praise it because of it. It was a return to form, and was just generaly badass.

    6.)Elder Scrolls: Obilvion - The games depth, length and attention to character detail is just amazing. I'm about 50 hours of the way through and I feel there is so much left I need to do.

    5.) Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+ - The game itself is flawed, but I still have a blast playing it. It's just a series I highly enjoy, hence why i'm at a Kingdom Hearts forum.

    4.) Metal Gear Soild: Twin Snakes - Well it's the same game as the original which is great as it is, but with updated graphics, the MGS2 Moveset and new cut-scenes. You can't go wrong.

    3.) The Orange Box - Well instead of spreading the list out over the Top 10, I've included the whole bundle. It has the whole Half-Life 2 saga to date. Which on it's own is a great, original FPS to date. Portals which really surprised me how funny and great such a short game can be. And Team Fortress 2 which is a great online game, it's currently the online game I play the most. It's fun, over the top and so balanced. The package as a whole is top class.

    2.) Super Smash Bros Melee: The best beat-em-up I've played. I've spent so long playing this game, doing all there needs to be done. And also was the game we played when friends came round. Bring on Brawl.

    1.) Final Fantasy VII - Yes I picked the over-rated one, but if I can't choose between the ones I've played. So I picked the one who introduced to the series and go me into RPG's in the first place.
  12. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  13. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    10. Toruk (oldschool one xD)
    9.Final Fantasy X
    8.Jak X
    7.Jak 3
    6.Tekken tag team
    5.Halo 3
    4.Halo 2
    3. Super Smash bros melee
    2.God of War
    1.Jak and Daxter

    Oh yeah sonic games ;D old school Star fox too.
  14. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Guy's remember one game per franchise.

    1. I could debate it easier. Dante and Nero play mostly the same except for the devil arm. Nero plays alot like DMC1 Dante. Vergil played like no one. He was completely uncomparable, hell he was hte only one to have gun and sword combos.

    2. That's a hell of a list actually. Though I want to shoot your number 5, especially because of what it beat. >_>
  15. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    10) Halo II- I don't play it much, but my cousin makes me vs him alot on the game and I pretty much got used to it
    9) Grand Theft Auto Vice City- I pretty much loved this game, and thats all I would play before it broke. Now I just try and think of the mission and how I would win them >:3
    8)Kingdom Hearts- Well, the first one took me 4 years to beat. I never would've played this game if my sister hadn't wanted it for Christmas
    7)Kingdom Hearts II- Well, a few years ago, I begged my mom for the game, and finally got it for Christmas. Took me 5 days to beat it, but it was 26 hours of game play.
    6)DDR- Well, it was a good workout for me, thats all I can say
    5) Jet Set Radio Future- The first game I ever got for Xbox, and I still play it :3
    4) Driver- Meh, my first PS1 game, and I really loved to drive the car around and crash it x3
    3)Guitar Hero I- Meh, I never really played it that much, but since my cousin had it, we started playing it
    2)Guitar hero II- My cousin got this game also, and I pretty much loved it!
    1) Guitar Hero III-Well, for Christmas, we got GH3 and so far, I'm almost able to get Fire Through The Flames on Expert xD I've got trouble in the solo but i'll get it one day ;)
  16. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    Personally I wasn't able to pick an exact Top 10. I picked the games I really enjoyed. It's hard to prefer games which are totally different in genre and playablitiy.
  17. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    *cough*itwasjustanopiniondon'tgetsopersonalaboutit*cough* :3
  18. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    1. Legend of Zelda series
    2. Super Mario Galaxy
    3. Harvest Moon 64
    4. Smash Bros
    5. Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic
    6. Fable
    7. Goldeneye
    8. Resident Evil 4
    9. Pokemon series
    10. Kingdom Hearts
    Honorable mentions
    • Civilization IV
    • FFX and FFVII
    • Golden Sun
    • Rainbow Six: Vegas
  19. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
  20. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    You used games from the same franchise.