Just name no more than five games ur really looking forward to... My List 1)Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk 2)Final Fantasy Versus 13 3)Super Smash Brawl 4)Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 5)Halo 3
-Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk -whatever the next KH game is called -Super Smash Bros. Brawl
1. Metal Gear Solid 4 2. Super Mario Galaxy 3. Devil May Cry 4 4. Ratchet and Clank Futures: Tools of Destruction 5. This goes to either 'Battalion Wars 2 (as strange a it may seem, it has my attention, and for gamies that's hard to get considering I deem almsot every game fail)' or 'Socom: Confrontations'.
1. SSBB 2. Halo 3 3. Pokemon Silver/Gold remake (which hasn't even been announced. lul) 4. New KH game soon to be announced. 5. Metroid 3.
Hmm tough choices but here's the ones I will just have to get no matter what probably. 1. Metal Gear Solid 4 2. Devil May Cry 4 3. KH2: FM 4. FF XIII and the other game 5. the FF fighting game, whatever it's called.
Metal Gear Solid 4 Super Smash Bros Brawl Final Fantasy XIII Metroid Prime 3 (not too long to wait. =D) Persona 3 (Come on EU release)
- .Hack//G.U. Vol.3 US PS2 (Releasing on September 10 :) ) - Disgaea: Hour of Darkness US PSP (Releasing on October 20) This made my brain hurt thinking about awaiting games
1. MGS4 2. FFvsXIII (and the others except FFAXIII) 3. Ratchet & Clank Future: TOD 4. Little Big Planet 5. Assasains Creed And many many more...
Super Smash Bros Brawl Mario Galaxy Final Fantasy XIII and FFvsXIII Guitar Hero III Metal Gear Solid 4
1. Guitar Hero III (song list is epic...and Slash is featured? I'm sold) 2. SSMB. 3. FFVSXII 4. FFXIII 5. Megaman ZX NA release.