Your Top 3 Favorite Games

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by The Fuk?, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    Me and my friends would just play on the custom levels and just start having pimp-slapping contests. xD Oh the fun we had.
    Anyways, back on topic.

    Final Fantasy IX - No matter what game becomes my obsession, this will always be my favourite game. It made such an impression on me when I first played it 6-7 years ago and it still leaves me breathless. I love the story, I love the characters and I love everything else about it. This was probably one of the most memorable games for me. Ever.

    Monster Hunter - Comes in at second underneath FFIX. Its another memorable game that I will always love no matter what. The graphics were just an orgasm on the eyes and the music from the original game took my sense of nostalgia to a whole new level (I usually ended up crying whenever I heard the original theme playing). I made a lot of memories on multi-player while playing this game. Grinding on this game was tedious at times and I tended to rage when hitboxes went ******ed but that just added to Monster Hunter's charm.

    Donkey Kong 64 - I used to play this game ALL THE TIME when I was little. I'd love to start playing it again but unfortunately, my N64 controller is broken. :why?:
  2. Cartoon Moomba Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 26, 2010
    The land part of Atlantica.
    Not in order-

    Tales of the Abyss - I love this game. The characters and the plot and the graphics... it's too long for me to replay it a lot, but I do get my kicks out of it. :3

    Final Fantasy VIII - My favorite game for the longest time ever, probably from 2007 to now. It's still up there my list obviously, but I don't obsess over it as much. Besides, it's the only game that gave me so many ideas for fanfiction that I've been writing for it for almost 4 years now. I just can't get tired of the characters and the story.

    Tales of Symphonia and Kingdom Hearts (series, though I like II better than any other game) - they often switch places with each other on my top 3, depending on what I feel like playing. Both are pretty amazing, though KH does obviously have a longer plotline. Damn you spinoffs.
  3. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    This is extremely difficult for me...

    I would say:

    1) Kingdom hearts 2 and BBS
    I couldn't pick between them because they both have a great story, they really give you a feel for the world that has been created and you get close to the characters. It almost feels real. It's a great world to escape to when you've had a bad day. It brings in new challenges and gives you lots to think of. There are other reasons which I can't be bothered to list.

    2) Left 4 Dead 2
    I'm not sure exactly what it is, there were loads to do and it was awesome meeting new people. I ended up playing 160 hours in the first month of getting it so sadly it's got a bit repetitive but I give it my second spot because it offers a lot of things to do and shooting zombies is just a great way to spend your afternooon 8D

    3) Portal and Team Fortress 2
    Team fortress 2 because it's a comical shooting game, I find it not too infuriating when I'm failing and you meet loads of people who are generally lovely (until you get a 12 year old who thinks they're amazing). You need a different strategy for each class you play which makes it new and challenging. It also feels like you can get bored of it after playing it for a while so you know when to get off, which is really handy when you're supposed to be studying XD.

    Portal just has an eery feel to it. It's a short game but it creeps you out from all it's reality. You have to solve the puzzles and get to the end and all the time you're against this computer who has control over what happens to you, it makes you feel really afraid and it's not a game to play at night (well not the first time you play the final level). You can really sense other people going crazy when you see what they've written on the walls behind the scenes and since you're all alone it makes you feel like you're going crazy. It's a great game and the sequel is coming soon.
  4. kingdom_hearts_loverXX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 30, 2006
    Metal Gear Solid (series) - Big Fan playing the games since I was young

    Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings - Great game for the DS. The gameplay was different also the enviroments. Some didn't like the PS2 game because of this but I thought that it was a great addition to the Ivalice Alliance. Now I'm replaying this game for the third time now.

    Mario Party (series) Fun minigames
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    1. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep -- I've never played it yet but I can't help but feel like I'm going to love it. (Ventus could be my best friend if he were real.)
    2. Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess -- My favorite legend of zelda game ever; great graphics and a beautifully dark and humorus storyline, and i love when Link turns into a wolf (I <3 wolves!).
    3. ooh, hard one to pick. Either Kingdom Hearts II or Tales of Symphonia Dawn of a New World -- great music, storyline, even the insignificant little tid-bits, and I love when Emil goes all badass and wants to kill people.