.::.Your Tokugawa Smile.::.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by HellKitten, Nov 23, 2010.

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  1. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xigbar took his hand and grinned, "I almost fear trying to understand their minds would be the end of the world." Laughing he took his time answering Daracxlu's question. "I suppose...because she's different from the other's I've met in my time here. Also, with these new...emotions everyone's been feeling, i thought I'd get while the getting's good. Xenree's a cold girl but I bet you 1000 munny I can get her to smile by the end of the month." he avoided the question mostly because he had no idea himself. If everyone was feeling things now, he supposed he could call Xenree the source of his new emotions.

    Xenree woke and stiffly stretched. She picked up the book and thought it polite to return it now that she was finished. Smoothing out her dress she started down the hallway toward the room where she'd met Marluxia, the Graceful Assassin.
  2. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Marluxia looked patiently at Zexion. He wasn't answering. Perhaps, he wasn't really in this for his all... Marluxia looked up at the door as the sound of footsteps approached. "Alas," He exhaled silently. "We should continue this conversation when the Castle is less active..." He spoke gently, his eyes turned over and looked at Xenree as she appeared in the doorway. She looked tired. He gave a soft smile with invitation to enter.

    Daracxlu smiled. "I would accept the bet but unfortunately I'm broke." He said to Xigbar. "You seem like the kind of person that could make her smile. I don't doubt you." He looked at Xioimara to let her know he was still paying attention to her as well as Xigbar. "Still..." He started. "She doesn't seem like the person to be accepting of love." Daracxlu glanced sideways at Xioimara with a wink and back at Xigbar.
    Xioimara's face turned red for a second at Daracxlu's sign of affection. She brushed it off and simply scooted a little closer to Daracxlu's side.
  3. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    OOC: My turn... huh...? ><


    Roxas grinned at Xion, glad she was in with him on this. "Alright, so where should we go? Halloween Town? Agraba? Some place never explored before?" Roxas stepped back and leaned against the bell tower, waiting for Xion to make a choice of where they should go. He didn't know where he wanted to go himself; all he knew is that he wanted to go somewhere besides the castle.

    Xara smiled kindly and folded her arms in front of herself while looking at the boy. "Need any more water? By the way, the name's Xara."
  4. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Xvin smiled slightly, "I should be good for a while as long as I just don't' fight. My name is Xvin." He stood up slowly, happy that the dizziness was gone agian. He felt stronger now. Xvin bit his lip and then said, "I geuss I should say thank you for the water."
  5. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion began to think. Agraba would be to hot and she didn't really wont to re-live her last experience in Halloween town when she was getting attacked by pumpkin prank bombs.
    'Let's go somewhere new' Xion said smiling. It will be better then just going back to my room I guess

    OCC: Short post sorry ><
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree bowed her head as she cautiously put the book back. She'd never seen the shorter older member before. She rejected the thought that he was kind of cute as it entered her head. "Thanks for the book, Marluxia." she said curtly and summoned her coat from the darkness and donned it thinking, there must be some missions by now for me to do. If not, I should check on those pranksters in Halloween town. She was about to leave and looked up slightly at the older member with slate-ish colored hair, he doesn't look old enough to be an older member, but it seems Marluxia knows him. She wanted to avert her eyes but they caught on the glimmer of blue from his eyes.

    Xigbar chuckled, "That's too bad, I was looking forward to finding an easy way to make some munny. Ah, I'll give you one piece of advice I learned the hard way: never take a bet against Luxord. That dirty card fondler is always rigging bets." He chose to ignore Daracxlu's comment about Xenree accepting his love. She would, in good time. Focusing his sharp yellow eye on Xioimara, "You're awfully quiet. Surely you won't be submissive like Poppet is will you, wolf girl?"
  7. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    "Hm?" Zexion looked up, finally coming out of what seemed to be a trance of thought. In reality, like Marluxia had assumed, he was not prepared for what seemed to be such a rash reaction. However, by staring at some of the psychology books on the shelves, he had come to what was to him an ingenious conclusion. The arrival of the new member was rather irritating; he would have to share his little plot later, and when no one else was around. She didn't seem too bad, at least she appeared to be going out for a mission or something of the like. She could be rather worthwhile, and certainly lees likely to be turned into a Dusk, unlike some of the others. However, it puzzled him as to how she was staring at him. Why, if he didn't know better he would be feeling uncomfortable! "You're new here, I suppose?" The best trick was to make himself seem unfriendly, and so he put a condescending tone to his voice.
  8. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Huh..." Roxas scratched the back of his head, finding himself in a corner now. "Uh... okay... what place haven't we been to yet?" The blond-haired boy asked as he thought hard. He really couldn't think of any place in particular... 'Probably because we never heard it before...' Roxas folded his arms, going into a deep train of thought. How were they to find another world they haven't been to yet?

    Xara tilted her head back and went into a chuckling fit. As soon as her laughter died off, she looked at Xvin and grinned. "Hey, no thanks is necessary, Xvin. Just knowing I helped someone out is good enough for me. Hey, me and my friend Xeloc here were going to head to Christmas Town for a cup of hot chocolate... wanna come along with us?"
  9. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Xvin looked at Xara like she grew a second head when she went into a chuckling fit. "I guess I go for some..." said Xvin, smiling, "Sure...I'll come." It's won't hurt...plus I should get out some too. Xvin thought smiling.

    OOC: Sorry for the short post, my mind is facing major writers block...
  10. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion began to think of places she'd like to vist. Mabye..Going to somewhere new could be dangerous She didn't want have to fight away heartless, she wanted to have fun go somewhere peaceful.
    ''Roxas'' Xion said ''Why don't we go to the beach?'' Xion started to daydream, the sand, the sea, the pretty beach view and the sea shells. Xion opened her palm and stared at it imaging one was in her hand already.
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree nodded to Zexion, she wasn't the least bit put off by his tone as he spoke to her. About now, she wished he could offer him a smile but she hadn't smiled in a good majority of her life and becoming a Nobody hadn't changed that. "You seem...too young to be an older member. And yet you know Marluxia. You must be Zexion, Xigbar speaks about you some." She was blunt and if she could accept her feelings, hated herself for being so blunt with her elder.
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Roxas slowly smiled, liking the idea of going to the beach too. "Yeah... that's a good idea. Let's go to the beach then. Who knows, maybe Axel's there." Roxas stretched out his arm to one side, summoning a dark portal for the both of them to go through. The beach was just on the other side.

    "Great!" Xara grinned from ear to ear, happy that she found someone else to tag along with her and Xeloc. He wasn't saying much though. Xara looked over at the Nobody, smirked, and then poked him in the ribs. "Earth to Xeloc's brain, we're heading out for some hot coco!"

    OOC: Not sure if the whole portals to different worlds only appear in certain areas of each world applies here or not... and sorry for the short posts too. DX
  13. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion gave a smile and a eager head nod, she ran through the portal and onto the soft beach sand, she closed her eyes and listened to the world around her she liked the sound of the ocean most of all. She smiled again when she reopened her eyes and looked around to see a paopu tree overlooking the ocean waves, she ran toward the bridge which seemed to be the only way besides swimming to reach it.
  14. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    Zexion faked a chuckle, but in reality he was indignant. What did age have to do with anything? Surely she should know by now that only intelligence and ability mannered. Besides, ranking was counted in the order the members joined, not as to how old they were. However, his literary mind soon flickered to a Shakespeare play that he had read a while ago, The Merchant of Venice. There was a certain quote from there that expressed his feelings perfectly, and he only felt it appropriate to use the statement. "Never judge by mere age. After all, 'There has never been so young a body with so old a head'." He paused for a moment, as he often did when quoting older writing. "I assume you know Shakespeare?" He would definitely come off as strange to her, but in reality he was toying with her. That way he would not only get the satisfaction of watching the girl in her lack of comprehension, but hopefully she would stop bugging him.
  15. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree closed her eyes for a minute and returned her red eyes to his a smile only in her voice, "I do indeed. There aren't many books I haven't read." Casting her red eyes down to the floor her hands trembled as she opened a dark corridor, "Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again, Zexion, Marluxia." Disappearing into darkness she felt her body shiver. Never had she used her old way of greetings and goodbyes before with people she barely knew. Pulling a notebook and pen from her pocket she scribbled something down and sent it fluttering off through the darkness as she continued on her way to check on the pranksters, Lock, Shock, and Barrel in Halloween Town.

    The note Xenree had written landed lightly on Zexion's bed. Scrawled on it in her neat handwriting was a simple quote from Shakespeare she'd used often, 'Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some acheive greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.'
  16. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    Of course, the response caught Zexion quite off-guard. He hadn't thought that there were many who had ever read the books, let alone memorize quotes from their pages, and the girl seemed so confident. This was humiliating and definitely not called for! Yet at the same time, for some reason the girl reminded the Schemer of himself, with her calm attitude. No wonder he got so falsely irritated at her; they were too similar for his liking. He looked around the room, glad that he and Marluxia were alone once again. Next time the girl would pay, and quite possibly with her sanity. Zexion's illusions were not to be taken lightly...

    But why was he getting himself all wound up over one little annoyance anyway? It wasn't emotions, he was sure of that, but it wasn't exactly normal either. The young Nobody shivered, and then looked behind him to a bookshelf, whose sight was a comfort for sore eyes. He felt over the spines of the books lightly, and then slipped out a small novella that looked interesting. He opened it and gave the pages a quick skim before looking up at Marluxia. "Shall we resume this another day? I'd also like the borrow this, it appears to be an interesting read."
  17. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree walked through the, what normal people called scary, town until she heard the lighting of a pumpkin bomb behind her and ducked. It flew over her head and exploded. Turning she saw Lock, Shock, and Barrel frowning, "Hey, you found us out before we could trick you!" Lock complained. "It's not her fault. You were too noisy!" Shock accused, hitting Lock on the head with her mask. "You came back!" Barrel seemed to be the only one that noticed she had come back after so many times before. She nodded and narrowed her red eyes on them, "You three haven't been bothering Jack have you? I trust you stick to your tricks and not actually harm people? Like in Chistmas Town?" They shook their heads quickly and took off their masks.
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    The moment he got poked Xeloc used his finger and poked Xara in the side of her head and smirked "I'm listening no need to poke" Xeloc said with a smile as he turned away and raised his arm and created a corridor of darkness "well then now that we are settled why don't we leave" Xeloc said as he looked over at Xara and Xvin with a smile
  19. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Xioimara looked at Xigbar. She didn't say anything for a moment and looked up at Daracxlu. He urged her to say something. The word 'submissive' rang in her ears. She would've stood up too Xigbar but knew far better than to mess around with an elder. "Not very talkative." She spoke making eye contact with Xigbar's only eye. Her tail wagged a little, she had a hidden joy for talking to a new Nobody. She looked back at Daracxlu. He was still standing by her side.
    Daracxlu nuzzled Xioimara in a comforting way. She whined happily in reply. She had barely spoke besides the argument with Xion... Even then she barely spoke. "Do you know where she went? Perhaps you could join her if she's in the right mood." He looked at Xigbar.
    "Sounds all and good." Marluxia nodded to Zexion. "Go ahead." His eyes wandered to the door as his eyes landed on a lesser nobody of Xemnas'. 'Meeting.' He looked back over at Zexion calmly. "The Superior has called a meeting." He announced calmly.
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xigbar smirked at them, "Well at least you can speak." His only eye avoided them for a minute as he thought, "If there are no missions, she's probably in Halloween Town with those pranksters. I don't know what's so fun about hanging with people with hearts, but if it makes her come home in a better mood, I'm not gonna spoil that." He drifted off into his memories of fooling around with Roxas in Halloween Town. The boy may not realize it, and Xigbar certainly wasn't going to tell him, but the time he spent with other Nobodies was funner than being alone, and when he'd found him that day, he had been grateful for Roxas' assistance.

    Xenree walked with Lock, Shock, and Barrel until she remembered another of their favorite victums, "You've been leaving Christmas Town and it's residents alone too, haven't you?" They stopped, "And if we haven't?" "You'll have to apologize and promise me you'll never do it again." she kept walking and let them scurry to catch up. "And if we don't wanna apologize?" "You'll have to be punished." "But we don't want to be punished!" "That's not my problem." They arrived at the forest and stood in front of the Christmas Town entrance, "Last chance." Their heads dropped to their chests and she figured they'd made a mess of things. "Come on."
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