.::.Your Tokugawa Smile.::.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by HellKitten, Nov 23, 2010.

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  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Hm?" Xara looked over in the direction of the voice, seeing a Nobody with the same length of hair as her summon a keyblade. "Uh-oh... speaking about being pissed off and angry, I think you just called someone's attention, Xioimara." Xara watched Xioimara and Xion closely. If things got out of hand, who knew what was going to happen. The Superior wouldn't like this, and neither would the higher members of the Organization. 'Emotions really cloud our judgments... no wonder why we're born with absence of feelings.'

    The blond took a surprise step back from Xion when she suddenly summoned her keyblade. Obviously, something was up. Roxas didn't know what going on, or what he missed... But he knew one thing for sure; things were about to get serious. He looked to where Xion was looking and saw the boy he met earlier and two other girls. One of them was being casual while the other one looked... jealous?
  2. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    Once he was out of sight range of the newer members (They didn't see him anyway, fortunately), who seemed to be...arguing...or some other dangerous thing that should normally be impossible in every way, shape, or form to a Nobody, Zexion sniffed at the air again. He had almost forgotten to take note of Larxene's scent, which was sharp, spicy, and tangy; quite suitable for the "bad-tempered" lightning wielder. He seemed to be heading closer to her, since he could faintly hear her voice, along with Marluxia's. Thank God! He would need to address this whole emotion issue as soon as possible to the neophytes; he needed to make sure that they would understand the danger. If not...Why, then the whole fate of the Organization could be jeopardized. After a few moments he finally caught sight of the pink-haired scythe wielder and Larxene, and walked towards them rather quickly. To them, it would seem as if he were quite desperate to tell them something, if he could feel desperation.
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Marluxia noticed Zexion approaching them. He nodded in acknowledgement. This Nobody barely talked, he barely even came upstairs from the basements as is. He wondered if he had something to talk about. "Zexion.." He started.
    Larxene fumed her anger and looked over at Zexion as Marluxia noticed him. She didn't say anything and simply watched him dangerously.
    Daracxlu looked at Xion. She took major offense to Xioimara's comment. So much drama already... He watched Xioimara to see what she would do and started to retire by Roxas' side to stay out of the fight.
    Xioimara looked at Xion with slight amusement in her smile. She didn't plan to fight this girl. It wasn't worth it. Not now anyways. Her amusement faded off her wolf face and she pulled back her lips and snapped her sharp teeth in threat to Xion. "Did I stutter?" She antagonized.
  4. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion suddenly realized what she was doing. I cant fight her.. She thought as she looked up at Xioimara's threatening smile and angry eyes.She let her keyblade fade in a white light as she sighed
    ''No..'' She answered
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree growled and relaxed as the wolf girl and Xion seemed to be going to fight. Pleased with the simple emotion of anger she retracted her dark blades. "Too bad, and I was just going to behead someone. What a drag today has turned out to be."

    Xigbar rubbed his throat when her blade disappeared. He gave a cocky smile to Daraxlu's comment, "Nice to see someone understands." Noticing Xion summon her Keyblade he calmly walked toward them and stood behind her, "Now now, Xion, is this really how you welcome the new members? If I remember correctly, Poppet, you were welcomed with open arms even though you were number XIV in an Organization of XIII."
  6. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    While Zexion did appear to be a bit more...uptight, in actuality he was probably quite a few inches shorter than the neophyte. While he was one of the most highly-esteemed Nobodies, he was also one of the youngest, a rather surprising achievement, considering that there were much older members about. Then again, he was also one of the original six apprentices. As he spoke, he sounded young for his speech, though at the same time his words contained great amounts of malice."Marluxia, have you not noticed the strange goings-on around the castle? Some Nobodies, naturally heartless, cold, and ruthless, seem to be acting with...emotion. Do you not consider this...strange? I believe it could be detrimental to the state of affairs in the Organization."Oddly enough, Zexion seemed reluctant to say emotion, as if doing so would hurt him. Some believed he shunned emotion because of his past as a Somebody, yet unlike Saix, Zexion still acted like one with a heart would; at least whenever it pleased him. He was a logical young man, and would not have passions cloud his judgment.
  7. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    ''No..It's not how you should welcome new members..'' Xion said as if she was in a trance. She was always quiet when Xigbar would speak to her or if she needed to answer him she answered plainly and tried not to show interest. ''Yes..I guess I was..With open arms...'' Xion held her breath as she waited for Xigbar to answer, she stared at Xioimara coldly.
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree watched in fasination how quiet Xion got when Xigbar addressed her, even by the horrid nicknames he seemed to give everyone. Pushing her white hair behind her ear she leaned against the wall, twirling a dark blade around her finger. Naturally, the blade moved on it's own around her finger so her mind could wander.

    Xigbar patted Xion's head, "That's right. Now how about you two stop this nonsense fighting over...whatever it is and introduce your friend to your elder. Alright, Poppet?" He looked at the wolf girl with his one yellow eye, "And you, a wolf, interesting. How 'bout you stop snarling and be friendly. We're all on the same team here, aren't we?" Just for kicks he looked at Roxas and laughed, "Hey there tiger. Long time no see. Missions wearing you down?"
  9. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Hmm..." Marluxia thought for a moment. He recalled his conversation with the new members, Xenree. And he also recalled watching how Xemnas had been acting. "Yes... It's strange.. I do think it'll affect the Organization. " He paused for a second. This was great for him. The Superior would be getting weaker with the fake emotion of love invading him. "Perhaps you should bring this up at the next meeting."
    "That's what I thought." Xioimara stopped showing her teeth once Xion backed down. She looked at Xigbar as he spoke to her. She didn't say anything except looking at him. Not threateningly. She knew better than to compete with the elders of the Organization. Not until she had more strength at least. The huge wolf pulled herself to her feet and started away from the Organization. She had noticed a slim figure move through their group almost invisibly. Xioimara figured it would make good fun to follow whoever the being had been.

    Daracxlu noticed Xioimara moving away. He glanced around at everybody and looked at Xion momentarily and trotted after Xioimara. "Wait up." He said in a hushed voice as he moved up next to Xioimara. "What was up back there?" He smiled as he tried to make Xioimara perk up. She seemed slightly annoyed with Xion, but he didn't blame her. He moved closer towards Xioimara's sorrel coat and brushed up against her.
  10. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Roxas looked up at Xigbar, smiling a bit nervously at him. "Yeah, I guess..." New heartless always popped up every day. It was almost draining him completely of his energy. Roxas looked sideways at Xion, hoping that she was okay. 'Maybe a trip to the clock tower would be okay later... maybe.'

    Seeing that she was being ignored, Xara smiled and casually sat against the wall as the conflict was soon resolved. 'That was fast...'
  11. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    "Perfect!" Zexion's eyes shined with a sort of excitement, though it disappeared in a mere moment. After all, no matter how realistic his emotions looked, they were undoubtedly false. "However...what of the Superior? He is in this horrid trance, after all. If things continue like this, he might have to...'resign'." His words seemed to surprise himself sometimes, especially when they spoke of things such as treason. While it was quite deplorable to sink to temporarily removing the Superior from his position, it would be necessary. They had to think of the higher goal, after all. Kingdom Hearts.
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Xeloc groaned as he closed his eyes and walked down the main hallways of the castle man its boring around here. Maybe I shouldn't have accepted becoming a member of the organization. I should have just refused like usual Xeloc thought to himself and groaned as he walked but opened on eye as he noticed Xigbar, Roxas, Xion the girl he thought was creepy a bunch of members he never seen "oh? new members?" Xeloc said
  13. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion watched as Xioimara and Daracxlu walked down the hall together, she finally breathed when out they were out of sight sighing sadly as she did.
    ''Daracxlu and I dont know the others name...''Xion answered giving a curt reply to the Free shooter.
    Xion heard but choose to ignore Xara's comment she didnt want to be brought up in the next Organization meeting for misbehaving nore did she want to be the gossip of C.O.
    She turned and began to walk causally away
    ''I'll see you later..Roxas'' Her pride so damaged she could barely mutter the words 'See you later'.
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xigbar watched the new wolf members walk away and then Xion walk away. He felt he had said something wrong, or maybe...was Xion affected by these strange new emotions too? He glanced at Xenree, giving her a shrug he thought, I wonder what's up with everyone. It can't be just the emotions. Could it? Is having emotions so terrible? If we regain our hearts...that was what we wanted, wasn't it? Augh, if I keep thinking about this, my head'll explode! Shaking his head he noticed Xenree had pulled out her book again. That seemed to be her escape from him lately. Great, I'm competing with a book?

    Xenree glanced on either side of the hall. In front of her was Xigbar, probably ready with his compliments and affection she didn't want nor need. And behind her was Xeloc, the guy who thought she was creepy. She didn't want to face another round of his insults. Creepy was her middle name and terrifying her last. Pulling out her book and leaning against the wall, she figured she could make another chapter if she ignored them long enough.
  15. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    A small smile flicked across Marluxia's face for less than a second at Zexion's mention of Xemnas' possible forced retirement. It faded quickly. Marluxia leaned up against a nearby wall with his arms crossed. "That is all well and true but if he feels the emotion of... Love, he may very well feel the emotion of hate." He paused between sentences as he spoke. Calmly and smoothly. "I don't think the Superior would be willing to step down from the throne that easily..." His eyes looked over at Zexion. He wasn't sure if Zexion was thinking mutiny just the same as he was but Marluxia did have every intention of finding a way to the top in Organization XIII. Most likely, he would take the throne by force.

    His attention turned towards two large approaching canines. He recognized the tallest one from earlier and the shorter one, he'd found. He nodded to them. They were new and he was well aware what they were feeling for each other even from not talking to them at all.

    Xioimara slowed her pace down a little as she approached two new figures. Both young. One had pink hair and the other had blue-ish hair. They had been talking and seemed to heed their conversation as the two approached. She looked at Daracxlu then back to Marluxia and Zexion. A smirk appeared across her face. "What's up?" The wolf kept her eyes on the two. Her bright green eyes like two flames.
    Daracxlu looked at Xioimara cautiously as she struck up conversation between the two higher ranking members. He could tell she was curious of why their conversation had shushed when they approached. He was too, but wouldn't care whether or not they let them in on the conversation.
  16. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    "Good insight on your part, Marluxia," Zexion flipped his bangs out of his face, something he did if they were annoying him, "One would assume the real question is as to if he can still function with these...impairments..." His voice trailed off as he glimpsed the wolves coming towards them. At first this confused him, but he soon remembered something about how some newer members had shapeshifting abilities. He smirked a little (True smiling was not his forte), thinking of the time when he used to create illusions of wolves to scare Vexen. But that was years ago, back when there were only six members. Now times were different.

    Besides, the fact that one of the wolves spoke proved that they were definitely members. Zexion looked at both of them, and snickered a little. "Well, I never knew we had pets...But now is not the time for a joke. Er...you are...?" He had been living in the basement floors for far too long...At least he could still have hope that another old member didn't know them either.
  17. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// Ah let's add some plot to this RP. And before anyone says anything Riku isn't with the Organization v Kairi, Sora, and Riku are their older selves(just because I prefer it >D)

    "Sora! Kairi!" A silver-haired figure called. None other than Riku. "I have news about Organization XIII." He announced as he approached the two. They were sitting on the beach together.
    "What's happening?" Sora looked from Kairi and up at his friend, Riku.
    "There's rumors I heard," He started and sat down next to the two. He drew one knee up to his chest and rested his arm on it and used it to rest his right arm. "That Xemnas has been showing emotion lately."
    Kairi looked at Riku in astonishment. "Are you sure it isn't just a joke?" She started.
    Sora looked at Riku. "What kinds of emotions? He was always a dull egg. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just hate he shows."
    "Quite the opposite from what I hear..." Riku said lowly.
    "It's fake."

    "And you are? Both wolves asked the two in unison.

    Marluxia cocked his eyes at Zexion. "Marluxia..." He said slowly. The two of them looked like they were almost glued to each other. He was slightly disturbed by this fact as they probably haven't known each other long. Marluxia recognized the red wolf from no less than a week earlier. He'd found her in an alleyway, badly beat up and in bad shape. She looked healthier and more troublesome now.
  18. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Hmph..." Xara was left to herself now, which was good for her. She grinned to herself and then walked opposite to where everyone else was going. 'Maybe I can find a good book to read or something,' she thought to herself as she held her hands behind her back as she walked. 'Or maybe I can go scrounge up some hot coco in Christmas Town. I bet they're selling that now.' Smiling at that thought, Xara giggled to herself and then walked into a lounge. No one was in there, nobody that she could see anyways. There was a small book shelf to her left, which sparked her interest. "Huh... I wonder what's here," she said as she walked towards the books and looked over them.
  19. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "so your a newbie around here" Xeloc suddenly said walking from behind Xara with his hands in his pockets . He had decided to follow Xara earlier because Xioimara and Daracxlu left and he wanted to at least avoid a conflict between Xigbar and Xenree. He also wanted to get to know some of the newbies around the castle
  20. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xigbar frowned as Xeloc followed the newbie he didn't know. "Xenree you really should be more friendly. How about a smile once in a while." She looked up at him with an 'are you stupid' look and returned her red eyes to her book, "Not happening. I don't smile. Not since I was turned into a Nobody. It's not in my nature to smile, hug or be cheery." He wouldn't let the smile that was growing inside of him out at how vocal she was, "Well that can't be good for your health, little rose." Her back went rigid, "What did you call me?" "Little Rose. It's not a problem that I came up with a nickname for you is it? Everyone gets one."
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