.::.Your Tokugawa Smile.::.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by HellKitten, Nov 23, 2010.

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  1. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion tilted her head at Daracxlu
    ''What is he doing'' She whispered, she took notice of the two girls walking around the corner and figured Daracxlu must have gone to go say hello.
    ''The misson depends really'' Xion said answering Kays question ''For example me and Roxas tend to be given heart collecting missons and-
    Xion couldnt finish her sentence she found herself staring at Daracxlu and how he was acting toward the female wolf and her friend. Does..he like her?She thought to her herself No. You need a heart to like somebodyin that way-But the emotions that the Superior have been feeling..Can we feel them too?
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Roxas also watched Daracxlu as he started to walk toward two other girls. He could see that the boy and the girl weren't ordinary Nobodies; they could turn into wolves. As he watched them, he couldn't help but to think that Daracxlu was hypnotized in some strange way. "Maybe the rumors are true..." Roxas said quietly to no one in particular. Before he konked out for the night, he heard some of the members talking about the Superior experiencing some emotions. Roxas really didn't tell anyone else... but he believed that he was experiencing emotions from the very beginning; ever since he got here on his first day.

    Xara's eyes fell on Daracxlu as he approached her and her new friend. 'So he could turn into a wolf too, huh?' Xara kept her eyes on the male as he approached them, but heard what Xioimara said. "Yeah, I see him." A playful smile crossed her lips as she looked over her shoulder at the other wolf. "Is this what I think it is? I think he's showing an interest in you!" she whispered. "So cuuuuute!" Xara brought a hand up to her mouth and stifled a giggle as she faced the other wolf. "Should I go somewhere else?"
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree was well into the book, having forgotten Xigbar was probably lurking around somewhere. She heard footsteps down the hall and pulled herself from the book. She slipped her flats back on and stood, waiting for the source of those boots to either enter or pass by.

    Xigbar didn't bother to knock, he couldn't hear anything from the otherside of Marluxia's door. Since he couldn't find Xenree, he figured bothering Marluxia would be second best to annoying her. Flinging the door open his grin half fell at the sight of Xenree's red eyes glaring at him, she held a book and rather looked like she was ready to fling it at him. "Well hello again. I see you've chosen to grace Marluxia with your cold presence, Xenree. How unfortunate for me. I just came to bug Petals here." He jerked his thumb at Marluxia, keeping his eye fastened on Xenree. "How've ya been Petal boy?"
  4. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Marluxia looked up from his book at Xigbar. He breathed out quietly as the antagonizer approached him. Marluxia kept his temper and knew far better than to try argue back with The Freeshooter. "Quite well." He shut his eyes for a moment. "How have you been, Xigbar?" He asked calmly. His blue eyes met Xigbar's wolf eye. The faster he could get over the greetings the faster he would have Number II out of his hair. Hopefully...

    Daracxlu lowered himself to the ground as he approached Xioimara. Once he was close enough he sniffed her and let her know she was boss.
    Xioimara stepped back. She wielded Xara's advice. She wanted Xara to stay and found herself speechless. She started to relax as she realized he wasn't going to harm her. Xioimara sniffed Daracxlu back. They both understood wolf language well.
    Daracxlu stepped back and remained low to the ground. Wagging his tail as he kept a close eye on Xioimara. He whined to break the silence between the two.
    Xioimara smiled as she realized that they were alike, and he was part of the Organization. She wagged her tail and playfully nipped at him before jumping back slightly, bowing playfully.
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Seeing that these two were making friends, Xara took a step back and leaned against the wall while folding her arms to observe. Since these guys were huge compared to her, she didn't want to get squished or trampled in any way. Xara chuckled as she watched the two bond slowly, and kept on smiling. "Maybe I should go somewhere else," she thought as she looked around to see where in the world she could possibly go.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xigbar grinned and looked around Marluxia's room, "Meh, I've been better. Xenree, I didn't know you liked to read."

    Xenree, having kept her finger in the book as a page marker, lifted the book, "Maybe you would've learned it if you weren't being such a leacherous old fool." she growled and bowed to Marluxia, "Thank you for letting me stay here for a moment of silence." She walked past Xigbar into the hallway and headed toward her room.

    Xigbar laughed and twirled his ponytail, "She sure is fiesty. Alright, Petals, spill. She say anything while she was here?" He slammed his palms down on Marluxia's desk, disrupting several books.
  7. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    ((I've been contemplating this for a while, and I must ask if I could claim Zexion. This Roleplay seems quite interesting...))
  8. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    The Graceful Assassin nodded to Xenree as she left. Marluxia looked at Xigbar as he slammed his hands on his desk, hiding his alarm. He exhaled with his eyes closed and opened them as Xigbar finished his question. "I do not believe that is any of your business of what we discussed." He said firmly. "Now, if that is everything I have matters to return to." He remarked smoothly and sharply to Xigbar. He placed his book on his desk and folded his hands, putting his attention on Xigbar.
    Xioimara darted away from Daracxlu as he approached her. She jumped at him and pinned Daracxlu down. Her ears went forward as she realized she pinned down somebody a lot bigger than her. "Who are you?" She asked, given the opportunity, though she let her guard down and found herself pinned a second later. She opened her eyes after she realized what happened in less than a split second.
    "Daracxlu." He smiled. "And you are?" Daracxlu stepped away from Xioimara and his form shifted. He offered Xioimara a hand up.
    Xioimara narrowed her eyes as she took his offer and got back to her feet. "Xioimara." She answered and quickly found her way back towards Xara side once she was back on her feet. "Are you with others?" She questioned, quietly looking at the corner where he came for the bodies of the voices that had been talking before he appeared.

    OoC:// Welcome Lunacat : D
  9. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    ((Yay! So...I'm allowed to claim him? I just want to make sure.))
  10. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xigbar frowned and stood straight again, "None of my buisness, huh? I'll bet." He turned on his heel and chased after Xenree. "I never liked that creepy flower guy anyway. What could he have said to Xenree?"

    Xenree walked and read her book. The feel of moving when the characters moved made it all the more fasinating. She walked until she noticed a few people in front of her. Two of them were wolves one second and people the next? She stopped and watched them, "How fasinating." Closing her book with a rather loud thump she tucked it away in her pocket and continued to watch.
  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Xara noticed that Xioimara came by her side, which meant that she probably wanted Xara to stay with her. Taking the subtle hint, Xara decided to stay put and just simply listen to the conversation. She would speak up when it was her turn. But then she felt someone's eyes watching them. Xara looked to see another girl watching them very carefully. The Nobody quickly looked down at the ground, not wanting to make it noticeable that she notice the other girl. 'Huh... what a day already.'
  12. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    The dark halls of the basement floors of Castle Oblivion lay silent and foreboding, and empty of any sort of intrusion, but not for long. A dark figure soon appeared from behind a corner, and strode down with a sort of casual attitude. However, he still carried himself with an aristocratic posture, one that almost instantly stated that he thought he was better than you. He didn't walk too slow or too fast, and oddly enough, his face was hidden behind a large book, which he appeared to be reading with interest. It seemed as if he would soon run into the wall, but he made a swift turn, avoiding it with skill. He knew these halls quite well; and although he would attempt to be modest, he was also one of the only members who could read while walking. 'Twas a nice bonus, considering his love of literature.

    However, Zexion was quite worried about the state of affairs in the castle. Everyone seemed to be getting...emotional. He could hardly even recall that word. To tell the truth, he would be horribly distraught if he had a heart. This wasn't like anything he had even heard of. Nobodies did not have emotions. Period. If this...development...turned out to be true, he would want nothing to do with it at all. A lack of emotions was much better anyway; there was no pain, or sorrow, or that horrid intelligence-wiping rage. Or even...love... He almost shivered as he thought of it. Talking to another member would be nice, but he would rather not risk catching their mania.
  13. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// Yes you can play Zexion. I'll PM you a recap if you need.

    Marluxia watched as Xigbar left and breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't bother to take offense to any comments he said. He learned to deal with any problems the elders caused between them. Mostly because they believed he was gay or much too feminine. The Graceful Assassin had simply learned to ignore any prejudice. He didn't bother to try and change their minds.

    He tried to focus back on his book, but ended up just closing it and putting it on his desk. Marluxia stood up and headed for the door. He looked down the hallway at Xigbar's fading figure. 'Probably going to find Xenree...' He sighed and moved in the opposite direction to go find Larxene and calculate the damages of the fight that they had been in.

    Xioimara glanced over at Xenree after she closed her book. Xioimara looked at Xara. Xioimara knew, at the least, that she was being watched.
    "We're exploring the Castle with Roxas, Xion..." He started and paused trying to remember Kay's name. "I can't remember the other girls name... But would guys like to join us?" He offered and noticed Xenree. "You can join us too if you'd like."
  14. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree kept her cold composure, "Aren't you a little old for acting so childishly?" Her white hair fell over her shoulder and she impatiently brushed it back. She took cautious steps toward them, "Acting as if you can actually be nervous or happy. It's pathetic really. You all-" her words cut off as she recognized the same annoying boots behind her, "Not again." she growled.

    Xigbar found her and practically skipped to her side, "Hey, I've been looking for you. For such a slight girl you move pretty quickly." He moved to drape an arm around her shoulders and suddenly found Xenree's dark blades at his throat and major organs. "Hey now, no need for violence."

    She ignored him and snarled, "I don't have time for your petty crushes. Why don't you all start acting like Nobodies instead of lovesick puppies!"
  15. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    The truth was, Zexion felt as if they would break apart if they regained emotions. They would be weak, blinded by their folly, and unable to realize the true dangers. They would be all but lost, destroyed, and scattered. Emotions were powerful, but they cannot stand up to the cold might of those without hearts. It was almost as if it were his responsibility to save the rest, his goal. As far as he knew nothing was being done to break the Superior from his spell, and it seemed to be contagious. Taking a few more skilled turns, he soon found his feet touching stairs. It seemed to be the proper time to go up and talk with someone that had common sense, or some form of unfazed logic. He lowered his book and closed it shut, revealing a slightly tan face, half of which was shrouded by a mess of long, slate-gray bangs, and walked up the the next floor. Normally he would pretend to feel nervous, but now was not the time to play mind games.
  16. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion felt something strange,almost like a sinking feeling. She placed one of her hands where her heart would be if she had one. Why do I care if that wolf girl joins us? I dont care She thought.
    ''No-'' Xion said loud enough for everyone to hear, she covered her mouth to stop more words escaping thats when she realized she did care. She cared because Daracxlu cared for the wolf girl.
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    The silver haired Nobody couldn't help but to glare at the new comber in front of them. What was the big deal if they expressed emotions even though they weren't suppose to? Then feeling a little brave, Xara couldn't help but to smirk a little as she looked straight at Xenree. "What's the matter? Too afraid to express what's inside you? Take a look around you, we're all feeling it." Xara scoffed and adjusted herself against the wall, shaking her head at the girl. "Whether we all like it or not, you're feeling emotions too, right? You wouldn't be so angry at Patch-Eye here for flirting with ya if you didn't feel anything."

    Curious, Roxas looked over at Xion after her little outburst and raised an eyebrow. "Xion, is something wrong?" Sometimes Xion was a mystery to the poor boy. One day she would be smiling, the next day she would be out of sorts. It was like trying to put a moving puzzle together; the pieces never usually match up where you think they could go.
  18. LunaCat Moogle Assistant

    Oct 13, 2010
    A place where I can laugh all my troubles away...
    Now that he was in a higher floor, he finally felt light on his skin. It was warm and comfortable, though exposing; a polar opposite to the basement floors, where the cold darkness could hide one away. He also caught quite a few scents on this floor. It was a special ability of his, one he took much more pride in than some mere tricks he could perform while reading. He recognized Xigbar somewhere around there, with a scent of gunpowder and something like starlight (The senior's element was space, after all), and the rather soothing yet sharp scent of various herbs and flowers, somehow layered with a very small reek of death, meant that Marluxia was about. There were about...around five others, but he hadn't gotten enough time to acquaint himself with them. Not like he wanted to, anyway; he wasn't the chatty sort on most occasions. The question was, who should he talk to? He didn't trust Marluxia in the slightest, but Xigbar was an imbecile. Besides, maybe a truce with the Graceful Assassin would prove useful for finding out how to dispel those false emotions from the Superior. As he walked through the floors he came upon a few new members, who appeared to be having some sort of conversation. He quickened his pace, attempting to get past them before he was noticed.
  19. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Marluxia approached the wreck caused by Xigbar and Larxene. Larxene had stayed put. "Quite a fight you have in you." He commented gently as he approached Larxene.
    "More than you'll ever have in you." Larxene snapped back. Her turquoise eyes narrowed at the sight of The Graceful Assassin. She didn't have the patience to put up with him. As far as things went, he was the next victim on her hit list.
    Marluxia smiled at Larxene. Her attitude never wavered no matter what. Especially after being worked up from lesser Nobodies.
    "Says the pissed off Nobody." Xioimara commented, with calm expression and half a smile on her face.
    'No-' Xioimara heard Xion say. Her smart-aleck smile faded quickly as her eyes shifted over to the Keyblade Wielding Nobody. This bothered Xion...
    "Okay." Xioimara accepted surprisingly easy. She looked over at Daracxlu and at the ground. "Jealous slut..." Xioimara muttered to the ground with folded arms.

    Daracxlu's eyes looked over to where Xion stood. 'Is she...? No, don't get pretentious, Daracxlu.' He thought and looked at Xioimara as he heard her remark. Daracxlu raised an eyebrow. 'They're jealous...?' He looked from the two over to Xenree and Xigbar.
    "Rejection hurts, huh?" Daracxlu started with Xigbar. "No need for violence you two. He made a mistake, not that bad."
  20. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    ''Excuse me?'' Xion in a raised voice summoning her keyblade,she could feel rage bubbling up inside her she gripped her keyblade tighter and tighter till her hand started to sting.She glanced at Roxas who seemed to be confused at her actions.

    OCC: Short post sorry D:
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