.::.Your Tokugawa Smile.::.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by HellKitten, Nov 23, 2010.

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  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Xara flinched a little when the wolf got near her, but then she forced herself to relax and looked up at the wolf. 'She's huge...' Xara grinned and then folded her arms over her chest. "Nope, I'm new here too. Looks like we're in the same boat. I'm Xara by the way. What's your name?" Xara surprised herself; here was this big huge wolf, yet she was talking to her just fine. 'There's a plus for me...'

    Hearing fighting in front of him, Roxas suddenly stopped walking just in time to see Larxene flip back and try to get Xigbar off of her. He just stood there in shock, not sure what to do exactly. Now that he looked around his surroundings, he wasn't in the Castle that Never Was, but in Castle Oblivion. 'How in the world did I end up here?' All Roxas remembered was being so tired that he just crashed where ever he could sleep comfortably.

    OOC: Hm... Roxas won't be affected in there like he was in 385/2 right?
  2. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Kay looked at Xion and the wolf with interest, "Wait, that dog can talk? Cool!" She stepped up to Daracxlu and got on her tip toes to pet him, "So what's your name, Fido?" She was grinning behind her hood, distantly aware of Xigbar and Larxene's battle.

    OOC: Would this take place before Chain Of Memories?
  3. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xigbar thought Larxene to be rather annoying right now. He let go of her, hoping she'd fall on her face. "Sorry, I don't give apologies. I haven't got the heart, remember." He grinned and thought about it for a minute. The Superior was feeling emotions, would that mean he would start to feel them too. The thought almost frightened Xigbar. He stopped that thought immediately. Him, the Freeshooter, afraid of feelings? It was almost pathetic of him.

    Xenree quietly peeked into Marluxia's room, he was always reading lately. Lifting a pale hand she knocked on his open door, hoping the pink haired member wouldn't mind her black and white ruffled dress. "Marluxia, sir, may I bother you for a second?" She was coldly polite and silently hating herself for it.
  4. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    OoC:// No. And I guess. I haven't really decided a time period.

    Marluxia heard a knock between the ruckus of the battle. He looked up at Xenree. "Hmm?" He hadn't really talked to this member of the Organization. Then again, he only talked when he was at meetings or if they approached him. The only members that really approached him were Axel and Larxene. "What is it?" He asked calmly and coolly. The Graceful Assassin closed his book and leaned back in his chair, listening intently on what Xenree had to say. He was known to be a good listener even on the little questions and problems someone came to him with, if they did.
    "I'm Xioimara. Have you met anybody else?" She asked, and her form shifted as she became more comfortable around Xara. People were more intimidated by a wolf, so she preferred to stay in that form until she was a little bit more comfortable around a Nobody. She ran her fingers through her brown and blonde hair. "I saw some Nobodies run through here. I'm not sure if they were joking or legit trying to attack each other." Xioimara heard a crash and some yelling not to far from them. "Like that..." She nodded in the direction of the fighting though they were out of sight.
    "Hmm... I'd prefer you not pet me." Daracxlu's form shifted to his human form. He was now about three inches taller. He straightened out and looked at Kay and Xion. "Daracxlu." He said. His voice seemed deeper in his human form. His black hair making his blue eyes seem even brighter. "And you are?" Daracxlu was slightly bothered by the immaturity of the members of the Organization and having it topped off by being called Fido didn't much help. His narrow eyes focused on Kay and shifted to Xion as he awaited both of their answers to his question.
  5. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree cooly slipped into Marluxia's room and shut the door behind her. Her red eyes briefly scanning the shelves of books around the room, "Sir, I was wondering if I might borrow a book for a while. At least until there are more missions out that are suitable for my level." Any other Nobody, she figured, would've tacked on a smile or some friendly look at the end of their request. Xenree simply asked and coldly watched him. She'd never spoken to this member before and his reputation was admirable. She played with the ruffled edge of her sleeve and brushed her long white hair back from her face.
  6. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion shook her head ''No..Not all of them are like that'' She glancing back at Xigbar who looked like he had enough aruging with Larxene ''Some..Are my friends'' Xion shuffled uncomfortably and gave a quick timid smile it felt strange to say she had friends afterall when she first joined the Organization she thought only somebodies could have friends.
    ''As for..'' Xion gave a head nod towards Kay ''Shes no harm, just easily amused, she likes to annoy the elder members take XII for example...But when somebody gets Larxene mad...We all suffer'' She looked at the wolf admiring his height and his moonlight grey fur when there eyes met she quickly turned to Kay
    ''Anyway..Keep out of Larxene's way..Please I'm sure you dont wish to be picked up by your hood again, hm?'' Xion said flicking part of her hair
  7. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Hmm... I suppose. Just be careful with it. Take as you please." Marluxia nodded. Xenree seemed very stand-offish and nervous. "I won't bite." He reassured her. Marluxia wasn't sure if she was always like this or not. No harm done. "Will that be everything?" He asked smoothly. She was welcome to stay as long as she wasn't going to just try and get on his nerves. Marluxia wasn't much of a person to neglect somebody new to Organization XIII, that is if it was even Organization XIII. He still had thoughts of over-throwing Xemnas, and to do that, he would need to have his numbers grow. He wasn't too fond of the idea of manipulating others but the newest members were the easiest to persuade on his side.

    Darcxlu noticed Xion seemed intimidated by how he appeared as a wolf. Or was it intimidation? He smiled and watched her quietly. He didn't have much to say about the topic of 'friends' within the Organization. Could they even have friends? Or did they fake the assumption of emotions? Daracxlu didn't have a problem with it. "And what do you guys think about emotions of Nobodies?" He said suddenly to spark conversation between Kay, Xion and himself.
  8. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree let go of her nervousness, "I'm Xenree, if you didn't know." She pulled out a book that caught her eye and settled into a chair in Marluxia's room. She curled up in the white chair, balancing the book on her legs and flipped it open. "Is Xigbar always so...affectionate with everyone else?" She flicked her red eyes up to him, since small talk wasn't her thing, she settled for asking the bigger question that bothered her. She hadn't asked to stay but it was at least quieter in here than anywhere else.
  9. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion eyes widened at the topic
    ''We dont have hearts, you need hearts to feel emotion..But if the rumors I've heard are true...About the Superior feeling..Feeling emotions. Then..does that mean we'll be able to feel even without Kingdom Hearts being completed?'' Xion questioned she looked at her hand, the hand she normally use summon her keyblade and appeared to be deep in thought for a few seconds before looking back up.
  10. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    "Wow, this is all very confusing, that witch didn't explain anything to me. Although, that could be because I kept on running away from her..." Kay pulled her hood back down and rolled up her coat sleeves, revealing brown leather gloves which she pulled down to secure them. "Anyway, why did they pick us up? It seems a bit weird to me..."
  11. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Xeloc stood a good distance observing the fight between Xigbar and Larxene. All he could remember was that he had just finished talking to Xigbar and next thing he knew he was watching a fight between Larxene and Xigbar couldn't help but groan as he put the palm of his hand over his face how did everything get so chaotic? Things are sure interesting around here Xeloc thought to himself
  12. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "Nice to meet you, Xenree. I'm Marluxia." The Graceful Assassin said. The room was silent before she asked a question about one of the elders, Xigbar. Not his favorite of members. Marluxia leaned back and looked at the ceiling. "Let's see..." He thought for a few moments. "He is normally eavesdropping and causing small troubles among the Organization." He paused for a moment before continuing. "I haven't seen how he acts around others that much." Marluxia started. "I can't give a definite answer, my apologies." Marluxia thought for a moment, trying to remember any talks with The Freeshooter and how he acted at the meetings. "It may just be with you. Perhaps, he trusts you." His blue eyes met Xenree's red eyes.

    These love facades were starting to overrun Castle Oblivion and The World That Never Was. Perhaps they were starting to get their Hearts back without even knowing. Marluxia highly doubted this idea but perhaps the new members of the Organization are inflicting such strong emotions on Organization XIII in a way.

    "Perhaps it's just a fluke." Daracxlu said to Kay. "Do you guys know your way around this Castle?" Daracxlu asked. He had simply been going through Castle Oblivion with no instinct of which way to go. "Perhaps, we should look around a little more.
  13. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    ''I've only started to explore really'' Xion said looking around the room and thought how easy it be to get lost in the Castle with all the rooms she knew of being identical. ''But I'm sure Yatagax would know every inch of this place with the amount of running away she does'' Xion flashed a playful smile then tucked part of black hair behind her ear.
  14. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Deciding to avoid getting caught in the middle of the fight, Roxas quietly tip toed from the scene and started to go a different direction. His ears suddenly perked up, hearing a familiar female voice. He stopped and turned to see where it came from, and then found her. "Xion!" Roxas called out while waving and smiling. He then started to make his way over there, surveying the group as he approached. "I see you found some of the new members. I heard we were getting more."

    "Hmm..." Xara turned her head in that direction, tilting her head in curiosity. "Somebody must've gotten on someone's bad side... or something." Xara then turned back to Xioimara, smiling a bit. "No, I haven't met anyone else besides... um... that red head... Oh yeah! Axel. He's the one who brought me here. Oh, and I saw the Superior too, but that's basically it. I'm Xara, by the way. And it's nice to meet you Xioimara." Xara was starting to feel a little more comfortable around this girl. It was obvious what she was now; a shifter. She could choose to be a human or a wolf. That to her was interesting...
  15. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    Kay laughed ayt Xion's comment. "Yeah, I suppose I know my way around here pretty well....hey, who's your friend?" She pointed at a boy (Roxas) who was smiling, running and shouting over to Xion. "He seems pretty happy"
  16. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    ''Hm?'' Xion turned around to see Roxas, she gave a smile and waved in return ''Roxas! Where have you been, sleeping again?'' Xion's face slightly wrinkled in a silent laugh of dersion.
    ''I'd like you to meet..Yatagax and...And um'' Xion looked at the wolf ''I'm sorry but I dont believe you gave me your name...But anyway you two this is Roxas.He is one of my friends'' Xion smiled and slightly tip toed on the back of her heels.
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Hey there," Roxas said as he waved at them a little. "Nice to meet you." He then turned his attention to Xion and smirked a bit. "Well yeah, they've been stacking me with one mission after another, you know." The blonde chuckled and then looked at the other two. "So, how long have you guys been here exactly?" Roxas felt bad for asking the question, but since he was away most of the time he wouldn't know about the new members until much later. They could've came last week for all he knew.
  18. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    "Umm.....I've been here for about 20 minutes, running around the castle driving the blonde witch crazy" Kay said with a bit to much glee in her voice. "Wait...missions? what kind of missions?"
  19. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree dropped her eyes to the book, "Trust me...that can't be possible. Xigbar probably just wants to play with my head." She pulled her white hair off to the side and smoothed out her dress. Her black flats fell from her feet to the floor. Turning the page of her book she carefully ran her fingers over the words thinking, How I long to just disappear into the words on the page. To live someone else's life for a moment. Be someone other than...me."

    Xigbar turned on his heel away from everyone, "Hey guys, I'm gonna go see if Xenree's back." He grinned to himself. Xenree in all her cold might, made him feel. It was a strange sensation and he didn't know what he was truely feeling, just that he didn't want it to go away. It felt extremely good to have even a bit of a heart again.
  20. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    "That is quite likely of The Freeshooter." Marluxia picked his book back up again and opened back up to the page he had left off on. The Graceful Assassin soon lost focus of the outside world, and found himself back inside the book. A small smile appeared on his face as he read. He was seemingly oblivious to real world.
    "Daracxlu." The shape-shifter introduced himself to Roxas. "This is my second day." He answered. "I spent yesterday exploring The World That Never Was... Today I wanted to see what this place was all about..." He heard talking not too far off from them, only just around the corner, it seemed. Daracxlu looked at the others and moved forward to see where the voices were coming from. He glanced around the corner and saw two girls talking. His eyes shifted to a girl that shifted... From a human to a wolf as soon as she caught sight of him. Daracxlu blinked and took the opportunity to show off.

    His form shifted to a wolf. He put his ears back and kept his tail low as he approached the two.

    "It's nice to meet you too." She smiled. "I was found by a guy with pink hair... I can't remember his name... I don't think he even introduced himself to me..." She recalled, glancing around. Her eyes met the blue eyes of a tall male not too far from them. The red wolf held her tail up high and watched as he changed form into a wolf. Almost a foot taller than her. She remained stiff but let her tail drop a little. "Do you see him?" Xioimara asked Xara, not taking her eyes off the wolf.
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