.::.Your Tokugawa Smile.::.

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by HellKitten, Nov 23, 2010.

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  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Roxas chuckled as he walked out of the portal and watch Xion run across the bridge eagerly. Closing the portal behind him, Roxas just walked after Xion, taking his time to look around the place. He always loved it here, it was so calm... Just as calming as the clock tower. He looked down at the water as he walked across the bridge, watching little fishes swim underneath him in the shimmering salt water. The Nobody then brought his head up and spotted Xion way ahead of him. 'Guess this was the right place.'

    Xara punched a fist in the air. "Yeah! Hot cocoa, here we come!" Xara smiled at the two Nobodies, chuckled and then ran through the portal. She ran out into the cold, feeling the snow crunch underneath her boots. She then slowed down to a walk and walked ahead a little, looking around the place. She breathed out in awe, turning slowly to look at the Christmas lights. It seemed like everything was brighter this time than last time, and there were more lights up too. Xara grinned, seeing that it was snowing softly. The Nobody tilted her head back and closed her eyes, letting the snowflakes drift on her face.
  2. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Xenree and the three pranksters dropped through the tree's entrance to Christmas town and fell into a mound of snow. "Would you three, get off me!" Shoving Lock, Shock, and Barrel off her she stood and shook snow out of her coat. "Alright, you three. We're going to apologize to Santa Claus, alright?" Her red eyes told them it wasn't a question but they nodded anyway and followed her down to Christmas Town.

    Shock spotted a few Nobodies and poked Lock and Barrel, "Hey, do you think they're with Xenree too?" Lock pulled off his mask and grinned, "I don't know but lets play with them. She won't mind." Barrel flipped off his mask too and grinned, "Alright!" Flipping their masks back on, the lit a pumpkin bomb and threw it towards Xara and the others.
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Xeloc smiled and looked over at Xvin with a smile "lets get going. We don't want her to leave without us" Xeloc said put his hand in his coat pocket and walked into the corridor and arrived at Christmas town. With a smile he gazed down at the wintry scenery and slowly began to walk and try to catch up to Xara. As he walked, he pulled out one hand from his pocket and looked at it as snow began to fall onto his glove
  4. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Xion stopped her running and turned around to see Roxas only just stepping onto the wooden bridge.
    ‘Roxas! C’mon!’ She shouted waving her arms around in an impatient and child like manner, she then turned and ran across the rest of the child make structure when she reached the tiny island she climbed onto the Paopu tree and sat herself down she turned her head and gave a laugh of amusement then with a small smile she looked back to the ocean. I love the beach
  5. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Xvin nodded followed the three into the portal, closing his eyes. 'Hmm...I feel stronger...must be from all this snow.' thought Xvin opening his eyes, looking at the Chirstmas lights, and then at the two nobodies infront of him. 'She seems amazed by all this.' Though Xvin, he smiled, he picked up a ball of snow, throwing it at Xara. 'I can trust them after all...I should have some fun' He then acted as if he didn't do anything and hid his hands behind his back, rubbing them together to make them warm once agian, he made sure his face was emotionless once agian.
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Roxas shook his head while smiling and jogged after Xion. He caught up to her and stood there for a moment, looking over the ocean with Xion. Then he glanced over, saw a spot by Xion on the tree and hopped up on it, sitting by the Nobody. He then let out a long breath and let the silence drift in-between them for a while. Finally, he spoke. "So... are you feeling better then?"

    Xara opened her eyes, looking up at the sky for a long while as she watched the snow flakes fall down. She suddenly felt something cold hit her on her shoulder and yelped out in surprised, coming out of her dreaming phase. She looked over and saw Xvin, then she glared at him jokingly. The Nobody then bent down picked up some snow, made a snow ball, and hurdled it towards Xvin.
  7. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Xvin laughed as Xara's snowball hit him on his shoulder, and threw the snowball he just made. He placed his hands behind his back agian, forming a snowball with his powers. He was ready to throw it when ever it was needed. He smiled, looking at the snow around him, smirking. He had two snowballs hidden behind his back now, they were ready to be thrown.
  8. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Xeloc closed his eyes and smirked "tsk amateurs" Xeloc calmly and quietly said to himself as he suddenly disappeared from the party and appeared on top of a tree above them hidden behind the branches and snow
  9. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lock, Shock, and Barrel ran toward Xara and Xvin. They stopped directly in front of them and threw pumpkin bombs at them. "Haha, trick or treat!" Lock flipped off his mask. "No, it's Merry Christmas!" Shock flipped off her mask and hit Lock with it. Barrel laughed, "Either way, smell our feet, give us something scary to eat!"

    Xenree watched with amusement as Lock, Shock, and Barrel played with Xara and the other new Nobody she didn't know. Feeling happiness grow within her, she jerked and locked down her emotions.
  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Xeloc observed as Xara and Xvin were attacked with a pumpkin bomb. "well it looks like I have new targets" Xeloc said and grabbed some of the snowballs he made. "bombard" Xeloc said with a grin as he began to bombard the three pranksters with snowballs
  11. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Lock, Shock, and Barrel were hit with snowballs and they laughed, looking up at Xeloc with mischif in their eyes. They didn't know how to make snowballs so they threw more pumpkin bombs at the Nobody in the tree, shouting the same thing they did at Xara and Xvin.

    Xenree was surprised to see the three hold their ground even as they were actually hit with snowballs. They were growing up and she wanted to feel something for them. Deep inside her, she felt happiness glow, she felt like a mother watching her kids find a new friend. Reluctantly she called out to them, "Alright you three! It's time to go apologize to Santa Claus!" They groaned and mournfully walked toward Xenree. Barrel waved to Xeloc, Xara and Xvin, "We'll get you later!"
  12. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Xeloc smirked at the bombs were sent towards him and grabbed a bunch of snowballs and intercepted them before they could hit him. He was about to throw some more snow balls but then stopped when he heard Xenree's voice and looked over at her. Instead of the usual chill he felt when he saw here and she seemed more kind. Xeloc smiled and looked over at Barrel after his comment "heh we will see about that" Xeloc said and looked over at Xenree "see ya later Xenree" Xeloc said with a smile
  13. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    When the pumpkin bomb exploded, instead of flames consuming her, the flames created a little shield around her. Xara stood there, looking at the explosion in amazement before it vanished and disappeared. Xara was untouched by the fire. The Nobody smirked and then quickly went and hid behind a snowbank before the little guys saw what happened. She then started to form her little snowballs, preparing for a snow battle. "Heh, this is more fun than I expected," Xara said with a smile as she worked furiously to make her snow balls.

    EDIT: OOC: Oops... shows how much I pay attention. DX

    But then Xara heard Xenree's voice and stopped short. They called it off... "Phew." She laid flat on the snow, looking up at the sky. "That was still fun though." Xara let herself get lost in thought as the snow flakes were still drifting down. She laid there, trying to pick out the shapes and patterns of particular ones as they fell. They were so small though, she couldn't see them that well. "Huh..."
  14. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Xvin used the snow to make water to sheild himself from the bombs. The heard another nobodies voice, and was happy they had called it off. He then saw Xara lay down, and he used the water to have alot of snow land on her. He then sat down, looking at the sky. He soon closed his eyes, entering a deep thought once agian.
  15. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    The nobody nodded after a few seconds of silence
    ‘Yes. I feel better now’ Xion said calmly. She watched the waves again and listened to their swishing sounds. ‘Thank you for asking.’ Another length of time seemed to go by before either of the nobodies spoke, Xion climbed down the tree less carefully then she did to climb it, she started to walk toward the wooden bridge again. ‘Shells.’ She said slightly turning her head. ‘I’m going to find a nice Thalassa shell.’ The black haired girl slowly made her way down to the beach,keeping a carefully eye out for any 'souvenir' shell.
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Xeloc smiled as he sat ontop of the branch and looked over at Xara and Xvin who where minding their own business. He grabbed a snowball and chucked one over at Xvin's head and another at Xara's head
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    "Hm?" Roxas looked over to see that Xion had left him and was making her way down to the beach. Something about collecting shells... Roxas quickly hopped down from his sitting place and jogged after Xion. "Mind if I tag along?" he asked, a little uncertain. He was glad she was feeling better though. It made him... feel sad when she was like the way she was earlier. 'Sad... I guess we are really feeling emotions.'

    Xara sat up in the pile of snow that Xvin dumped on her and stood up, jumping up and down to get it off of her. "Cold, cold, cooooold!" Xara's teeth chattered as she brushed the snow off of her and patted herself to get warm again. She then cupped her hands together and breathed gently on them to warm them up with her fire. "Oh man, that was coooold!" Then she felt something smack her head and stood there, fuming for a moment. "I'm... officially... frozen."
  18. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    Xvin laughed at Xara's reaction, he then quit when he felt a snow ball hit his head. He stood up and spotted Xeloc and threw a few automatically made snow balls at him. One wasn't made properly, so it back fired and all the snow in the snow ball hit his face, making him colder. He then understood why Xara had reacted the way she did.
  19. Korosu Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 27, 2009
    United Kingdom
    'No, not at all' Xion said facing forward as she spoke. She went to go look in one direction while it seemed Roxas was looking in the other,She gentle brushed away the sand off anything she thought may be a Thalassa shell but found nothing expect for lost hair rusty clips and hermit crab shells. She sighed and pouted as she started to walk over to the opposite side of the beach where it seemed Roxas was carefully picking everything up off the sand,while watching him Xion wondered into the very shallow depth of the ocean without realizing she didn't notice till the water slapshed against her feet and part of soggy sand mixture had got inside her boot.
    'Ew! ew!- Xion started to shout but her her eyes caught the sign of a Thalassa shell now by her foot, her shouting stopped and turned into squeeks of joy, she picked up the Thalassa shell,dusted it off and held it up in the sunlight to admire it.
  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Xeloc tried to hold the laughter in but unfortunately couldn't hold it in and began to laugh at the two of them "sorry guys but this is hilarious" Xeloc said as began to laugh some more
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