Your Story

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by KairiSoraKeyoflight, Oct 3, 2006.

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  1. KairiSoraKeyoflight Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 30, 2006
    spazzing out somewhere probably
    What if you could make yourself a character in the kingdom hearts series it has to bee an all new character you cant be Kairi or Sora ect. WHo would you be and what is your story

    Character : Myself a keyblade holder
    one day im realy upset so i run outside and stand on a rock staring into the water below a tear falls from my eye and in the rippling watter my reflection changes to show sora kairi and riku behind me i stumble back trip fall being into darkness i land in destiny islands where i am found by kairi i explain all about what she and the others mean in our world and then we go back to the main island where i am to stay under the alias of kairis lost cousin after that i learn i have akeyblade and we must travvel the worlds to defeat the org.13 consisting now of only Xemnas Xigbar Xaldin Lexaus luxordand Saix with the help of the Sages of nothing (org deserters lead by Axel) also consisting of larexne Xexion Vexen and demyx (oh and roxas and namine can walk free if sora and kairi so chose) to find rikus nobody and my crush (who they took from me *sob*) king micky has already departed with donald and goofy so we travel meet up with old friends make new firends at the end we join up with micky and crew find rikus nobody and my crush (romantic reunion included) and help the sages get ther hearts back (YAY) .....not realy shure what to do bout the rest of org 13 yet but ill get back on that

    THATS ma story whats urs !
  2. Sunderland Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 30, 2006
    I'm right behind you, hehe.
    My Story: A Key from the Heavens

    One day, I dropped my house key. So I picked it up and I felt I should try using it to whack people. So I whacked people with the key and everybody hated me.

  3. ShadowofRiku Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 15, 2007
    I live in Montana
    this is deader than a doorknob
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