Your singing talents

Discussion in 'Music' started by Chevalier, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    Problem 1. I did the small clip acapella.
    Problem 2. I no longer have the sheet music for it, i had the music up until I graduated from high school...3 years ago.

  2. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    solution 1: ummm, i could just imitate you, i mean follow how you did it

    solution 2:if you were able to sing that little part you did acapella then ,post the lyrics of that part,only
  3. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Lyrics to the introduction Bass and Tenor part for How Can I Keep From Singing:

    My life goes on, in endless song.
    Above Earth's lamentation.
    I hear the real, though far off song,
    That hails a new creation.

    No storm can shake my in most calm,
    while to that rock i'm clinging.
    It sounds
    It sounds
    it sounds an echo in my soul.

    How can i keep?
    How can I keep from singing.

    SOLO while Ladies hum

    All though the storms around me blow
    i know the truth will guide me
    all thought the darkness round me blow,
    my songs the light beside me.

    No storm can shake my inmost calm,
    while to that rock i'm clinging.

    While love is lord of heaven and earth.

    How can I keep

    How can I keep from singing?

    No storm can shake my in most calm
    while to that rock i'm clinging
    I'm clinging while love is lord of heaven and earth.

    Of heaven and earth

    SOP hold out keep while ATB repeat
    How can i keep? / how can i keep

    SOP again but ATB continue
    How can i keep? / how can i keep from singing.

    REPEAT Singing 8 times then B says it, then T, then A, then S

    I think that's how the song goes along, if you do decide to try it, please post, i'd love to hear this song continued.
  4. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    here i actually sang this as if i knew it, wich i barely do, but, i think i could have done better ,but this is it,


    how was i?

    was that good, im sorry i didnt sing more from the song , i wasnt gonna risk it,because i barely know the song.............
  5. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Pretty accurate, just with the lamentation part you did something weird with Lamentation...sounded like a different part of the song, but other than that pretty spot on.
  6. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    oh, long time no see ,


    btw ,destined ,im sorry about the lametation part..........i just dont know the song very well

    anyways i was thinking of posting up a really calm song and i think i found it,

    i know its no x-mas ,but i was thinking ,and the song just popped up,out of my mouth,without i even thinking about it

    so ,i will sing silent night
  7. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Yes, I've had some personal issues so I wasn't around.

    I'm close to being able to play Boats and Birds now as well as sing it, maybe in a week more I'll post it if I get to practice.
  8. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Tis all good, for the first time though that was pretty good. It's a good piece that our group really emotionally connected with. And your voice doesn't sound half bad, hope to hear some more stuff from ya.
  9. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    not as i wanted it

    ok i did it , but i think it came off..........kinda wrong but im still gonna post it

    i think ,i went wrong in most parts and i
    think it isnt very good..........whatever just

    comment ,and be nice
  10. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007

    Not bad...I actually haven't heard the song before beside small little parts XD

    Some parts do sound, I dunno, kinda off, but I think it was good overall.
  11. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    The one thing I rather liked about this is that despite the obvious timing issues and the lack of support in many areas, there was still a lot of emotion behind the singing, and that in itself is a very good thing. Pitch and tuning, needless to say both can be better, but you have a very warm tone that I'm sure will humble many listeners if you continue working on your technique.

    Lyrically, I would suggest working on your diction. Try to avoid dipthongs as they can waver your tuning if they're too extensive, and they just simply don't sound all that nice. ;p Keep your vowel sounds as clean as possible, and if words inevitably contain dipthongs (like 'bright' and 'child'), add them very quickly at the end. For example, in Child, try to hold the 'ah' in 'child' as long as you can, then add on the 'ee-uld' very quickly at the end. Another alternative is to just omit it altogether and just hold 'cha' to the very end and just add the 'd' sound at the end. It may sound weird when you say it to yourself, but when you're singing (especially if you have background tracks), there is a lot of room to omit certain sounds without distorting the words you want to say. To the listener, the word will come out just fine and they'll understand what you want to say.

    Phrasing is the other thing I'd suggest you try to improve on. Unless you haven't developed your lung capacity, try to sing the lyrics with roughly the same amount of breaths you would take if you were speaking them. Reading the lyrics out to yourself can help tell you where you should try to breathe.

    Ex. "Round yon virgin mother and child" - one breath. "Holy infant so tender and mild" - one breath. I know that the tempo of that particular arrangement of Silent Night was rather slow, so for some, singing those phrases in one breath can be daunting. If you absolutely need to take a breath, try to take a really quick one in between two words instead of in the middle of one. This makes it easier to sustain the phrase while getting that extra boost of breath that you need to continue singing.

    Overall, I enjoyed listening to it. Your voice humbles me. Thank you for sharing.
  12. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    thank you, im really flatered,but my main language isnt english, but ill try to work on everything you said thanks a lot now i can better myself ,thank you again i hope i can post something else again

    btw im sorry ,if someone feels this song is about, God, because ppl share diffrent religions

    but i hope you enjoyed it

    it was really a good song to sing

    oh, and ,Soushirei ,im sure you have a really beautiful voice, would you post something for us?

    im really looking foward to it :)
  13. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    I actually experimented with recording multiple tracks this morning, so I do have something I could share. :3

    It started off with just me recording a little blurb of Think of Me from Phantom of the Opera. Then--because I have this habit of improvising harmony when I'm singing along to songs--I decided to try overlapping my harmony with the original recording. Eventually I ended up recording a 3 part harmony version of the recording, so here it is.

    Keep it mind that the harmonies are all improvised on the spot, so at some places my consonants are not unified like they should be, or I end up being a little late because I needed an extra split second to think of a note that'll work, or I just sing a crappy note altogether! It's by no means perfect, but it was a fun experiment and was really enjoyable to record. It was my first time trying something like this, so I apologize for the choppiness in a lot of the syncs and the noise in the background. Each track was unedited and only attempted once.

    I've tried the attachment method, but even though a single file is 2.85mb, I'm being told I'm exceeding the quota. O.o Don't get it. So I'll stick with mediafire again. Let me know if the links aren't working.

    Think of Me - Solo
    Think of Me - 2-part Harmony
    Think of Me - 3-part Harmony

    Note: XD I'm aware the lyrics I'm singing are Christine's part, but oh well!

    EDIT: By the way! I was interested in repeating this experiment with that arrangement of Silent Night you used in your recording. Could you possibly upload that to somewhere like or and PM me the download link? I'd greatly appreciate it!
  14. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    oh, harmonies?

    are second voices? in english the are called harmonies?

    in that case i know three harmonies for silent night , i mean two other from the original

    that was really good, ill try to upload silent night ,and you should do the harmonies in a song when they sound better

    what i mean is ,like in the chorus of the song or in a little part ,like giving the delightful taste of harmony and quickly take it away, that would make a song so much better and likable
  15. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    You've got a great voice man and you transition into the higher parts effortlessly, are you a tenor per chance?

    Anyway, Well done, my only comment is on a couple sections the sound seemed to go...i dunno weird...a little nasily? But still, great job.
  16. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    Yeah, I'd be considered a tenor now. I was going through a transitional period all throughout my high school years; I think it was only during my senior year that I started singing tenor full time in the choir (with few exceptions).

    And yeah, there were a few nasal parts I admit. Not quite sure if it was me completely, but a lot of it was since I was running a small cold yesterday. I was blowing my nose before each recording to try to help minimize that. Sorry about that. XD

    Thanks for listening.

    Sounds like a good experiment. :3 And yeah, I think you have the understanding of harmony correct. Sorry that I don't know the terms that you seem to know them by in your first language.
  17. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    I know I haven't posted in a while so here's "Pennies from heaven." and "That's Amore."
    I find I'm better at songs I'm more familiar with and have more of a crooning tune.
    Also, due to inspiration, I thought I'd do "Silent Night" myself. There's no decision on who's better, I just want to sing it myself and post it.
    I know Silent Night sorta sounds scrathy but that' either my mic or me. I think I'm coming down with somethin' here.

    If you can find an Disney Songs that sort of croon, tell me, I can't find any...

    View attachment 1475 - Pennies from heaven
    View attachment 1476 -That's Amore
    View attachment 1477 - Silent Night
  18. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007

    Good voice there. I would mit pick about the american accent but hey, why should I? There were a couple of places where you came in a little late but I didn't notice it so you're fine ^_^. I know the higher part for that song, the female part by liteneing by ear to it. I could record a vresion when I get my voice back.
  19. Soushirei 運命の欠片

    Feb 22, 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    I intentionally sang the lyrics using what I like to call "Disney Diction", that is, longer vowels for example like 'ay' instead of a round classical 'ah'; words are basically sung like they're spoken. I was debating on using latin vowels, but I felt they would come out more lugubrious, so I decided against it. Obviously, for that song, Webber intended the vowels to be more latin-esque, but I decided not to in the end. Phantom in the end is a musical, so I decided to treat it like one and sang it non-classical, i.e. american accent. XD.

    Just to tease, you said there were places I came in a little late, but you didn't notice? If you didn't notice, how did you know I came in late? ;p

    And I intended the higher part to be a 1st tenor line (there are times actually when the higher part dips below the melody tonally), not a female line at all. But by all means. And thanks for listening.
  20. Kingdom Hero Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 3, 2008
    The world the never was.
    me?sing? lol,I mean I can kinda sing but not in public,lol!!!im more of a quiet talkitive person than a singer! lolz