This is where you may list all characters you will be using, down is a form with some needed things, and some optional things you may add. Name: Self explanatory Appearance: eye color, coat color, mane, tail, Ect. Race: Pegasi, Earth, Unicorn. Alicorns are also able, but as long as their not godly powerful. Age: Self explanatory Powers: Fire element, can teleport, Ect. Bio: Optional Work Status: Optional -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: ShockFury Appearance Race: Pegasi Age: 35 Powers: Lightning Work Status: Head chef Bio: Whenever he clocks out, he always go home, and have time with his family, his family bond very strong, he would be devastated if anything where to happen to them. Name: NightRose Appearance Race: Pegasi Age: 32 Powers: Water Work Status: Head baker Bio: Teaches all of her bakery secrets to her daughter, she soon retire from the bakery, letting Anna take up position as head baker, while Rose herself went on to go back and sell her flowers, in her flower shop. Name: ThunderWing Appearance Race: Pegasi Age: 56 Powers: Lightning Work Status: Royal guard Bio: A litte after Shock was born, she looked down at him with tears in her eyes, and a big smile, knowing he'd grow up to be a big strong stallion, that when faced with challenges, would adapt easily and come through. Name: FrostBite Apperance Race: pegasi Age: 57 Powers: Ice Work Status: Royal Guard Bio: Using his power of water, he trained and honed it for many years, until he was able to freeze water, to a frigid 324 bellow 0, but hes happy that his daughter Rose, can control water like he does, and hes even happier, that she learnt how to heal broken or hurt limbs with her water. Name: AyannaTorta Appearance Race: Pegasi Age: 7 Powers: Water Work Status: None Bio: Through the years, her mother, NightRose, teaches her everything she knows about baking, and soon Anna takes her position as Head baker. (I know, not that good of Bio's, but i'll eventually make a whole fim fiction for my OC family.)
Name: Spark Runner (A.K.A. Sparks) Appearance Race: Alicorn Age: ??? Powers: Electricity Work Status: None Bio: A very curious pony. She's constantly investigating "new" things. She lost her memories, so she doesn't remember who she is or where she came from. Currently resides in Ponyville. Name: Pinkamena Diane Pie (A.K.A. Pinkie Pie) Appearance Race: Earth Age: ??? Powers: Throwing great parties. Work Status: SugarCube Corner Bio: (Mane6 Pinkie Pie) Very fun and energetic, yet sometimes she can be a bit too energetic. But that's what makes her Pinkie Pie. Resides in Ponyville. Question: What about background characters, for instance Mister and Misses Cake? I'd rather not claim a whole list of background ponies I might need to use. So is it just a free for all, use em when you need em kind of deal? Obviously unless that pony is already in use.
Yeah, im sure that would be fine considering BG characters maybe wont be used that often, unless the 10th wants to have doc whooves as a permanant role. x3 BTW: I enjoyed your pony avi and sig better :<
Me too, but I'm going back to Nights and I'm mixing it up. The whole pony thing is too predictable with me, so I shook things up a bit XD
Sorry for being late (please don't hurt me...) Name: Fire Dash Appearance: Spoiler Race: Pegasi Age: 21 Powers: Fire Work Status: None Bio: Rainbow Dash's emo brother, separated from his sister when he was young. He travels far and wide to search for his long lost sister.
Nice XD So should we wait on more people or just start the RP thread? I'm ready to rock and rol-eplay XD
Not currently online *cries* lol, I guess we wait. It's a shame there's only three of us though. Where's all the bronies and pegasisters at?
So, they must've already powered through the Winter Wrap Up. *shot for making a blatant pony reference*
Im online at random hours, but im good to roleplay, we've just got to think of something to roleplay about, either peaceful times, or a darker, changling trying to take over, kinda time.
I'm down for improv. Make it up as we go kind of deal. It could be peaceful at first then BAM changelings, or BAM Crystal Empire's in peril. Or it could go to a new thread against Equestria. Like an OC enemy. I've always sympathized with the changelings. <-- sidenote
Name: Rainbow Dash Appearance Race: Pegasi Age: ??? Powers: Can fly super fast. Work Status: Maintaining the weather and clearing the skies in Ponyille Bio: (Mane6 Rainbow Dash) Rainbow Dash is very confident in her abilities, which is often construed by others as laziness. Resides in Ponyville.
Name: Fluttershy Appearance Race: Pegasi Age: ??? (a year older than Pinkie Pie) Powers: Can take care of many animals. Work Status: Animal caretaker Bio: (Mane6 Fluttershy) A kind yet very timid pegasus pony that has a unique way in dealing with animals. Resides in Ponyville.
Name: Twilight Sparkle Appearance Race: Unicorn Age: ??? Powers: Magic Work Status: Princess Celestia's student, librarian Bio: (Mane6 Twilight Sparkle) A pony who really loves her books. The only thing she cares more about is her friends. Resides in Ponyville ) Part of this was left unfilled. I need to know where we are in the FiM world. Are we past season 3, or early season 3 (or prior season 3)?
well, Fire Dash is holding a recent newspaper detailing the events of "A Canterlot Wedding". So Shortly before Season 3 I would assume.
Name: Spike Appearance Race: Dragon Age: ??? Powers: Send scrolls to Princess Celestia. Work Status: Assistant librarian. Bio: A very lovable little dragon, who often gets into mishaps here and there. He always has his friends backs though, and often gives some great advice.