Your religious belief?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Crypt, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Crypt Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2012
    Realm of Darkness
    To me, I don't necessarily have much religion to my family. I was raised a Baptist, but to me, all of it doesn't add up.

    I'm not denying the existance of a God or THE God. I just don't really believe in one. So to wrap that up, I'm mainly Atheist. However, does that mean I'm quick to back up the proof of God's nonexistance? No. There is no proof that he does or doesn't exist. I was just never given much information of God, Jesus, Heaven, ect. And in all honesty, from the way I've learned in science, it goes against everything that we're taught, mainly being physics. Most of what we learn are things that may not be 100% true, but we're taught to the point where it seems like a perfect explanation, things we can back up. But when you come right down to the theory of Christianity, it doesn't back itself up. We hear stories of Jesus and people who saw him rise from the dead, but do we have modern back-ups that he did all of the stuff Christianity implies? No, we don't. As to when you come down to science, we can.

    Maybe I'm misguided, maybe I can't except that things existing don't have to be provable to the modern eye. But for now, I'm sticking with science. Maybe if the Rapture comes and takes all Christians to heaven, I'll feel differently.

    Now, what's your belief? Any reasons as to why you think that way?
  2. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    Let G=The number of gods that exist.

    That's my belief on God. I have yet to see anyone argue with this position.
  3. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    I like to believe more on the concept of Hinduism, and the belief of reincarnation. It also helps because it allows me to gratefully accept all religions, polytheistic or monotheistic.

    I don't think there is a right or wrong answer when it comes to this, because most of it is spiritual, and everyone's soul is unique. So, that's my two cents summed up about it.
  4. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    I'm a Christian man, myself. I'm not the best Christian ever by any means, but I still believe in God nonetheless. About the whole "no proof to back it up" thing, that's why it's called a belief. You believe he exists through the faith you have in him, not by any physical proof. That's the ultimate test he puts us through, to keep believing even if everything else in the world says otherwise. I'm not trying to say that every other religion is wrong or false, because it could be quite possible that the Christian religion is false in itself. Again, that's why it's called a belief. Also, I know some people depict Christians as people who think of themselves as better people than everyone else because of their religion, but in reality those are the Christians who are not doing it right. To be a Christian is NOT about belittling every other belief system, but to be the better (by "better" I refer to being the one who stays on a good path in life. Not fighting back with others, treating others with respect, things like that) person. Being a Christian is about being a good person, believing in God, and to worship with other Christians.

    Probably not the best explanation, but it's all I got. Also, this wasn't a "Oh, u shud do dis 2 cuz weer betterer" post. I just have seen some postings on this site that depict Christians as a bunch of pricks who think of themselves as better than everyone else, when most Christians aren't.
  5. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    I would more readily believe reincarnation as well but, if ever I came to believe it... I would scare myself silly with thoughts of a wasted life; for instance, what if I am reborn a chicken? Factory farming. Chickens fattened up by the masses, cooped up in a pen throughout the day. My fate someone's dinnerplate. We would pay for our actions as humans, we would.

    So, on reincarnation... I would rather not think of it. Scary.
  6. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    I was raised with no real beliefs given to me, but went to a Christian school, and most of my family is Christian, so one could say I was 'born' Christian. These days, I don't know what I am. I suppose that, deep inside, I still believe in Christianity, as terrible of one I must be, though I think that all religions have some truth to them.
    However; the most important thing that guides my thoughts and principals nowadays, as stupid as this will sound, is the Sith Code. If you take it as a metaphor of life and how to get the most out of it, it has real meaning to it, despite only existing because of a work of fiction.
  7. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    That is true, and I have thought of that myself at times. But the promise of a better life afterward..........I think that is what keeps me believing, and even continuing to live for that matter. I don't want to look back 50-60 years later and worry if I wasted my life. Worry if I didn't do what I was meant to do. I simply put it faith with the universe, and somehow I feel everything will work itself out.
  8. HeartofFire Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 23, 2010
    Iron Island
    Die-hard Southern Baptist. Which is a Christian denomination, btw.

    Amen to that, bro. :)
  9. Crypt Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2012
    Realm of Darkness
    It's just hard for me to put faith into something modern day hasn't yet to see and prove it with its own eyes.
  10. HeartofFire Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 23, 2010
    Iron Island
    Isn't that the point of faith, in any religion? If you'll excuse me for asking.
  11. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    To me, "seeing isn't believing. Believing is seeing."~Elf That's what makes faith so special. It is something we as people are drawn to and look for comfort, even if science hasn't proven it. I don't they ever will, and that's ok with me. If science answered all the mysteries of the world, what would happen to the imagination of man? If all wonders are solved, what is there left to wonder about?
  12. . : tale_wind Ice to see you!

    Nov 19, 2010
    Cisgender Male
    The Realm of Sleep
    Hi, I'm . : tale_wind. I'm a video game nerd, a writer, a singer, and an actor. And I'm a Mormon.

    Contrary to popular belief, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is not a cult, and is definitely Christian. I've been raised in the church--I come from LDS families on both sides.

    Sure, we may not really know if there's a God (or more), but--

    ...Yeah. This.
  13. Crypt Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2012
    Realm of Darkness
    I guess it is. I have faith in certain principles there are to follow in life, because I've seen others abide those principles and gotten themselves in trouble. I have faith that I'll one day find out who I'm meant to be, because I've seen people do the same. I have yet to see God, so I can't put my faith into it.

    It may not be what faith truly means, but to me, I can't put my faith into something I've never seen.
  14. HeartofFire Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 23, 2010
    Iron Island
    Oh, so you're one of those people who has to see everything concrete before they believe. Gotcha. :) See, for me, I don't have to see him to know and see how he works in peoples' lives. I just know. Sorry, a bit of a soapbox. My apologies.
  15. Crypt Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2012
    Realm of Darkness
    It's just how I've always been. For example (this may be stupid, but) when I used to believe in Santa, I, one Christmas Eve, snuck out to the living room and waited there for a good hour, until I saw my parents putting the presents under the tree. I saw with my own eyes the truth, and now I know. Now, I can't believe something a book says, nor what a pastor says. I have to see it.
  16. HeartofFire Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 23, 2010
    Iron Island
    Well, I hope someday you do. :) Knowing God is the best thing in the world, for me at least. *yeah, leaving now.*
  17. Droid Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2011
    You put my thoughts into pretty good words. Especially the last paragraph, the only thing that makes me irate about religion is people belittling it and thinking Christians are pricks/idiots, I don't shove my beliefs at anyone, if someone asks I'll tell them. My reasons are because I was raised in a Christen family and truthfully don't think I'd still be alive without some things God's helped me with. To the deepest reason I say, "why not?", if all of it is made up than I was a better person in this world and didn't loose anything in my opinion. If God is up there then I made the right choice.

    In truth I'm by no means a great Christian and I don't think I'm any better than anyone else. I cuss allot, I've lied, cheated in the past, made many stupid decisions(don't we all), and really don't deserve the many blessings I've gotten and continue to get. That's why I thank the good Lord, he's always been there for me even when I didn't deserve for him to be.

    Also to be honest I don't like going to church, I'll fall asleep if not heavily caffeinated and I don't generally relate with anyone there. I don't enjoy going to any extra church things either for the same reasons, but unbenounced to my parents that shouldn't make me a bad Christian, makes me a teenager that stays up to late. No offense to the nice people at church, but I'd rather spend my Wednesday nights with my best friends than sit with a bunch of acquaintances(plus my friends and I watch freakin Disney movies for entertainment most of the time, I'd say that's okay).

    tl;dr: Lawwwd, my decision, in need of coffee, sh!t, DISNEY.
  18. Crypt Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2012
    Realm of Darkness
    And see, also going on what Heart said, there's two possibilities to each "miracle." Some people believe that miracles are the works of God. People like me can draw it back to physics and probability. There's no right answer. But to me, the one I go with makes more sense.
  19. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    well, I do go to a workshop and we talk about stuff like this, and how we would talk about our religion if someone asked, but since I can't make clear what I'm trying to say, and it's also a lot to say, let me post a link for you guys and say what I can.á'í_Faith

    I can say though I'm not nearly the perfect example of the Bahai faith. I do believe in the stuff like religion and science go together, but only vaguely. I can sorta get it, but it's strange to me. Although I certainly can go along with the no alchohol and drugs in our life. I mean, some people might do it, but it's before they become Bahai's. I also believe in the One God, but it's not my place to make people believe that or not. It's their own choice in what they believe. "To Each His Own" I should say. I really can't explain this stuff very well. I should be able to, but I really don't like talking about religion all that much. It's a bit of a touchy subject for me, and a lot of religions and people persecute Bahai's as well.á'ís
  20. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    That's sort of the point of what I believe. I believe, more or less, that it doesn't matter if God(s) exists because he/she/it/they has/have still caused so much in the world, from wars, to peace, to many things in between. Even if Atheists are correct, it still cannot be denied that the idea of God(s) has made the world what it is today. I leave you, again, with my inequality: G>0