Your Religion Choice

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Rainbow~Monkey, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    Well I now know that.You want to save them from being cast into hell for eternity.Well...either they go to heaven or hell.It's God's decision not ours.
  2. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    you really think i should just let it go,? LOL, im crying. now im embarrassed. dont look at me!!! LOL.
  3. water mage Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 4, 2008
    My own world free to do as I wish
    I guess that's why parents say to their children never discuss anyone's religion with them. There are so many different views and beliefs its mind boggling. Personally people can believe or not believe. I'm not one to judge and it's that individual's choice, but I would sure love it if some members from lather day saints didn't show up on my doorstep anymore. That is annoying, but eventually they will get the message.

    Overall, on a news report, so many people are turning away from their beliefs because of the economy. It's really sad, but I'm one to keep believing in the lord and Jesus Christ no matter what happens.
  4. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    God is real. that is the truth. if you choose not to listen that is your fault.
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog The Blue dude is back!!

    I'm sorry that your crying now.It's okay to cry.But yes.I think you should let it go or you could lose alot of friends like that who have different beliefs.That's what I think 100%.
  6. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Guess again. My posts have shown to have plenty more substance than yours. :) Also, telling people to be quiet isn't really helping your plea either. Like I said in my comment when de-repping you; we're not living in the Middle Ages anymore. Anyone can type freely here. Get with the times please. :)

    Also, the major difference between you and me is that I'm not trying to convert you. I'm not going waste my time of trying to convince an early teen who eats, sleeps and breathes Jesus camp. ;)
    I'm actually being very nice to you: I'm giving you tips. Which you ignore. Which leads to you being humiliated. Suit yourself.
  7. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    I didn't really choose my religion, I was baptized as a baby and I never bothered quitting/changing it. All the members of my fathers side of the family are catholic, so it feels natural for me to be one too.

    I don't accept every single detail the church says I should, but then again, I don't accept all the rules of my family, all the teachings of my school, all the laws of our government... Doesn't stop me from being a part of my family, doesn't stop me from studying in my school, doesn't stop me from considering myself Finnish, and it won't stop me from calling myself catholic.

    I like the feeling of unity in church, and it's sort of 'cool' being part of a minority-religion in my country. I like the hope my beliefs give me, I like how it doesn't seem so lonely in the whole world, believing that there's a higher force or being there, that started the world, maybe even controls it. I actually think my faith has mad me a better person, the teachings have given my morals a good base, and I've been able to build them in to what I think is a good view at life for me.

    However, these are all beliefs. They're not facts that everyone should embrace, just one girls faith in some kind of a God. I like keeping my faith as my business, no-one else needs to believe as I do, no-one else needs to even listen to what I believe in. I can voice my faith but only as my own, I can't convert anyone unwillingly to it. I wished others would do this too, in stead of trying to change someone's religion, maybe even his/her morals. ​
  8. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    I was born as a Christian, I wouldn't really say I "chose" to be one, I'm more of a believer in predestination.
  9. Dr. Mythril Roxas Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 16, 2009
    from reading this post, all I se is you putting Rainbow~Monkey down for her belief. Aren't you AGAINST discrimination? Sounds a little hypocritical to me...
  10. Repliku Chaser

    This is very well said. If more Christians had your viewpoint, the world would be a nicer place. Anyone can believe in whatever but the attempts to convert others really is annoying. Any religious organization is wrong when it tells its flock to go out and convert others and spread the word. Being free to be able to say what religion you are is a great thing. Being free to also not be hounded for the religion or the lack of believing in a's irritating. I really like how you worded this and kudos to you. There are too many people out there that believe its their mission to change the minds and hearts of others who aren't doing anything wrong.

    His point being made was that Rainbow~Monkey had a mentality that he should be feeling a certain way to others and that mentality is -very- pre-judgmental and wrong. The Christians raised to believe that if you do not believe in God and Jesus you are going to Hell.. these Christians are teaching others to really be wrong. If God is supposed to be the final judge in these matters, then it is best that Christians be taught to not believe this silly notion and instead believe that if a person is good, he or she is going to be judged on those merits and if a person is bad, well, they are going where they are. The more Christians who learn to stop worrying and condemning others to Hell because the people lack their faith, the better this world will be and the more Atheists and Christians will get along just fine.

    Rainbow~Monkey isn't the problem here. It's those who taught Rainbow~Monkey to feel that way. Heck, Rainbow~Monkey was upset about it and Sonic was helpful with his views and Styx said what was felt too. If Christians really want to hold onto this notion, it's one that stands in the way of them ever understanding others and instead causes prejudice with fear that turns into hatreds. In the end, if Ghandi or Hitler was to get into heaven, despite the fact that Hitler was a Christian, which one do you think is going there if you are a good Christian? Some Christian groups have really been downplaying the whole 'convert everyone' thing and I can say I am very happy for it because being condemned to Hell every other day by some brat teen that doesn't even read the Bible but has it read to him or her was well, annoying at best. Unfortunately, there are too many followers of Christianity that won't let this notion go so they are already discriminating before a conversation ever starts. The Christians that do let the convert or despair complex go are cool and I have many Christians as friends, despite being Atheist. I also have friends that are of other religions too because I really could care about what someone's religious mindset is. People are and always will be more than a religion.
  11. Cyanide King's Apprentice

    Mar 31, 2007
    I don't see how Styx is being particularly mean. He isn't putting her down because of her belief, he's putting her down because of her attitude, which is anything but desirable. It's kind of understandable considering she's so young, but we all have to learn that what we were told our whole life might not be true at some point.

    Personally, I think hell doesn't fit with the image of a good God, and to my knowledge, it doesn't even exist in the original Bible anyway. It mentions Gehenna, Tartarus, Hades, and Sheol, and none of them are described as a place of eternal suffering. This was, naturally, lost in translation. All that awaits non-believers is nothingness, which I'm perfectly fine with, since that's kind of what I expect to happen anyway. In that sense, non-christians don't stand all that much to lose.

    There's also kind of not a point to it. It's supposed to be a punishment, but what's the goal of any punishment? For you to learn something from it and be able to apply it to your life. That's why parents ground their children, why teenagers get sent to detention, why robbers are sent to jail, etc. But with hell, the punishment is infinite.

    There won't be any point for you to regret your sins and learn from your mistakes, because you'll just be there for all eternity anyway, with no chance to apply anything you learn from it. It's just punishment for the sake of punishing.
  12. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Ah, imo you're one of those people who were brought up by a Christian family and as a child you accepted the bible as truth and haven't really...used your intelligence to break down the stories and decide for yourself.

    Excuse me for saying this, but you're rather a typical Christian. :v

    I was brought up in a semi-christian family; aka my mum was religious but my dad was athiest. As I grew up I realised that the bible was a load of riff raff...and well, here I am. 8D

    That's literally cutting a huge story down short.

    I think the bible is good in that it teaches us good morales, and in the past it gave people something to cling onto when they were scared of death and the unknown, but in our modern times I think, basically, its a load of crap.

    Athiests ftw.
  13. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    This makes me really sad that a lot of people think most Christians, specifically Catholic, try to convert people of different faiths. Some of you must met a bad bunch of Christians, because I very rarely see people like that anymore.

    But I know there are Christians who think their missions in life is to convert everyone they meet, and they embarrass me so much.

    Ow. >< Right in the feel-bads.

    And the bible is basically a load of "riff raff". =D
  14. Cyanide King's Apprentice

    Mar 31, 2007
    It kind of depends on where you live and what kind of people you hang out with.

    For example, when I told my classmates I was agnostic, none of them really cared, despite it being a predominantly catholic country.

    However, that's obviously not the case everywhere.
  15. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I'm putting her down because of the way she presents her beliefs, which is something completely different as you and I both know. We'll just call it a misunderstanding this time.
  16. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    Give me proof.

  17. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    We tried that already, and she answered with something that made even less sense. I don't blame you for trying though.
  18. Rissy Queen of the Clouds

    Jul 16, 2008
    in the Sky
    I'm more of a undecided religion, my grandparents being very religious. They try to drag me to their church, myself refusing, and they soon enough give up.
    I'm not really the religious type, and when my parents brought me to church when I was younger I would always take off my shoes, and sleep on the pews.
    My parents wern't very happy with that.
    And how my father is, and how he hardly ever get's off for work, he could hardly even make it home for dinner sometimes, so even the thought of him trying to commit is pure insanity. So yeah.
    I wasn't forced, and I'm not religious for that purpose.
    I just believe that there is some sort of god somewhere, out there, making these 'miricles' that this damned world needs. Giving mercy to those pure hearted, and the darker souls slowly consuming themselves.
    No name for this certain god, I just call it a god. I person/creature that I can think can save me.
    It's also part sciences. For example, dogs. They are somehow loyal to humans. Some say fear, some say for loyalty. I believe of both.
    If we don't fear the unknown, we wouldn't have made up some big man above the clouds, telling us what's right and what's wrong. If we didn't become loyal to this 'God,' we would be all cursing his name, having controversy about this made-up man.
    But, History does state that a man named Jesus was brought to Earth around 6 to 4 BC, ending his life at around 29 AD. He was born jewish, and traveled to Rome. He spread Christianity around the Roman Empire, getting him killed by the Emperor.
    So, in my opinion Christianity would be the most religion I would live by.
    But I know most about it, so that's why I would live by it instead of something like Buddism or something like that.
  19. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Okay, so i've been told that Rainbow~Monkey has been pushing her beliefs in a rude and forceful manor onto others so therefore i've come to give you the details. The reason alot of atheists do not believe in god is because of the forceful big headed statements made in the commandments and throughout multiple stories. God may or may not exisit but the version the Bible states seems to be most unlikly as by now these "miracles" in the modern day such as the surviors of 9/11 said that god saved them when actually it was only chance. There is no way a god would save a handful of people over many if the bible is true therefore the bible has proven itself wrong. Good day forceful Christians. I hope to never get involved in this crap again.

    Symibote Spider-Fayt away!
  20. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    I chose to be Episcopalian because I feel like I can explain some things.