Your Religion Choice

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Rainbow~Monkey, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The whole point of this thread is that you talk about your choice of religion. You have every right to choose what you want. You can choose to be Christian or Atheist or Muslim etc. You shouldn't let your parents decide for you.
  2. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Haha, I'm sorry- but this conversation has made me actually lol'd for once on the internet, I don't think I can write anymore serious replies that you will look at and read and not take me serious because of what I've written.​
  3. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I did look at and read what you said. I then responded accordingly. Did you not see?

    All I see in this post is you admitting defeat. Meh.
  4. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Haha, defeat at the force that is not to be reckoned with, the almighty army of laughing smily faces:​


    Wow...that Mountain Dew must have made me really loopy \-_-/​
  5. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    If you are not going to behave in a serious manner then post elsewhere. This section is for posts of a higher quality.
  6. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    The Bible is the truth.
    It claims to be God's Word.
    Jesus died for our sins
    and he rose again.
    If you are not Christian, can you be open to the possibility that God does exist?

    It makes me cry, the thought that so many of you choose not to believe and some of you are born with a certain religion. Magic is evil and the Bible warns that magic/witchcraft is evil and a serious offense to God. Please let me teach you the Gospel story and help you.
  7. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Atheism is very much a religion, in the sense that a religion is a lifestyle choice. Atheism is a way of living that, for me at least, relies on science to answer the "unanswerable" questions, which, I might add, it does quite often.

    My Atheistic (notice the capitalization) life choice is as valid and all-encompassing and makes more sense than any "religion" I've ever studied (and I have taken a World Religions course, covering most major religions, and a Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion course, covering many minor ones and the concept of religion).

    Now, to answer the original question, I chose my religion, Atheism, because it offers the best chance to understand this universe in a way applicable to human beings. Atheism also suffers far less of the handicaps of organized religion - intolerance, scientific blindness, and over-rigid morals.
  8. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Of course I can be (I would like to point out that yours is not the only hypothetical god out there. There are many others). I cry that anyone is born with a certain religion. Parents have no right to force their children to follow a certain religion. Teach about yes, but not force.

    I have learned a lot about different religions (Christianity in particular) and have decided that it is not for me. There is little if any evidence to support the existence of any god, never mind Yahweh.

    I could do without your evangelising. I hate the thought of people trying to force their religions on other people. The information is out there and if people want to find out about it they will. They don't need people like you coming to them.

    Lol I like the way you use the word "claims" =D
  9. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008

    I have to tell people about the good news (the Gospel) because Jesus told me to. As a Christian it is my job to and if i don't , you will all burn up in --. im doing you a favor. theres a whole buttload of proof. youre proof. how do you think you got here. and look around what do you see? God's creations.
  10. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    *sigh* I'm not even going to attempt to educate you. Saying "God/Jesus/the Bible says so" is not an answer. It is not evidence, it is not proof and it certainly does not win debates. All it does is show how ignorant you are.

    As for why I chose to be Atheist; I looked around me, looked at the evidence, put two and two together and figured out that there is almost certainly no god. No supernatural deities, just physics in all it's glory.
  11. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    the Bible is the truth. i am trying to tell you this because im trying to save your life!
    lots of people need to hear this.
    i understand how it can be hard to believe in something you cant see but you just got to believe boy. God is real! the Bible is the truth! its God's Word!
    please, don't get trapped by Satan.
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I accept that oxygen exists, I can't see it. The difference being that there is evidence for it's existence. If there was evidence that god exists then I would accept that he does, I would not worship or "belief" in him because from what I have read and seen he is a cruel heartless bastard.

    That's another reason, I could never be a part of any of these suffering enabling organisations.
  13. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Yours is not the only religion. Yours is not even the only good religion. Hell, yours is not even the only popular religion. You have NO right to foist it off on all of us. I will continue to believe in my "sinful" Atheism, no matter what you say, because you have NO compelling evidence for it. Come on, God! Show me something! Awww, nothing? Wow, what a shock. And yet, every time scientists have the funding or inspiration to tackle a problem, we always solve it. The origin of Man, about 6 million years ago in Africa. The origin of the Solar System from a disc of swirling gas, about 4-5 billion years ago. The origin of the Universe, from the Big Bang, over 12 billion years ago. The "apocalypse" - the Sun going nova, about 4 billion years from now, engulfing the inner planets in a fiery inferno. Evolution (see above quote).

    EVERYTHING science puts it's hand to, it solves. NOTHING (except for the historical facts - the Roman Empire, etc) in the Bible has been proven. Find the Ark of the Covanent! Find the Cross (not those fakes the Catholic Church has)! Find the tomb of Christ! Find the containers that held the transfigured wine! NONE OF IT HAPPENED!

    See, I can preach my religion, too! How do you feel about it? About the same as I feel when I hear someone preaching to me! Learn to be tolerant! Live nad let live! I may not believe in magic and witchcraft, but I let others believe it if they want to. Hell, my best friend is a Wiccan! I could care less! Whenever he brings it up, I just nod and agree, and move on. It's really not worth getting into an argument about.

    I swear, organized religions are so intolerant, it should be illegal. so, God tells you to teach your religion? Amendment 1 of the US Constitution! Freedom Of Religion - we are free to believe what we want, and NO ONE can force us to believe something else. If we don't want to hear it, you can't force it down our throats.
  14. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    God is just and loving, not just loving. there is proof of God.
    im sorry it seems like im forcing you. my mom used to be catholic growing up and then we really werent any religion as young kids and then we became Christian. dude, you think youre so wise thinking the way you are but you aint.
  15. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Show me the proof. The cold hard evidence. Something that can be tested empirically. I'm sure if such a thing existed it would be all over the news.

    NB The Bible is not proof, anecdotal evidence is not proof, dreams are not proof, stories are not proof. You get the point.

    Also, everything childofturin said.
  16. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Thank you! Come on, God! Do a miracle!

    Or better yet, Rainbow Monkey, show us some proof that what the Bible says is true! Something from another, contemporary source. One book is not proof. I can write in a holy book that the sky is green and claim to have visions from the serpent overlords of the universe, but that doesn't mean I'm telling the truth.
  17. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008
    yeah it wouldn't be true if you wrote it
  18. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    What, so a group of men who we know very little about from around 2000 years ago are trustworthy? What is even less trustworthy is the organisation that compiled the Bible. The reliability of your key source just gets weaker and weaker.
  19. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    Human beings wrote the Bible, too. And they translated it from Greek into half a hundred other languages. It doesn't necessarily mean they were telling the truth. Look at the Mormons - most other Christians hate them for editing the Bible, yet that's what happened every time a new book was added in the first century AD. There are DOZENS of typos in the bible that RADICALLY change the meanings of certain passages. For instance, it has been suggested that the original word for Mary was not Virgin (never had sex), but Maiden (young). If it was maiden, she could have had sex and kept the title - it was common in those days.

    Also, it has been PROVEN that he Israelites did not walk across the Red Sea, but the Reed Sea, which was a swampy little marshland on the Mediterranean coast, and when the volcano that is now Santorini exploded, it created a tidal wave which would have emptied the Reed Sea, and them flooded it. A perfectly natural explanation, made supernatural through a typo.
  20. Rainbow~Monkey Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 15, 2008

    you are gonna burn up, just remember, you had a chance , i warned you, God warned, and you chose to go with the devil.