Your party has met a busty mute item vendor

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Jiku Neon, Jan 9, 2012.

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  1. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Alright, here it is for those who care or are familiar with the other thread of the same name. This is going to pretty much run on a modified GURPS 4e system. All you really need to know can be found the gcs library and the Basic Set. You can no longer find them here. I assume everyone interested has it. I'll put up a link that hasn't been taken down by the government on request.

    I'm not accepting more than 5 people into this campaign because I don't want to look after more than that. So the first 5 people to get their character sheets approved are in.

    0 - The GM is always right.
    1 - Do not talk about fight club.
    2 - Do not talk about fight club.

    Character Sheets and Building-

    Character Sheet Example- Open all .gcs files(character sheets) in gcs the batch file at the bottom of the GURPS-2009.11.24 folder. If you are running a mac there should be something in the folder GURPS Character>Contents->MacOS. If there isn't anything in there contact me and I'll post a mac compatible version of gcs.

    Alright so reading this example might be kinda confusing for those not familiar with tabletop. I'll go down the list.
    Your name and title are self explanitory. Your TL or tech level is 3 medieval if you mouse over it. Your Size modifier is +0 unless you are below 4'4'' or above 8' for my purposes. Your point bank is how you buy advantages, skills and other things you need to make a character. Opening the Library under data allows you to see the powers, advantages, quirks, perks, disadvantages, skills, spells and equipment available in a separate window keep it open as well as the Basic Set as you progress. Each listed item has a reference number to the far right in the library telling you what book it's from B11 would be page eleven from the Basic Set and PU12 page 12 from powers. So look up all references that you don't understand. Now level up abilities will show up differently in you advantages column as they will always be followed by a number and you can change this number by double clicking on the advantage and changing the level number all the math on how many points it costs is done for you. All skills work basically the same way because you need to make what is called a skill check or a roll against the SL or skill level in order to use a skill. Next we come to equipment where you'll be making most extensive use of containers. Containers are things with a small arrow next to them that can hold a certain amount of other equipabble items. A canteen holds 2 lbs of water. A backpack carries more. How much equipment you carry around affects your encumbrance level and by extension several of your dice checks higher up on the page. Armor doesn't outright stop attacks but it has DR or damage reduction roll which is defined in the item statistics. In order to actually add anything from the library to a character sheet, you should click and drag the desired whatever into the character sheet.

    Moving on to stats. 10 is the base number for everything because it is average. Dex and Int are worth 20 points to change and all others are 10. All rolls are, at their roots, dependant on stats. the RSL on skills will tell you which stat that skill is dependant on and how your skill acts relative to that stat. Increasing a stat costs you points but decreasing them gains you points. But remember that playing an INT 7 character might make you strong in other aspects but it makes you brain damaged stupid meaning you will never be able to contribute ideas to puzzles and will likely just become the party meat shield. Conversely, an INT 13 character will be smart but less capable of actually doing things. HP is as a rule low in this system because it is equal to your STR stat. You can increase it on its own but that is something of a waste when you could just make your armor or dodge better.

    Disadvantages work like lowering stats. You can gain points by taking them but they are, oddly enough, disadvantages. Like Alcoholism will never directly help you and neither will only having one eye, but it lets you improve stats or take better advantages. Either way disadvantages control how your character acts more than anything else because of Self Control Rolls or CR checks. This means when in the presence of a certain stimulus you will have to pass a check in order to control your behavior a failure of a Bad Temper check, for instance, will make you lash out at the person annoying you. You also have the option to take a fail if you want at any given roll.

    That's the basics. I recommend that you play around with the system a bit before you get too worried or confused. I'm willing to help with individual character sheets and questions as well. ​

    I expect a short but not insignificant backstory. A single page single spaced usually suffices but don't be afraid to say everything you need to say in more or less. I expect you to characterize your character and give me an idea of what challenges to throw at them while creating a unique and real character that will play well.

    PM/e-mail me your character sheet for approval.
    I'd love it if all of you involved would include your MSN with your character sheet so I can bother you when you're not on khv.​

    Though this is high fantasy you are all humans and none of you know magic unless you can make a damn good argument and there will not be more than one of each regardless.
    You start out with 125 points and have a disadvantage limit of 65.
    No stat will be higher than 15 to start with.

    In this world, magic is like a muscle. You don't think about walking or moving your arm, you just do it. You don't write runes or chant phrases and you sure as hell don't learn it by locking yourself up and reading. The analogy one person I told about this system used was roughly, "So it's like you some people can do the Spock thing with their hands and some people can't?" I said, yeah, it's pretty much like that because you can force your muscles to learn a new action but most people really won't. But if you want to have only the function of magic or to be a healer, you can be an alchemist which will allow you to do anything a mage can do if you put sufficient time and research into devoloping it or enough money into buying it. This will make you a prep mage basically, so you want to have a decent encumbrance level and high Int otherwise you'll never get anything done.​


    Actions will only be accepted if they appear in this format, "I take a look around" or "[character's name] looks around."
    All dialogue will be placed in quotation marks and attributed to the character speaking.
    No sharing character sheets with others and no sharing thoughts with others. Players shall only know as much as they can observe.
    I'm running rolls on the honor system because I trust all of you aren't going to be That Guy's. So just use an online dice roller and report honestly the results to me.
    You cannot control or attribute anything to NPCs or other PCs, you control only your own character.​

    To give you guys a vague idea of how to look at the Int stat since there isn't as concrete a way to see its effects as say Dex or Str. I'd say below or at a 6 is practically subhuman to actually animal, 7 is ******ed, 8 is a dummy, 9 is a llittle slow, an average joe is a 10, a worldly person who knows what's up is around an 11 or 12, a 13 or 14 is an expert, a 15-16 is a theoretical scientist, a 17-18 is a nobel prize winner, and a 19+ is too smart to be human think of Sherlock Holmes and and Zhuge Kongming.​

    More guidlines to come.

    In preparation for the actual start of this fucker, I'll be giving everyone a few options on where this campaign starts. Basically, you can either a) start in a small frontier town b) a trading post in a military fortification c) the northern woods or d) a boat. You don't all need to agree, you just need to place where you'd rather start and I'll account for it. If you want a map, I can draw one up.​

    Direct all further questions towards me. Ciao.
  2. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Okay, your stuff is better than mine. Downloading.

    If you could give an example skill set or rather some limitations, it would be appreciated. 'High fantasy' is kind of vague. Firearms? Explosives? What kind of technology are we using?
  3. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    TL is more or less medieval. There might be some primitive cannons and firebombs, unless it's magic. Most of it's out of your reach at the start. I'll make a generic character sheet that fits the requirements and post it to give you guys a general idea.
  4. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Okay, then. Do we need to write stories for our characters or non?

    This is critically important as it may decide the standards for play and will deter many members.
  5. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    I'd like at least a page, single spaced, in backstory, but I'll take less if there isn't a need for the length.
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I'll get around to it when I get home and have time.
  7. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    Color me interested. I'll get to working on my character sheet right now. I'm a noob at GURPS though so I'll probably get a few things wrong at first so bear with me ._.
  8. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    Totally doing this. I love tabletop RPGs, though I don't have any experience with GURPS. I hear it's similar to HERO. Is that true? In any case, I'll get a character rolled up ... I've had one in mind.
  9. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    Yeah, HERO is just geared more towards fancier stuff from what I could tell where GURPS pretty much begs to be homebrewed because it's so easy not that I'm encouraging it for first timers. Like a friend of mine is running a verteran only mahou shoujo campaign this year and I've had to create a bunch of features on my own to make it work out properly.

    PM me a DL link to your character sheet before the 5 limit or beg your way in at 6th if you want in. I'll be making a short 'how to' on character sheet generating but I'd write a backstory first.

    Note to everyone: Medieval High Fantasy. Mostly Humans. Magic is a one in a million power. Setting is going to be more or less the generic castles and kingdoms schtick. Tech level is 3.
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    So... How may people sent sheets off and are ready now?
  11. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    No one has gotten approval yet. Tick tock guys. I go back to school in a week and will likely leave the site for the spring soon afterwards.
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