What was your party formation in Final Fantasy 9? Plus, what was the character you disliked the most in terms of gameplay?
I tried that on my first playthrough but Amarant could never fulfill enough damage output for me:(. Now I am on my second and using Steiner...
Honestly, I loved them all. The party in FFIX is, like, the pinnacle of RPG balance. There's a nice mix of specialized and versatile characters, and barely any of their skills overlap. Well, with the one notable exception, but if you're gonna have dupes of any role it may as well be the white mage. No matter what setup I put together, it never felt like anyone was wasting space, even with teams of three healers, three casters, or all bruisers. Between that and actually liking all of the characters' personalities, I could never stick to a team of four; I was always swapping them out whenever I had the chance, making sure everybody got a fair share of the XP/AP, so on and so forth. Though I did favor Freya, and seeing as I am all about rushdowns I'd usually bring Steiner and Vivi to boss fights as well.
I mostly used Zidane, Dagger/Eiko, Steiner/Amarant, Vivi. Dagger got somewhat annoying to use because she couldn't even use her spells or summons a lot of times, but Vivi was great to use for damage, and Eiko was good as another healer. But I liked Dagger's summons more
My favorite character was, by far, Quina. Her Blue magic makes her a one woman army. Zidane was just good for stealing, which makes him a must have in pretty much every boss batle (we can' t get him out of the team anyway, which sucks). As for the other two, depends who it is I' m going to fight : either two characters that can deal 9999 damage quickly (Steiner and Amarant for instance since Amarant can refill anyone' s MP) or two characters who can absorb a lot of damage (usually Freya and Dagga, Freya' s regen on the whole team is quite useful when combined with long ass summons and Dagga has the longest summons, not to mention her transe surprise summons). Vivi' s 9999 damage move is long, but not as long as summons. His double 9999 damage trance makes him a good alternative when I' m looking for quick damage dealers though.
Sigh, I removed Dagger from my team and just replaced her with Freya. Her regen spell was useful until I taught everyone auto-regen. This way I really didn't need a White mage (Eiko or Dagger) on my team. Plus, I know their summonings are cool but to be honest I prefer to use my ethers on Vivi...
I think I utilised all of the characters apart from Quina. Just never really got into her style. My main party was usually Zidane, Steiner, Garnet & Ecko, and I would usually switch out Steiner for Vivi at times. Beatrix would've been awesome as a perma party member. ;-;
Awww what was wrong with Quina and his/her Blue Magic? Yeah Beatrix would have made an awesome character but Steiner has some cool moves too.
I dunno, I just... don't really like characters where you essentially have to "absorb" their abilities from enemies in order to use them. Like Kimahri in FFX or Anastacia in Shadow Hearts: Covenant. Not fun.
Okay, I can understand that. In my first playthrough didn't use Quina either because of: The appearance. Hunting for new moves. That tongue... All he/she did was eat stuff and talk about food. Never had a gender. But some of Quina's moves were useful such as Mighty Guard or any of his/her level attacks.