Your opinion on leaks and spoilers?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Sonic Toadstool, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Sonic Toadstool Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 28, 2009
    Hey everybody, I haven't been on this site or any other Kingdom Hearts websites for the past 7 months in order to avoid spoilers for the upcoming Kingdom Hearts game(upcoming outside of Japan that is :P) Birth by Sleep. I personally hate spoilers and try my best to avoid them completely, so for the past 7 months I tried to avoid Kingdom Hearts material on the internet. However, I just recently finally got my hands on Kingdom Hearts Final Mix at the 2010 Anime Expo and went into a big Kingdom Hearts fad. However, I still wanted to keep myself from running into any Birth by Sleep spoilers, though I got tired of avoiding Kingdom Hearts material and decided to cautiously browse YouTube for Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix hacks, and then I came across a video about a Ventus texture hack. I thought it looked pretty cool and decide to look at other videos with the Ven hack (yeah big mistake) and then boom, I caught the glimpse on the side of my eye of a video in the "related videos section" revealing Vanitas's face. I thought "Oh crap, the one thing I didn't want to see before I played the game was Vanitas's true face." I felt as if his spoilertastic yellow eyes were starring into my soul.-_-

    Well anyway, I just thought that I'd share with you guys a recent incident that I had which reminds me why I hate spoilers so much. Yeah, I know that the whole Vanitas spoiler was my fault for looking up Kingdom Hearts videos on YouTube, but I guess we're just at that digital age where runnuing into spoilers is pretty much inevitable due to all the media resources we have. And not only for video games, but for TV Shows, Movies, and Books too. I'll use Super Smash Bros. Brawl as an example, the game was released in America on March 9th, 2008. However I had to completely shut my mind off of Brawl for 2 months because as soon as the game was released in Japan (I believe on January 31st 2008), videos were all over the net revealing all the hidden characters and levels. And of course, leaks are no fun at all because not only does it spoil the fresh first glimpse experience of a video game level, or a movie trailer, but it also makes the company who owns the leaked material extremely angry. Yeah I know, there is pretty much no way to avoid spoilers or leaked material now in days (unless you completely shut yourself off from the game, movie, book, etc. like I did :P) but my question is, Do spoilers bother you? And are you ever tempted to look at leaked material or spoilers of upcoming video games for example? I will admit, that staying clear from Kingdom Hearts material on the internet for 7 months was a major pain (and I still have 2 more months to go before Birth by Sleep is released in America XD) but when I buy a new game, I love having the "oh my gosh, what's gonna happen next" and not knowing the *insert name here* is going to be the final boss fight of the game. So anyway, what's your opinion on leaked infromation and spoilers?

    (By the way, I thought it was okay to mention Vanitas's yellow eyes in my post since they were already revealed in the Jump Fiesta 2010 trailer)
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Spoilers bother me if they're not hidden. If a game is released and people want to discuss it even though it hasn't hit my shores yet, more power to them, I really couldn't care less. But if people just have them floating about with no respect to people that want to wait to play the game (or see the movie, read the book, etc etc), that does bother me, and I see where you're coming from. But I'd also like to add that you were on YouTube, you can't really expect very much courtesy, haha. There is a timeframe though, I think. Like I think it's alright to reveal a plot twist in a game like Kingdom Hearts, that's been released for 9 years now, without much warning.
  3. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    I like 'em.
    I like to know everything about upcoming movies/shows/books/events/games.
    I kind of figure that if I'm just going to know about it eventually, then why wait?
    I like knowing what is going to happen. I hate not knowing anything, and seeing the spoiler incorporated into the story makes it all the more worthwhile for me.
  4. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i hate spoilers. they really kill the experience of new movies, and especially games for me if i know exactly what's going to happen. especially when you notice the setup for a plot twist and then be like "oh, but that's not right, this happens later". it really kills it for games that depend on the story like Heavy Rain for example: if i had known who the Origami Killer was beforehand, the ENTIRE game would be ruined.
  5. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    I dislike the stigma associated with revealing parts of a fictional work. The fact that they're even called "spoilers," and thus the implication that such things ruin the enjoyment of a work, strikes me as something conceived by people who can't truly enjoy most things. Why is an element of surprise needed? Why would one not want to be told everything? Of course there are exceptions, such as in works built around the surprise itself (e.g. mystery stories), but other "spoilers" are inevitable, predictable, or ineffectual; their avoidance comes off more as paranoia than a desire to derive any enjoyment from the story.

    Besides that, outrageous "spoilers" a good story does not make; I guarantee you no one saw the ending of the Akatsuki arc coming in Naruto, but that doesn't make it good. A real story shines for its buildup, the journey to get to the big reveal that makes you feel for the characters, project onto them, or at least keep enjoying their adventures. It's as true in life as it is in fiction: If one is so intensely focused on the destination, one will miss the joy of the journey.

    Want me to prove my point? Here's your proof: the fact that entertainment media still has a market. I say that because there is one "spoiler" that holds true for a vast majority of the stories told in the world, and that is that the hero wins. We know this; we can be assured of it nine times out of ten. Is this not a "spoiler," by the accepted definition? Yet we will still sit down and play the game, or watch the show, or read the book, and there's a reason for it. It's because we want to know how the hero wins, why he prevails, who fights by his side, what the consequences are of his victory; the list of variables is endless. As I said, only in stories that make the reveal the focal point does it really matter; even then, you can read a dozen or so murder mysteries which all have different endings and they could all still be crummy for using the same bland, two-dimensional character archetypes, or even just being poorly written.

    I challenge anyone who hates or avoids these so-called "spoilers" to find a purportedly good, non-reveal-oriented series--game, novel, T.V. show, anything--and intentionally look up the details of the plot before setting down with it. See how it changes the way you think of the characters, knowing what will happen to them or to their friends. If it drains the excitement out of it, I can almost guarantee you wouldn't have enjoyed it much anyway.
  6. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    What I hate about myself, is that when people don't hide spoilers, I get so angry at that person for not being fair, however, when people put up the 'spoiler' tag, I end up clicking them before I even think about the consequences. Spoilers can be extremely annoying, I like to be shocked and surprised, however, I can't really hate them seeing as I'm stupid enough to open them.
  7. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    I Hated it when Stephine Meyers Midnight Sun got leaked onto the internet-It meant the book would be published after "Everyone forgot about it"-Now we all have to wait -_-

    No matter how much we cant wait for a book or whatever-its worth waiting-it could end up that we have to wait longer for the object of desire -_-
  8. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    I really don't mind spoilers to be honest. I guess the main reason would be because I think hearing and reading somebody tell you about an event in a videogame or book and experiencing the event happen yourself are two completely different things. My friend can tell me that Aerith dies in FFVII but I don't really care because I want to know why she dies, what event lead up to her dying, what happened after she died, and etc. Plus the emotion of some scenes can't be felt that easily by just hearing about it from somebody to be honest. I could have read about Aerith dying but when I actually saw the scene, I almost cried.
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Leaks: Like SoraUchiha said. I don't like leaks because they can mess with the original plan. I was looking forward to Midnight Sun, but now I have to wait. I mean, even if Meyer decided to continue writing it anyway, I would rather have read the whole thing in one go than read the leaked 12 chapters, wait a long time, then read the rest.

    Spoilers: Some spoilers I don't mind. Take Kingdom Hearts BBS for example. I didn't mind seeing new characters, knowing their names, special things about them, etc. But something big like if someone dies, I'd rather find out on my own.
    As opposed to Guardian_Soul, I knew Aerith was gonna die and when she did, I was just like "it finally happened" because I heard about it so much. It wasn't much of a big deal.
    But then I played another game and I made sure not to check any spoilers for it and when a character died, I freaked. I didn't see it coming, it just happened right there.
    I personally like the element of surprise.
  10. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    Well...whether or not they make my car go faster they always look kind of cool...


    Seriously though, I do not like being spoiled. I dislike being rushed, and usually when I'm spoiled thats exactly whats happening to me. Someone is making me experience the ending or a major part in a plot that I have not gotten up to yet. As a result I feel it pretty much kills the story as a whole...and I don't think anyone likes when that happens.
  11. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    I always hated spoiler ever since KH2, I was so hyped for KH2 that I watched ANYTHING that was from the game, even the ending. It really ruined the game for me once I actually played it. Nowadays I don't even watch the trailers to most games/movies or read on the back of the box, because they just ruin my enjoyment. Going pretty much blind into games and movies has made me enjoy them much more.
  12. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    something i forgot to mention, spoilers prevent you from getting suspense from the story, and suspense is what makes me want to know what happens next. while it isn't essential to all stories, suspense and surprises really do enhance the experience, i do think you're cutting that part out of the experience by reading spoilers and knowing what to expect.
  13. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    I don't have a problem with spoilers, as long as they're revealed to me when I want to. Before I read HP and the Half-Blood Prince, it was spoiled to me that "SENAPE KILLZ DUMBELDOOORE LOL!1!!!ELEVEN" by someone at school and I was extremely aggravated. The funny thing is, I would have liked to know that info if I LOOKED for it, but I dislike that it was given to me without warning.