Like PaW, I thought I'd make a similar thread but instead of the best games, the worst. What did you think were the worst games of the generation? This only applies to XBOX 360, Playstation 3, and Nintendo Wii. I won't include PC onto the list because there are an infinite of bad indie games that have come out in this time. You can either count down from 5th worst to 1st worst or vice versa.
BEYOND: Two Souls - This is not how you make a story-driven game. Barely any choices the game presents to you actually make a difference, with some choices made by the player being flat-out refused by the game itself. The writing is atrocious, with none of the characters feeling realistic or likable. Jodie doesn't seem at all to become a better or worse person from the experiences we "play" through, and she barely has her own personality half the time: one moment she's a sweet girl, and then we'll be thrown into another moment where she's a raging teenager, with no context in between. It's a bunch of seemingly random events that are strung together as if to attempt to provoke emotional reaction from the audience and tell an epic life-lesson filled story, failing to do either with such plastic dialogue, generically archetypical characters, laughable plot twists, middle-school fan-fiction level written forced romances, scenes haphazardously ripped straight out of better and more well-done games or films, inexcusable amounts of cliches for such a "dramatic experience," and an overall pretentious atmosphere that seems to be trying so hard to come off as deep and meaningful, yet in the end is nothing more than a nothing-sandwich with pretty-graphics and good voice acting from Ellen Paige and Willem DaFoe (as to be expected.) Final Fantasy: All the Bravest - This is literally just a cash-cow app from Square, made only to try squeezing a quick buck out of loyal fans of games referenced (that actually took effort as opposed to this product.) Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) - I'm sure there's been enough said about this, but I'm including it anyway. Duke Nukem Forever - The worst case scenario of identity crisis combined with misplaced hype. It shows how desperate some publishers can be to make money rather than actually focus on creating a properly working, polished game that's enjoyable and has its own identity. Instead, Forever borrows from every popular first-person shooter that came out during it's jumbled development cycle, and what we got was a horrid, mutated, jumble of a game. Aliens: Colonial Marines - Basically a lot of the same as with Duke Nukem Forever, but the weirdest thing was that we SAW footage of a BETTER GAME before this one was released...what happened? And why the hell was there this finger-pointing game made out of it? There are more piles of shit but these are the ones that I thought up first.
I didn't bother making this type of list for a few reasons. The main ones being I don't try to play bad games, I don't remember bad games and most people will have e same opinions on hated games. Also, I like celebrating gaming, I feel like it gets demonised enough by gamers and non gamers like. That being said I'll try and list some bad games i've played. Star Wars: Force Unleashed II Shadowrun Crackdown 2 Uncharted games (I just really don't like em, they're not all bad, but geez)
DmC Devil May Cry: What an awful game. It took everything that made the series good and flushed it down the drain. Slow, repetitive combat that eventually becomes limited with color coded enemies where only certain weapons can be used to defeat them. A story that takes itself too seriously with characters and dialogue that could only pique the interest of 12 year olds who find swearing and disrepecting your elders really cool. The only good thing I can say about it is that it had a nice art direction and Limbo was a cool idea. Dragon Age 2: I enjoyed this game at first but after a second or third playthrough the flaws in this game became more apparent. It was a rush job, simple as that. The previous game let you play as a human, dwarf, or elf, but in DA2 you're forced into being a human. The game reuses so many locations and doesn't even try to hide it. The game looks worse than its predecessor and requires no tact or thought when it comes to dealing with battles. The strategy is gone, and all you get is waves of enemies that fall from the sky or rooftops. Your choices don't really matter as the final chapter plays out the exact same way no matter what you choose to do or who to side with. Tomb Raider: Honestly, I'm not sure why this game got the praise that it did. It was your standard, by-the-book cinematic shooter game. Maybe it's just me, but those games are not my thing. I don't get a lot of fun out of them. It wasn't any better than Uncharted, and those games are the same thing. The only difference is, I actually find myself at least interested in some of the characters in Uncharted. In Tomb Raider, I couldn't muster up any care for what was going on with anyone. Lara was all the only interesting character, but her only mission was to find and rescue the characters I didn't give a **** about. So yeah, I dunno, it just fell really flat for me. Beyond 2 Souls: Honestly just refer to Hayabusa's post. He hit the nail on the head in every regard to how horrible this game is. Bioshock Infinite: This game doesn't even deserve the Bioshock title. The game started with a lot of promise but after the near-halfway point everything started falling apart. All the interesting atmosphere and conflict built up in the beginning of the game was dropped and abandoned for one for one of the lamest, most unsatisfyingly pretentious "alternate realities/dimensions" stories I've ever experienced with absolutely no resolution in the end. Elizabeth was a poorly written character with lazy character development. The gameplay was a complete step down from previous entries in the series. Also, the entire part where you chase after Elizabeth's mom's ghost was probably one of the most embarrassingly stupid parts in any video game ever. It failed to impress me on every single front, but it had so much potential.
//cries because that was my favorite game of the gen// Most hated and worst imo was that awful game known as Modern Warefare 3. UGH. Other notable bad games, Gears of War Judgement, Sonic Unleashed, Half-Life 3
I don't tend to buy bad games. So I don't really have a list. I think I bought one bad game expecting it not to be so great but I can't remember what it was. If I did buy it, I know it was cheap so... My bottom game of yester-gen however has to be: Spoiler Skyrim Where do I even begin? Okay, so this is an RPG. So let's look at the main story. We have the main character, the Dragonborn, who's out to slay some all-powerful dragon who's resurrecting other dragons from the dead. Okay, not the most original story out there but it's a classic theme. Chosen one out to slay a dragon. So after a bunch of forgetful "walk here and do this" with no characters you ever care about and who mostly all look alike to me, we end up in some otherworldly place to fight the dragon. The Big Bad. ...And it's a boring fight. It barely behaves any differently than the other hundreds of dragons you've fought by then. You just whack it to death the same way you would a regular guard. (Well, I enjoyed slaughtering guards.) And now you've killed the dragon! HOORAH! What happens? As it turns out, absolutely nothing. Not even a credit roll. Nobody thanks you(despite all sorts of Jarls saying they would when it was all over), there's nobody waiting for you when you finish the fight, you just get a "Quest Completed" notification. I wasn't expecting any masterful writing but the handling of the main story and final boss fight just seemed so lazy. Wasn't this supposed to be some kind of epic game of the year? Okay, so maybe the story is a bunch of garbage. What about the other larger quest chains? Thieves Guild? The Companions? The Brotherhood? Outside of using different setpieces, they're all pretty much the same. Whoever's in charge gets killed and eventually you take over said group. Yup. Just like that. The other quests? Those are just fetch quests or "kill X number of baddies at X location". What about gameplay? Well combat is awful. Fighting random enemies? Melee is just about the most boring option to use. All weapons feel like they have no weight. Nobody really flinches when you hit them. Same animation when you attack, very little variation. Fighting large enemies? Whack their ankles until they die. Fighting dragons? Wait for them to land and whack anywhere to win. There's absolutely no point in having enemies larger than yourself if all you can do is whack away at whatever you can reach. Magic all pretty much acts the same. You got spells that you hold down to continuously fire and you've got spells that charge up with a little startup time. Admittedly, the magic system is at least decent. Archery is...passable I suppose. And then we've got the option to use a third-person camera mode. Why was this added? The animations are barely on par with the generation before it. Looking at it makes me sad. So what about music? GRAPHIXXX? Okay, so Skyrim's pretty. On any platform. Oh and nearly unplayable on the PS3(dat infamous bug) but let's ignore that. It's a little bland but that's okay. Skyrim's supposed to be like that. Music? Outside of the main theme and that chanting going on when you learn a new Shout, was there any other music? I certainly don't remember any. Oh, except for those songs bards sing. Character customization? Freedom? Map size? Character customization's a little...bland. There's very little to do to make your character look decent so you're usually stuck with ugly characters. And unless you're really good at enchanting, the only armor you'll be wearing late-game will be the same as everyone else. I can give the "freedom" the game gives you a lot of credit. You can whack everyone to death(boring), you can snipe them all with a bow(it'll get old after the thousandth time), you can use all sorts of nifty magic, or you can sneak around. Or you can try and get creative and do a mix of those things. So that's a plus. The map itself is large but I felt that everything was just a bunch of copy/pasted set pieces when you were looking for things to do. So there you have it. Skyrim. The perfect example of a game with too much fluff with none of it being very satisfying. If you want an example of a game with a similar story of slaying a dragon but want to have a lot of fun, play Dragon's Dogma. It might not offer many enjoyable sidequests and it might seem bland at first glance but, in my opinion, it's superior in every single way. It might even make you hate Capcom just a little less.
I cannot vouch for PS3 because I did not have one. And I didn't necessarily play any bad games on the Xbox 360(we avoided them, we got warning). So instead I am going to do this for the Wii. These are also based on games I have played, not ones I watched on youtube or anything. Wii- Winner: Escape From Bug Island. This game I just thought had an absolutely terrible plot to begin with. I got it as a gag gift from my brother and I told him he could play it first and he apologized... and then I was afraid. The thing about the Wii is that it is a system based on controls. If I can't even play the game, there is a problem. I could barely hang onto it. Play it if you want torture... maybe you can youtube it and see what I mean. Runner up: The Just Dance games believe it or not. I thought the mechanics worked better on the Kinect, and that is saying a lot... I don't generally play these types of games but every time I was at a party and they has a Wii we would play Just Dance and the controls just... didn't work for me. At all. Maybe other people had better luck but it was one of the few games I dreaded playing.