My sister just posed an interesting question to me: If you have to describe your mind with an analogy what would it be? Some examples: So KHV, how would you use an analogy to describe how your mind works?
My mind is a subway. It works at various speeds but is always working at a dial up speed. Never high speed. It is also a highly sensitive place, working overtime.
My mind is a variable dreamscape. It takes a different form with each mood I have, and the landscape changes when I change my environment. My mind in my home is different from my mind outside, and so on. I am constantly adapting and changing the way I see things. Think of a field that extends as far as my experience does, and then imagine that everything within that field can change at any time and that the whole space becomes dreamlike while I am standing there. I could be walking through a field and then suddenly be standing on the tenth floor of an office building though I never moved my feet any direction but forward. A world where nothing is concrete and structure is how you see things as a particular time. There is no specific physical place or concept that could describe my mind because it is like water while everything else is solid. That should give you an idea of what my mind is like.
My mind is like a person in a library. I will sit, calculate, and read up on things so I am well prepared. I need quiet surroundings in order to think properly. I have a vast amount of knowledge before me, but since there are so many books, I will never get the chance to delve into them all. I will generally take a gander at a few, but only pick ones that interests me.
My mind works like the cashier at a fast food restaurant lunch hour. Always jumping from one thing to another, never really concentrated until hour is at an end, but the day still goes on with orders hitting hard. It is usually just one order to the next.
My mind is Space, endless, boundless, unknown to all, and infinitely empty in many ways. Sometimes that space is filled, full of unfathomable ideas and sights that almost make me lose control. Most of the time it is silent, and that occupied space is generally filled with distractions of everyday life. Sometimes it is a lonely mind, sometimes it can seem quiet. Other times, it is as if I am not alone. I feel the presence of another in this space. Maybe hear them. But with this unknowingly ending space, I can never tell where it comes from or what it is, but yes, it is there and I try not to let it bother me any more. I have visited many worlds dotted in this space, they all look different, ARE different, feel different. With different views, sounds, souls, systems, and many things that seem unimaginable.But are. I t is a constant chaos, each world, each new place, each wonder, something not grounded in reality or fantasy but grounded in me. Meh, it is whatever I wish to fill that space with, or just that space by itself. A view of sparkling stars in the distance, never knowing how far they are.
Mine is best described as a library. Not so much of me being able to choose what to read/think about, more like I write my own books and my mind stores them all, me being able to pretty much remember most things.
My mind is an ocean. It can be calm quite often, but there are times where it will be raging and violent. If people try to poke around, they will create ripples and disturb the calm, though it subsides once everything becomes still again. Some people like it and some people hate it, but that doesn't stop it from carrying on. Many people think that they've discovered all that there is to find, but the truth is that they've yet to uncover many of the hidden treasures beneath it. Aside from that, the only ones who know what could possibly be down there are those that are familiar with those waters (the people that I am willing to open up to). I'm sorry if these comparisons seem fragmented, but I'm trying my best to explain it in a way that both makes sense and feels right.
My mind is what would happen if you stuck a library catalog inside a bounce castle. Everything's organized, neat, in order, all planned out. But toss it into a bit of chaos and forget about it, it turns into one huge mess. It's something I wishIi could fix; I plan well if I know what going on well in advance, but toss a monkey wrench or two into my plans and it takes an eternity for me to rework them.
I don't even play a Shitake-load of games, and neither am I too addicted to them, but I find myself comparing my mind to a puzzle-platform, seemingly plot-less video game wherein the only possible goal is to try and understand myself more. A never ending video game, or such a long video game that it's taking me forever to get, with each level just becoming more difficult than the last. I'm always told "Oh, you understand yourself pretty well!" but in truth, I don't understand much of me at all. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever understand myself completely, if my life is long enough for me to do so, and just how much there is left to grasp. My mind is my own mind****, if that makes any sense.
I've been pondering this for a while and I find it hard to materialise my mind into something that can translate into a language that others can understand. Right now I'm thinking it's a bit like a body, made of different components that do different things like I have a part that solves problems and a bit that ponders life and existence and another bit for just day dreaming. All the components make up one thing and they depend on the others to function- like if it was all solving problems and work based then my brain would burn out or if I was just day dreaming then I would never reach what I want in life. It has a life force (like blood) which is creativity, imagination and intellect which fuels the components. Also, if you feed it good, healthy things (like for my God, studying, learning how to be a good person etc.) then it'll be healthy but if you fill it with unhealthy things then the opposite will happen. I also think I think that way because a large portion of my life is studying which includes biology, but oh well, I am content with my analogy.