According to Fox News, the term, "You mad, bro'?", is considered racist. Thoughts? [video=youtube;Rm30cepvMQA][/video]
People are just unknowing to the internet and its ways. I don't think racism was implied though. A simple misunderstanding for sports banter. They have the right to execute some punishment if it was racial but I do not think having a full blown investigation is necessary. Maybe a few apologies but nothing to extensive. BTW
Lol Faux "News" I can definitely see how it's could be taken as racist, but I don't see how it is taken as racist if that makes sense. It's one of those things that is only racist if you think it is. I guess the biggest reason being that it looked like the losing team was mostly black while the winners were mostly white. Though I do agree it's bad sportsmanship but it's high school football. As in teenagers are playing. Don't understand how it's supposed to be racially intimidating if it was put up at the end of the game. They wouldn't have put it up if they lost.
It took ever ounce of my strengh not to put a "YOU MAD BRO" pic up... But seriously, the politcally correct people need to relax. Its kinda painful that we can not say anything without it being considered racist. How is "Bro" racist? I use "bro" in my everyday conversations with my family. It just means that what was once considered "black" is now more and more mainstream. Its a sign of lack of racism, not racism. Yet its "racist" because they didn't like it.
My guess is because bro is short for brother and they way "brother" has been/is used by the black community to refer to each other. I agree with your last statement, a lack of racism is considered racism because it points out racism.
I've always felt that lack of racism is racism. When you see a black child in a cartoon you have to wonder if the wanted them there for the fact that they're black or as a real character.
Hahaha, the entire community was just trolled! This has to be the dumbest thing ever. Then again, it is FOX News we're talking about. There are only a few people who can interpret this as racist, and that is people who have not realized how the internet works and that they have to, instead of assuming using 'Bro' is racist, realize that they are interpreting racistly. It's an internet joke, a meme. The lack of knowledge regarding the internet and its content at Fox and in the general public is scary. Also; "Kicking someone who's already down" <- Dumbest connection ever made.
It's not racist. Not to any ethnicity I can think of. This is not even worthy of being called news, it's simply an excuse to put something out when there's no real news to talk about. Fox News is not worthy to be called a news station, more a gossip station.
The only way I'd consider the "Umad bro" meme offensive would be how only stupid people uses it when they have no other response. It's offensive to anyone with a brain. However, it is not racist, in the slightest. Then again, this is Fox News we're talking about, so I think everything is settled.