Got pulled over today for the first time ever. It was actually a pretty fun experience. It wasn't anything major compared to other offenses. I'll just quote what my mom posted on Facebook: Considering I've been driving since January 31, 2009, getting my driver's license on April 16, 2011, this isn't bad at all. Having a clean record also really does wonders, and I still have one!
the only time i got pulled over was because i "crossed a crosswalk while someone was still on it" bullshit. whatever. only got a warning tho
I'll see if I can find the thread, but it wasn't quite like that. There weren't cops there or anything, so it didn't go on my record, though I did call 9-1-1 later to let them know in the event that someone called about it. Basically, it was the first time something had happened to me like that, so I didn't really know what to do. Since there wasn't any visible damage, I thought you could just leave. I just scraped against a black truck bumper which left marks on the right side of our car, but nothing on the truck.
Unfortunately, the campus security at my school is vicious, and will pull you over for going 2 miles over the speed limit. The only time I've ever been pulled over in five years, and I was going 25 in a 20mph zone. Supposedly. Your mom is right, though. It's a good learning experience. Just be glad you got a cop who's a nice dude.
I hate when drivers do what you did. The lines are dashed for a reason. Though, a semi always complicates things, especially if there is traffic close behind. Good job on having the decency to move over for the semi.
Not moving over until the solid white lines end is something I've been working on, anyway (I used to always get on the soonest I could because my mom said you should merge ASAP and not wait until the end like an idiot, but also do it safely--emphasis on the latter), but, you know, you sometimes get in situations like these. With semis, while it sort of annoys me, I'm willing to cut them a break since it takes a while for them to get going, and I understand that. When I was on the entrance ramp, I wasn't tailgating them or anything, I was just waiting for when the entrance ramp joined with the dead man's space so I could move when it was--what I perceived to be--safe and get around the semi and then simultaneously move over to the left lane to be courteous and let the semi merge. So I just made a beeline and zipped right over there, looking to make sure it was clear, of course. Normally, I likely wouldn't have been pulled over, but they were doing an emphasis on DUI patrols in the area because of the holiday, and I happened to get noticed. What really annoys me, though, is when I'm getting on the freeway here in Ellensburg to go to either Yakima (I-82) or Kittitas (I-82 and merge onto I-90) and people put no effort to get up to speed, which is basically required by law. By the end of the entrance ramp, some people are still only going 35-40 MPH. I get fed up and just get over as soon as entrance ramp joins with the dead man's space. I'm not reckless, of course. I don't tailgate and I look to make sure I can over over safely before doing that maneuver that I now know is illegal. I guess I can't do that anymore and will have to deal with the morons. :x By the time I'm at the end of entrance ramp I'm already at the speed limit of 70 MPH, which is how it should be done.
Yeah, most highway accidents happen at the ramps (blind spots while merging or just not getting your speed right). That's why if the highway has 3+ lanes I stay in the second from the right. Not dealing with the speed demons to the left but not adding to the merge problems either.