Yep, the outburst by Republican representative Joe Wilson during President Obama's address to Congress... What did you think of it? [Also sorry if this thread already exists, I didn't see one]
When i heard about this i had to laugh just a little bit... i mean, its kinda ridiculous, isnt it? something like this has never happened before and youd think that we could learn from the past that outbursts like that shouldnt be appropriate or happen... there are better places to express yourself about whatever the president said that you dont like :D
This is just a prelude to whats gonna be happening real soon. I hear that some people have been getting real info on the corruption going on and that its gonna be revealed in the next few days. They say it's gonna be bigger than Watergate.
I find this hilarious, honestly. Completely uncalled for and inappropriate, but hilarious. Poor guy just couldn't hold it in anymore. A lot of people are getting fed up.
What corruption? I don't think there's any big time corruption going on. There's a lot of lies going on about all this. There are people on the republican side that are purposefully pushing buttons because they don't like Obama. Normally, people wouldn't be this upset about something like health care reform. Yes, that's a big thing, but most people don't take so much interest in it usually, So there is definitely people who are trying to push buttons. Btw, the guy was wrong. Obama didn't lie What he said was the truth. It was in writing too, lol. What a moron. that was pretty rude of him. Even McCain thought so.
Damn, I'm furiuos I missed that. Too bad a shoe wasn't thrown haha I think that was a slight overreaction. If it was in writing, then he just made himself look stupid. And probably the other Republicans
It seems like people still need to get over the fact that Obama's president and he's the one making the decisions. But I guess the congressman forgot about the Power of Veto that the House and Senate hold. They can veto the President's decision with 2/3 vote. How about instead of interrupting a press conference and looking like a fool, you follow the legal system you work for and present a case for veto.
It's barely audible on the video and you don't see the guy, you just hear him. Actually, the video circulating of it, there's clapping, Obama's talking over the clapping, people are sitting down, you hear "You lie!" just barely, then the whole room bursts out in gasps. It was easy to miss.
While I can understand where he's coming from and understand why they're so frustrated, i think the outburst was completely uncalled for (though I did chuckle a bit when I caught the news this afternoon). I wonder if he realizes just how stupid he made himself look.
stupid people are needed for the smart ones. The smart ones need the stupid people to make the loud outbursts that everyone sees then later mocks so the smart people don't look stupid.
hmm thats one way to put it. i think just because it was so out of the ordinary thats why its such a big deal... itll be forgotten about in a few months honestly :D
Isin't this sorta against all etiquette? i mean, seriously, in session and everything. Such a grown up thing to do.
Congressmen are human, just like the rest of us. This guy just probably got pissed at Obama's lies, and called him out.
Republicans must not like a black, far left and democratic president. ohshi- didn't even see it coming. EDIT: And now that I think about this, it isn't even surprising (I was being sarcastic above). Personal problems translate into public problems, but sometimes the president just has bad policy and is turning democracy into fascism (socialism perhaps).
I just saw the clip on TV. It really wasn't a big scene, but you could still hear him. Nancy Pelosi's reaction made me lol