I suddenly have a strange craving for Fish Sticks and Custard ( :3 ) ever since I tried them a week ago. I wonder what's next, a potato chip sandvich with Peanut Butter?
Follow-up question: Are you a seahorse? On another note, I've recently made the discovery that there should be such a thing as Creamsicle Coca-Cola. Because I was at a sort of mini expo thing down at the park, and I bought a can of Coca-Cola and one booth was giving away free creamsicle Sherbet, so I had one in each hand and the flavors mixed and it was amazing. Now I've been experimenting with Coca-Cola and food flavorings, and it's very tasty. I'm thinking if we get enough people loving it, maybe it'll reach the top and the company will actually sell it. JOIN ME IN MY EXPERIMENTATION.
how to know when your fandom has gone too far: you start craving the foods your characters crave. seriously though, nobody for any reason ever should advertise they want that.
I'm a bit confused: No one should advertise that they want Fish Sticks and Custard, or no one should advertise that they want Creamiscle Coco-Cola?
lol, thanks. I just get easily confused. XD Yeah, I think it's a bit... gross. It sounds pretty gross. I would be too scared to try it.
My sis dipped her pancakes in ranch on a dare once. She said it wasn't bad. And then once, when we were at a buffet, my sis and I were talking about how gravy makes everything taste better, and a friend made that insufferable "know-it-all" face and said "Everything?" And so then we went out to prove that yes, Gravy can go with anything, and we proceeded to dip everything into our gravy. Chinese donuts + gravy = not that bad.