Real fucking funny how your parents put you down for struggling in an ADVANCED HISTORY CLASS because apparently on a stupid thing called edline, it says I have an F in a homework assignment. Well.....that's because HOMEWORK BARELY EXISTS in this class. He collects it randomly and most times, I don't do it. Why? Because when I first did them it caused me much stress, and I don't want that anymore.
so basically what you're saying is that you're a lazy cunt who entirely deserves the repercussions of his actions? glad we got that sorted out
Aww. Boo-hoo. "Sorry, sir. I didn't do my homework yesterday either. I was having stress. I know you only ask as much from me as you do from the other students who do have a shot at it, but I don't want that anymore."
well, if you dont do the work you wont be able to keep up with the class, then you will fall behind. i would do it and get back in the game. as for your parents i would tell you that you need to remind them that it isnt simple but mention you arent trying to do bad, it just is difficult and dont be lazy. try improving and prove your parents wrong
Yes, I'm quite ignorant to think that maybe, you know, it's your own fault if you say you don't do your god damn work and therefore an evaluation of your performance suffers because of it. Cry me a fucking river, life is so unfair to be putting such unrealistic expectations on you like, I dunno, doing what's asked of you and is your only god damn responsibility in the education system. Doing work stresses you out? HOOOO-LY SHIIIIIIIT, poor baby, hold on let me go and hire someone to give you a back massage and scratch your ass while you play video games in your underwear covered in cheeto crust. Wait until you actually move out of mommy and daddy's house and you have actual responsibility to make sure, you know, you actually have food and a roof over your head. What the hell do you think you're going to do when you get a god damn job? Is your boss going to be like "Oh, no, it's okay, I don't need that TPS report right away, go ahead and play more Spider Solitaire, you look like you've had a rough week, don't let me employing you get in the way of your free time"
I don't see why you're mad. You didnt do the hw, after all. If you turned it in, and the teacher still didnt count it, then I'd be mad, but the way you put it we have no other way to feel besides it being completely your fault you got an F. Not trying to be mean...its true though.
Deal with it. You signed up for the advanced class so you should have known what you were getting yourself into.
I could understand if you were butthurt over you handing the homework in and then giving you a F for a grade...then yes, rant. But this is not the case at all, your upset over a homework he gave you (which is smart to DO IT THE SAME DAY HE GAVE IT TO YOU) if he collects it randomly
Pretty much what it is, really. I'm fucking lazy as allhell, but I have the common sense not to be blaming on anyone else but myself when it ends up backfiring on me.