[So here I am being bored when I figure HERP DERP LET'S SEARCH FOR FINAL FANTASY ON SPOTIFY, what came up you ask? You'll never guess it, it was a rap album that was made this year using FFVII tunes and stuff as backgrounds. It's something I didn't expect I must admit, and I don't know how to feel about it. [video=youtube;t6krpwxhGCU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6krpwxhGCU[/video] I must admit though, this made me laugh: [video=youtube;9bVpcRjXpS0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bVpcRjXpS0[/video] So am I just really far behind or things or something because I haven't hard leik anethin' about this before now yo say what you think in the comments below]
I had heard of this album on spotify sometime ago. Good music, not something I got enthusiastic about though.
Yeah, I think it's more interesting than actually good myself, but some of the stuff on there isn't half bad tbh. Still, interesting to see something like this come out in 2011 and for it to be rap.
I like some of them and I'm not a rap fan. If it wasn't for the lyrics and background music, I wouldn't like it at all.
I like rap, though not the "hardcore" kind or whatever you call it, but yeah if it wasn't for the lyrics and the background music I wouldn't enjoy it either. It's the thing that makes it, probably why they chose to sample FFVII