What is your Endgame lair? What is your pre battle line? What is your final form? And you may pick one fictional character to be your loyal servant whom you betray near the end of the game in an effort to further your plans.
My Endgame lair is a fortress, a monument to fury and bloodshed, and is built upon foundations of murder and conflict. This blood-soaked realm echoes constantly with warcries bellowing and the clash of weapons. At the centre of this mighty fortress lies a brass Citadel, where my mighty throne resides. I sits atop a mountain of skulls, those slain in my name. A great fire pit shall light my gloomy chamber, the dark flames consume the souls of cowards who have fled from battle. Around the citadel flows a moat, and is filled not with water, but with the boiling blood of those who have lost their lives to war. Beyond this moat lies league upon league of cracked land, littered with the ravaged bones of those fallen in battle. A mighty crevasse splits the wasteland in two, a canyon many miles long and bottomless. My pre-battle line is "I! BURNITUP! WILL UPHOLD! UNENDING! JUSTICE! WITHOUT! FAIL!" My final form looks basicly a demonicly possessed Tyrannosaurus Rex. And my loyal servant who I shall betray is Caster from Fate/Zero.
Endgame lair - Inside an atom. Pre-battle line - Suck my dick. Final Form - Mighty Mouse Fictional Character that is my loyal servant whom I betray near the end of the game in an effort to further my plans - Jesus
My endgame fortress is a beauteous, sparkly bush. My pre-battle line is, "Show me your stuff," said like Wakka in KHI. My final form is a giant fire breathing sour gummy worm. My loyal servant is Lucifer, Lord of the Night! He sings Complicated by Avril Lavigne every week on Karaoke Friday. The ham is strong with this one.
Endgame Lair: A black hole's event horizon. Pre-Battle Line: "Your life began here and now it ends here. Face your creator." Final Form: Earlier, I let myself fall into the black hole and bond with it. Emerging from it is a vaguely human-shaped, featureless, pitch black giant the size of Galactus. It rests its "arms" on the large pseudo-platform that I was on. A long slit appears down the vertical midsection of the giant and rips open, revealing millions and millions of spears crafted out of the light sucked in by the black hole which are all aimed at the heroes. Up where its "head" is, I emerge with four extra arms, all created out of the same darkness that came out of the black hole. Each arm holds an orb of light that can shapeshift into any weapon that I desire to use during the battle. Loyal Servant: Unicron
That huge tower that's been in the background for the whole of the adventure. You know, you remind me of a kid I knew once... he was a dead man too. A psychopathic chick with all the tech you could imagine (picture Azula with Stark tech) The kid who was mentioned earlier. After my defeat, I fall to my knees and realize that he loved me and tried to set me straight again and kill myself to be with him again. Yeah, deep shit, man~
What is your Endgame lair? Death Valley Spoiler What is your pre battle line? "Quack !" What is your final form? Spoiler And you may pick one fictional character to be your loyal servant whom you betray near the end of the game in an effort to further your plans. Mr Cat. Spoiler
End-Game Lair? Disney World - The theme parks are different stages of the final fight. What is my pre-battle line? You were once veGONE, now you will beGONE What is my final-form? Spoiler Fictional character that I betray to further world domination? Spoiler
Lair- Where you least expect it, where the adventure began. Pre-battle line- Stare menacingly at them and say nothing. Final form- I would grow huge angel wings, my eyes would glow and my armour(because I would be wearing armour) would change to include more threatening things like spikes. I would also no longer hold my weapons, they would just float and I would move them with my hand movements and I of course would float. So... similar to Sora. Character I would betray: I wouldn't, I may be evil but I am just and respectful.
What is your Endgame lair? A jail cell. What is your pre battle line? I'm gettin' some butt after this. What is your final form? Take my shirt off. And you may pick one fictional character to be your loyal servant whom you betray near the end of the game in an effort to further your plans. Whoever the protagonist is.
Lair; No lair. Our battlefield takes place jumping from hovercraft to hovercraft. Pre-battle line; Try and keep up! Final form; No final form. That's for pussies. Betrayal; No betrayal. That's for pussies.
Lair; A dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within my butt. Pre-battle line; Oh herro prease Final Form; Nyan Cat Betrayal; Dude, Nyan Cat never is betrayed. Nyan Cat BETRAYS!
What is your Endgame lair? Gummi Ship What is your pre battle line? I will win cuz I has HULK :) What is your final form? And you may pick one fictional character to be your loyal servant whom you betray near the end of the game in an effort to further your plans.The HULK!