coming soon
I'm quite glad they're finally making another Yoshi's Island game. It should help boost the 3DS sales along with the other announced games today.
Oh ho ho, I knew my 3DS purchase would pay off eventually. The original Yoshi's Island is one of my favorite platformers of all time, so seeing a new title in that series makes me incredibly happy. This is a title I will be keeping a close eye on.
O boy I'm hyped for this! First the new Yoshi game for Wii U now this! Now I'm tempted to buy a 3DS and a Wii U :<
Speaking as one of the harshest critics I know of 2D-3D conversion, why does everyone always say the 3D games look worse? They don't look worse; just different. It's a totally different aesthetic. As far as I can see from those gif comparisons, what YI3DS lacks in detail, it makes up for in depth of field; and it only trades sharpness for smoothness, neither of which are more than personal preference. That, and I am surprised to see that the 3DS version seems to retain the tight, precise movements of the original, a rarity in such conversions.
This I can understand. And I wonder if it was a design choice or a natural result of working with a different sort of color palette. The colors blend more evenly, which is what I previously described as opting for smoothness rather than sharpness. I dunno, it doesn't pop out as much for sure, but is that where all the charm was? It still has the same vibrant color scheme.
The game just looks... aweful. I am all for improving the graphics of a game, but at least make them more appealing. However, they are only in a young stage of their life, things can turn out better in the end I suppose. Fingers crossed.
Having lost a lot of interest on some games in the 3D conversion, Super Mario 64, damned stars, Legend of Zelda after Ocarina of Time, Anything after Final Fantasy VII. I can see where people are coming from. The only reason I liked Final Fantasy VII was because of the storyline. I don't think it's the graphics and making things look more 3D, but I literally wince when I saw the Legend of Zelda sequel and Yoshi's Island remake. It doesn't have the same appeal, and like with Donkey Kong Country Returns, they make it too modern. I remember me and my friend struggling through the original Donkey Kong Country and complaining how hard it was. We still enjoyed it, we still had a lot of fun, when I saw the remake, I saw a ton of add-ons and "interactions" that drove me off from getting it. It didn't hold up to me as the original game did and I did try it, but I never got into it. I can still slap in the original today and enjoy it. I can never do that with the remake. I think there's a lot of gaming companies who are trying to make remakes because they run out of ideas or their franchises are slowing down. I have seen good ones, I do freely admit. Hell, there's still probably a petition floating around for a Final Fantasy VII on PS3/4. There are still good ones being made, but they're either one shots or fall into the pattern of a lot of other games. Either they're made once a year: Assassin's Creed/Kingdom Hearts. They really fall apart due to the ego of the company: Final Fantasy. Or after the first one the rest turn out terrible. Oh yeah, just to make this totally on topic, I actually didn't like Yoshi Island the first time around. Mostly because of the crying kid, though I did have fun in the stages. I might get it, but I'll test the waters first.
I honestly don't know where I stand with this, having adored Yoshi's Island 3 on the GBA. While I did like the old game's charm, I understand that graphics have to change with the times, and for a 3DS game to use the old style just wouldn't take advantage of the hardware. I do agree that there could be more contrast, it might be better to judge that once we've seen the game in 3D. I'll probably buy it after a price drop, as I never was a diehard fan of Yoshi's Island.