Title says it all, it seems as though on the first day of the event, Yoko Shimomura (Composer of the Kingdom Hearts Series) performed a new song. Rather this is saying the song was orchestrated, if it was just on piano or digitalized is unknown. What is known though was after the song, she said it was for the upcoming game Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. It's said the song is suppose to be played to the public today, we'll get more information on that as well as more coverage on the second day of this event.
Also to note an error, on our behalf. Due to the trailer of BBS we assumed the name of the new species wa "Amber" however this is probably the name of just the basic enemies. The actual name of them which is spreading around japanese boards fast and actually makes a lot more sense is "Unbirth"
Source: 2ch
Yoko Shimomura performs a BBS Song at the event
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Aug 2, 2008.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Aug 2, 2008.
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