Nah, it's just calming. It's the first time in three weeks I'll be able to sit down and just relax, so some music like this is fine. Especially after hearing that goddamn Gangdam Style a billion time.
This is why I listen to my local rock station. And only that. Nobody touches my radio. Unless of course, you hear it outside your car all the time...then I feel your pain.
I'm sharing a room with seven other guys for the next year. One of them have the song as their ringtone and other than that they play it constantly. There is no escape.
:o Your brother likes country music? He is now officially awesome~ Cuz country music is the best kinda music other then rock ^_^
Country music? Unless it's Johnny Cash, it isn't good. I'm Texan and I don't even like Country(it deserves to be sent to the VOID).
I consider him to be part of it because...well, I don't really have a reason. He's the closest thing to it that I like. >> BACK TO METAL FOR ME.