Amy, one of the coolest people I knew, died today in a car accident, just as her brother and another friend's brother before her... I don't feel like driving anymore
*hugs* Dude, I know how you feel. I lost three friends in six months. It feels horrible when you lose someone close to you. I hope everything tuns out okay, for you and her family.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to have to let go of someone you care about, but you have to trust me. It'll get better.
A friend of mine passed away a few years back so i know how you feel i hope you feel better and whatever life is like on the other side I hope they enjoy it
Im so sorry D= *hugs* I know what it's like when death snatches someone away.. I feel for you. Just remember to keep living your life to the full ~ Its what she would have wanted.. R.I.P
Aw... I'm very sorry.... I lost a friend too about two months ago... so I know how you feel... R.I.P Amy...
Sorry to hear that. You have my sincerest condolences. It hurts to lose someone so dear. RIP Amy. I've lost a few friends in car accidents too. It really sucks. *hug*
Okay! First off, that R.I.P. thing is getting pretty annoying! Second, I'm sorry and I hope you can get over it. My friend was hit by a car and she died in my arms. I stayed at her grave for almost 3 hours "talking" to her. (Talking to myself.) My advice, get all your grief out in 1 day so you don't feel bad about it later.
I'm not trying to sound rude here, but I don't see how Rest In Peace can get annoying. And again, you have my my condolences HZZ.
personally, I've never lost someone close to me, but I have had at least one friend lose everything to a fire. all I can say is, count your blessings. Now you have to live for your friend Amy, as well. I know that can be hard, but in the end it will make you a better person.
She lived in New Jersey. Besides, I'm not going anywhere besides school (and the hospital, obviously) with my dad sick.
I'm very, very sorry for your loss. She seemed like a fun girl from her youtube page. :( I hope she's happy where she is, and that she's with her brother.