On a serious note congrats c: He has the same birthday as my cousin. He was also born on the demo release of ME2. Oh yeah the winter solstice too.
congratz man. I'm the youngest in my family so I don't get to know what it's like to have a younger sibling.
Actually he was born on the 20th. Dunno if you're in a different time zone or something. Oh and thanks :3
Awwww, he's so tiny.... Forgive me, i'm a sucker for babies and fuzzy animals, just all things cute. :) He's adorable and I adore the name too. congratulations!
I was thinking 20th since my mental clock hasn't rolled over yet. But technically in my time zone you posted it after midnight. How far west do you live? Pacific time-zone? Fuzzy babies?
No not fuzzy babies mixt. I specified that. lol fuzzy babies would be interesting. :lolface: but you have to admit Ezekiel is adorable! I wish I had a younger sibling...almost did but I guess it wasn't meant to be.
Yeah he is. And Slaughtermatic, awesome censor. I wish those were there on the photo album for my cousin's pregnancy. Some things simply can't be unseen.
Thank you guys <3 I'm home with him now. Just gave him a bath. Look at him! He's like the cutest thing ever!
Aw, congrats! I remember when my younger sister was born (well, technically half-sister), it's mindblowing to think of how quickly she's grown up. :] Were you at the hospital when he was born?
Yup! I was outside the door when he was making his way out. The first picture i posted was from the hospital, actually.
Ah, didn't know if someone had taken the picture and given it to you. I always think that'd be a nice story to tell, the day you were born? I'd find it interesting at least, haha.
Of course, I can't wait to tell him about it! There are a few interesting things about it actually. It was my mom's shortest labor, only like 6 hours! I took 26!
Ezekiel is an amazing name. Old names like that should be used more often. Names like Matthias, Samson, and Debbie. All are awesome and old. That's why they invented double sided tape. 26 hours?! It's a good thing you're not as big a pain now as you were back then.