So, I was debating to put this up or not, so I might as well do it... So, for a very long time, alot of kids tease me because I dont talk to girls that much nor had a girlfriend, and my friends mostly consist of girl. So they decieded to label me gay, which Im not. It gets pretty annynoing after awhile and I just ignore it. But it's gone up way to far, I was just taking out a book (Gossip girl If you must know, I like reading almost anything if it catches my intrest.) and some random girl called me gay and stuff, and her boyfriend, so I just told her to **** off, like I tell everyone else. But now it's bothering's making me a bit depressed, also my best friend called me a *** in front of the whole school in all serouisness, and that hurt alot What should I do?
If your friend is calling you a *** in front of everyone, you might want to re-evaluate how good a "friend" this person is. But anyway, my friend had a similar issue. You've just got to ignore what people say about you, however hard it may be. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone and you shouldn't bring yourself down because people don't have the courage to get to know you. Be yourself. You are what you are, and if there are people that accept you for that, good for you. If people don't, it's their loss.
I'm guessing you're in high school? Yea, high school kids are idiots (with the exception of those on here, mostly). I was exactly the same (except for reading Gossip :nonono:), I kept to myself, I had virtually no friends (my one friend, I later found was and is bi), and I have, to this day, never had a girlfriend, been kissed, or anything. Just ignore them. It'll go away when you get to college. Although, I can say that if you excel without looking like you're trying, they will hate you for being smart, and the insults about gayness will die down. To get thorough it, I just shut myself down, concentrated on whatever I was doing (schoolwork, book, my pathetic drawings), and completely ignored them except to do better than them and wonder how they ever hoped to get into a college.
Thanks, that really cheered me up : D Yeah, I found out the book wasnt all that good :X But I see your point, I have a few friends, and they do like me for who I am But the only thing, they seem to know what buttons to push to make me's werid
Thos is an iffy. Finding weak points is a bad thing since you can totally crush a person like that. I'd suggest that you should try avoiding contacts with those who tease you. Eventually, they'll stop.
It was the same with me. I was lucky, and had practice in cutting people off for a while (it's part of my ADD/Aspergers Syndrome disability - a lack of social skills), so I could ignore them easier and take it out on inanimate objects at home. I took up sword fighting (with sticks, until I got a wooden one at the Renaissance Fair) - taught myself my own style. It helps relieve the stress.
Just the other friend said "They're calling you a *** again"because one of my other friends said to me "you're fat"(which sounded like ***) and he said it in front of some canadian teens, just to impress them with his english skills(we all speak spanish) I almost insulted him, right then and there. but I refrained, because I know he was just inmature, because he wanted to 'impress' the canadians. I know using me as a tool was just wrong, but I barely cared at all. So whenever someone calls you that ignore them, its a waste of time and fighting back is even more draining if you don't have good comebacks. So take things depending on the person who says them, and remember that brainless words mean nothing.
that's a tough one..... hmmm.... trying getting some guy friends outside of the school.... that could be tough too.... but it should be easier that way because the guys won't know of the tags that your schoolmates are place on you. if you manage it could help... but it could also backfire... hmm that really is a tough situation. guys in your school could be reluctant to be your friends too. hmmm.... I'm sorry I wish i could be of more help :( That what i would do. yeah you have the right idea. just listen to that advice.
i think you need to rethink who your friends are and how they affect you. the world is a good place despite what it may seem and our lives are greatly impacted by the company we keep... so your friends should be improved or talked to to understand where youre coming from.
hmm... this is a toughy... in my group of friends in school, theres 7 of us. 6 girls and 1 guy. the guy is often called gay alot, mostly teasing, but he ignores it and sometimes one of us defends him. And occasionally some guys pop in our group and hang out with us :) Soo, I think you should just ignore them. Who cares what everyone else thinks. And for your "best friend", do you know why he/she called you that? You should talk to him/her
I know how hard it is that the kids starts gossips of you, but you just need to ignore them, be yourself you know who you are and you don't need to care for the thoughts of the rest.
Thanks guys, I thank you for helping, and yes I did find out why he called me a ***. During free gym, I touched his shoulder to get his attention, and I geuss he was in a nasty mood, and he just yelled it out in front of the school. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and just started at me. I just left, I was so hurt and embarrsed.
Ouch. Yea, high school kids tend to overreact like that, and unfortunately, they also love spectacle, so when they hear shouting, they are drawn like moths to a flame (NOTE: Not all are like this - the high school kids on this site seem to be more mature, etc etc - but that is the typical situation)
Just ignore them. Sometimes if you show them you don't care what they say, they just give up and stop teasing you. It doesn't matter what others think or say. What's important is what you think about yourself. Everyone has their own personalities and all. If it helps any, I think you seem like a very nice person.
Get a girlfriend for KHV´s sake. That will do the trick once and for all. And once that accomplished, ban your so called 'friend' and tell him to search for **** from somewhere else. I greatly disagree with the above poster. Ignoring is for the ignorant. It doesnt help at all to ignore the wrongness done to you. It´s stupid to not care about something like this. smexygirl.. You are not smexy at all!! Now ignore what I just said, smexygirl, right? ;P Doesnt stop me from calling you unsmexy right? So your logic doesnt work even on a forum.. EDIT: some guys here just dont have humor.
People are jerks in high school, and if your friend did that to you, I don't think that you should be friends anymore. I have a lot of guy friends, so I get called a sl*t and worse, but that can't stop you from being who you are. I would just keep trying to ignore everyone, and if it gets worse....I know what I would do. I would recommend telling an adult but that rarely ever works. Make sure you know who your friends are, because that can help.